Chapter 189 Difficult Choice!Kana aid!

Dean Liu took out a cigarette, and smoked it in a bang.

Take a deep breath.

White smoke began to puff up in the office.

"Mr. Lu, there are some things that I shouldn't have said, but I think I should tell you, and see what your decision is in the end."

When did Lu Ziping see Dean Liu like this?

My heart suddenly trembled.

"About my uncle's illness?"


Dean Liu nodded: "Although the operation went well, it is actually not optimistic. The 5% probability I told you at the beginning is a bit high.

These days, some experts in the hospital have been discussing Chen Qingshui's illness, but the more they look at it, the more troublesome it becomes.

The probability of him waking up is less than 0.5%... His illness is even more troublesome than what you all knew at the beginning! "

As Dean Liu spoke, he began to explain at the same time.

Chen Qingshui fell from a high altitude, not just a simple spinal cord injury, the central nervous system, spinal nerves, and even internal organs were also damaged to a large extent!
Nerves are the most complex existence in the human body!
At Maple Leaf Hospital, the most in-depth study in the neurology department is myself...

In addition, Zhang Tianming, Vice President Zhang, who is proficient in all kinds of internal medicine and surgery, felt a headache when he saw the detailed information.

It is really……

Too heavy!
"These days, Vice President Zhang Tianming and I, and even some academicians who are proficient in this field are discussing Chen Qingshui's condition...

We have made many data solutions, such as the IGR neuron technology for the treatment and repair of nerves, and the OOR gene nanotechnology for nano-nerves.

However, after these plans were implemented, the final result was still the same, which was minimal. In the end, we even discovered that this was no longer just a pure neuron technology, but had even involved technology for brain diseases! "

Lu Ziping froze.

"Why is it related to brain diseases?"

"During the fall, the head also suffered some injuries. We didn't notice this injury at the beginning, but we didn't notice it until we came to Maple Leaf.

However, the congestion and infection that lasted for more than ten hours also damaged Mr. Chen Qingshui's central nervous system, even the sympathetic nervous system. "

Dean Liu said, taking another puff of cigarette.

Lu Ziping's heart gradually sank,

"Dean Liu meant to tell me about my uncle's illness..."

"It can be cured, but it won't die, but even if it is cured, it will remain a vegetable for the rest of its life. Of course, there is still a 5% chance of waking up, but this waking up is not the kind of sobriety, but the sobriety of dementia. The bed... cannot be separated from the ventilator, cannot be separated from the care, it is almost like a living dead, no, or should be said, it is a living dead!"

Lu Ziping: ...

"Here, that's what I want to tell you... Treatment, endless treatment, can't be interrupted for the rest of your life. If you're lucky enough to leave the ICU ward, the cost of a day needs to be at least [-] here!

This is still in a general ward. If it is in the ICU, it will cost at least tens of thousands a day!
And this is not a short-term cost, but a lifetime cost, so... the hospital still wants to hear Mr. Chen's decision.

of course!

Before talking about this with Mr. Chen, the old man still thinks that he should talk to Mr. Lu first.

of course!

The hospital is your hospital, sir, but... in such a state for a lifetime, really, is there any hope of necessary treatment? "

Dean Liu knew that he shouldn't have said these words!

He still said it.

This is for the patient's family consideration...

No one wants to see this kind of thing happen, but some words, what to say, what to do, what to think, still need to be decided by themselves.

Lu Ziping's head grew a little bigger.

This matter has developed to the present point, in fact, it is beyond my expectation, after all, from the very beginning, Lu Ziping has actually sat down and prepared,

5% probability...

How can I be so lucky! ,

It's just that I didn't expect it to be even more unbearable in the end!
There were even various sequelae bursting out!

Just give up the treatment?

Only 53 years old...

Treatment can continue.

What is the difference between living like this in this life and dying?
I'm fine, as long as Maple Leaf Hospital is here, these treatment expenses will never be a problem.

But what about my cousin?
Lu Ziping left the office and found Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng saw Lu Ziping approaching, he looked at the look on his face.

Chen Feng seemed to understand something.

"About my father's illness?"

Chen Feng asked.

Lu Ziping thought for a while, then nodded: "Yeah!"

"The situation, is it bad?"

"Worse than expected!"

"Tell me, I can take it,"

Lu Ziping hesitated for a while, but still slowly told Chen Feng about the reconciliation.

Chen Feng didn't speak.

just be silent...

"Give me time, will you?"

he asked.

Lu Ziping nodded.

"No matter what decision you make, I will support you. You don't have to worry about medical expenses. I have made you some money over the years. As long as you are willing, I can bear your uncle's illness with you!"

These are Lu Ziping's words.

Chen Feng didn't say anything...he just went back to the ward to be with his father.

Lu Ziping stood for a while again.

Still left the hospital...

Nothing in life is smooth sailing.

Either on the way of choice, or in the choice.

In a lifetime, it is impossible to be full of joy and laughter, and there must be joys and sorrows!

All kinds of life.

Vicissitudes of life.

If there is no such variety, what kind of life is there?

"After all, it's not a novel!"

Lu Ziping sat in the car for a long time, sighing softly,

If this life is like a novel, then there won't be so many troubles!
Lu Ziping's cell phone rang.

"where is it?"

It was Shangguan Lingyun.

"I just came out of Maple Leaf Hospital... where are you?"

"Hilton Hotel... Are you coming or should we make another appointment?"

"Just over there. I'm also curious about what this five-star hotel looks like."

Shangguan Lingyun took a sip.

Just hung up the phone.

Don't know about five-star hotels?

If it was someone else, I really believed it.

But this Lu Ziping?

Maybe he doesn't have as much property as himself, but he is worth hundreds of millions of billions, isn't it?Have you ever been to a five-star hotel?
Who believes it? ?
Of course!
Lu Ziping didn't know, if he knew, he would definitely tell him: I didn't lie, I really never came...


Lin Xiaojie is a parking officer of Hilton.

As a dedicated parking person.

The way you look at people must be very accurate!

Especially in this kind of five-star hotel, it must be accurate!

For example, some self-righteous fake socialites who are well-dressed and fancy-dressed, but wear cheap clothes or second-hand famous brands.

Lin Xiaojie knew at a glance that this was a group trip to take pictures and send them to Moments and Xiaohongshu.

It's not...

Here comes another person!
a man!
It's pretty...

But... wearing slippers? ? ? ?Casual clothes? ? ? this from the vegetable market? ? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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