The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 180 This little Luban is somewhat familiar!

Chapter 180 This little Luban is somewhat familiar!

It must belong to King Lanling!

Little Luban, how rare is that animal?

Now in the canyon, it is rare to see such a shooter.

Especially as the rank gets higher and higher.

Little Luban is gradually becoming extinct...

Lu Ziping hasn't seen such a cute little short leg for at least 20 times, and now he sees this little Luban again, if he doesn't protect little Luban well, how can he do it?


It must be King Lanling!
Only King Lanling can give him the best care!
of course……

So does Miyamoto.

But King Lanling can be more comprehensive, just take care of little Luban without any dead ends!
The teammate didn't cheat Lu Ziping this time.

Seeing him choose Queen Lanling.

Grab it for him directly!

At the moment, King Lanling locks,

Lu Ziping directly changed to Smite!

Candidates confirmed!

Our lineup:

Lanling King【Jungle】

Donghuang Taiyi【Assist】

Nuwa【Middle Road】

Lu Bu [Border]

Li Yuanfang [shooter]

Enemy lineup:

Daji【Middle Road】

Dian Wei【Jungle】

Sun Ce [side road]

Luban [shooter]

Ming Shiyin 【Assist】

The lineups on both sides can't be said to be good or bad... However, it is very difficult for Ming Shiyin to protect little Luban!
The only person who is more dangerous is Daji in the back...

Once developed by him.

In the later stage, even if your output is strong, you will still be cut to death by Daji!


One set down.

I don't even have a chance of surviving, but if there is a famous knife golden body resurrection armor at that time...

No problem!

"One good thing about this season is that in the early stage, even if it's the jungler's lane, it doesn't have a big impact on the lanes..."

Lu Ziping narrowed his eyes.

enter the game……

Instead of buying equipment first, he checked the map up and down.

This time, the growth path is on the side of Xialuhong!

In other words, Sagittarius is on his way out!
the most important is…

Lu Ziping's expression became a little complicated.

This little Luban seems to be very polite!
He was carrying a mysterious golden box on his back, and he was heading down the road!

Just then...

A cannonball hit Lu Ziping directly.

King Lanling's blood suddenly lost a bit...

Lu Ziping: ...


There was a short pause, and then there was a burst of schadenfreude.

"Haha, little Luban did a great job, opening the door with one shot and two skills... Dog anchor, do you feel humiliated?"

"I seem to see how I play Luban. It's a good start. It doesn't matter whether you kill or not, just get a sense of presence first!"

"King Lanling: I remember you, little Luban!"

"Provocation from little Luban!"

Lu Ziping couldn't help but laugh too
"Okay, Xiao Luban is so polite, we can't let him down. In this game, we have to take good care of him!"

Lu Ziping spoke.

But he made a choice!

'It's red! '

Lu Ziping chose Red Open...

I learned the second skill directly at the beginning!
Spent 250 to buy a small jungle knife!

Go directly to the red side!
25 seconds!
Red refresh!
35 seconds!
Lu Ziping directly killed the red buff!

After learning a skill, he entered the invisible state directly. Instead of continuing to fight in the jungle, he chose to go directly towards the bottom shooter...

Lanling King jungle tips:
Don't fight like a hammer, just arrest people. As a king of Lanling, why don't you arrest the shooter?Waiting for the hammer?

Especially with Xiao Luban on the other side, if you don't catch him, can you really wait to take care of him?

The Lanling King in the wild is not scary!

What is terrible is the auxiliary Lanling King.

You are still the King of Lanling who is dedicated to staring at the shooter. The result of this is that you will never dare to be alone in your life!

Lu Ziping hid in the grass drinking the river...

Over there...Little Lu Ban is swaying with Li Yuanfang...

Level [-] Li Yuanfang was finally suppressed in the duel, and the two were fighting for river crabs!

When Li Yuanfang saw King Lanling coming, he stepped back a little.

This little Luban almost didn't think much, and walked directly to the side of the river... However, when little Luban walked out, his whole body exploded!

On his head, the WIFI signal appeared!

A dagger appeared directly on his body, took away a tube of blood, and brought a sign!
I haven't waited for a reaction...

King Lanling had already appeared by his side.

If you don't escape, you won't die!

Sound appears!

One skill at a time!

He directly gave himself a few knives... he was dizzy at the moment!
After the dizziness passed, little Luban didn't hesitate, and ran directly under the tower with a flash!

King Kelanling didn't even look back.

Already headed towards the opposite blue zone!
real man!
Never look back at the explosion!

His auxiliary Donghuang is attacking the opponent's blue... Lu Bu gives a vision on the top lane, and Dian Wei is already countering the blue...

If you can't stop it, then you can only take down the opponent's blue! ,

"first drop of blood!"

"King Lanling killed Luban No. [-]!"

The mark marked on Luban No. [-] exploded directly... and the blood bag under the tower was only less than one step away...

As for why it flashes temporarily, the problem may be that the feng shui under the tower is better.

Lie down and get comfortable!

And a mysterious treasure chest.

After a few days, it finally fell into my own hands once in a while!

"Congratulations to the host for getting the first blood!

"I haven't seen you for a few days, the anchor is still so flamboyant!"

After winning the first blood, the economy has been suppressed...

As soon as he arrived in the blue zone, Lu Ziping made a strike and took the blue BUFF!

Double BUFF on the body!

Seeing Donghuang who was going to fight two lizards, Lu Ziping didn't help him, but went directly to the grass servant next to the opponent's tower!
without any stealth...

Just stand there!

Little Luban is finally resurrected!

"Fuck, it's not... the dog host, what are you going to do?"

"Damn it... dog host, you are not human!"

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Lu Ziping standing there, some viewers in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel sorry for Xiao Luban!


What is this broadcaster going to do?
Such inappropriate?

Prince Lanling's little trick: "Wool, you have to masturbate at someone desperately..."

Lu Ziping spoke calmly.

I didn't feel anything wrong at all!


It's too late, it's too soon.

Little Lu Ban wearing a video game skin, Pidian, Pidian followed the soldier line, and finally came to the line again!

head on……

Actually, once again, with a treasure chest!
Lu Ziping: (`ω)! ! !

But at this time...

Little Lu Ban thought he was wrong!
WIFI signal is here again!
It keeps flashing!

Before he even had time to turn around, a dagger was once again marked on his body.

at the same time……

King Lanling appears!
Flat A!

A skill!
Flat A!

"The so-called martial arts are nothing more than the accumulation of the number of victims."

Lu Ziping turned around and left...

Leave a line from King Lanling!
Luban No. [-] exploded!

A corpse was left behind...quietly, lying on the of the body were broken all over the floor! "I want to be quiet...quiet..."


"Poor little Luban!"

"Little Luban: I just came out!"

"Lanling King: The spring water is safer!"

Seeing little Luban lying down again, all the water friends can already imagine that little Luban is controlling his current expression!

That was absolutely fantastic!


and many more!

A bullet screen appeared in the live broadcast room: "Look, does the ID of Xiao Luban across from here look familiar?"

"Like, where have you seen it?"

Hearing this, everyone quickly looked at Little Luban.

Lu Ziping also looked over...

Are some of Xiao Luban’s IDs familiar?impossible? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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