The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 158 Crazy game played by teammates and opponents!

Chapter 158 Crazy game played by teammates and opponents!

Master Doubo...

famous anchor.

famous singer.

famous author.

nothing else to say...

Let's just say that the current "later" and "big canopy" are popular all over the country!

There is also the mystery of the son.

It is also the ceiling of the Internet literary world.

In the end, this young master turned out to be Ma Chao... This was too surprising to them!

But after the accident, it was excitement!

If I could kill the young master once... how would it feel...




They are the son's fans, but fans can't say they can't kill him, right?
Worship is worship!
But it should be killed, it should be killed!

"Brothers, Ma Chao on the opposite side is the young master... the young master!"

"So, do you know what to do?"

All over the world.

Suddenly there was such a sentence!

It's the voice of a go-getter!

Xia Houchun: Kill!

Li Yuanfang: Kill!

Arthur: Kill!

Dian Wei: Kill!

When seeing the world chatting, Lu Ziping was stunned.

It's normal to be recognized.

After all, these are the only numbers I play now, so it would be strange not to be recognized!

"Why kill me?"

He couldn't help asking.

The opposite side is murderous!

"Because we are all your fans!"

Dian Wei said.

Lu Ziping opened his mouth wide: "You are my fans? Shouldn't you kill me? Let's grow together peacefully, okay?"

Peaceful development...

When hearing these four words, not only the five people on the opposite side, but also the live broadcast room, as well as Lu Ziping's teammates couldn't help trembling!
These four words of peaceful development...

It directly reminded them of their game with Zhang Xiaoxian!

Is that peaceful development?

That's synonymous with insidious and cunning, okay?

Xia Houchun: "Young master, I believe in your peaceful development, you bastard. If you grow peacefully, you will jump over the tower and kill me by force?"

Lu Ziping: "This is a misunderstanding!"

Dian Wei: "Misunderstood you big-headed ghost! Brothers, don't talk nonsense with him, today's game must be fun, kill the young master a few times!"

Li Yuanfang: "Brother on the opposite side, put some water, let us kill him once, and then we will surrender..."

Lu Ziping:? ? ? ?
more importantly……

Zhuang Zhou: "Isn't it too little to kill once??? I think at least three times!"

Agudo: "How about five times?"

Xiao Qiao: "Don't worry, I will definitely not help you..."

Kingship: ...

Lu Ziping: ...

"Are you sure that this group of people are your fans? Not your enemies?"

As soon as these words came out, all the water friends in the live broadcast room laughed!
Lu Ziping's face immediately darkened.

"I think they shouldn't be human!"


How can there be such a reason...

They are all my fans, and I want to kill myself, that's fine, but my teammates seem to be doing something too!

No no no!

This matter, you can't do it like this!

Something will happen!


Lu Ziping overestimated the fun brought by fans on both sides!
Start one show three!
Tianxiu starts!

Coupled with Agudo's system, it is impossible to continue to stop Lu Ziping!
Especially when the time has come to 2 minutes!
This time it's a torso dragon!
As long as he takes down the dragon and adds Aguduo, Lu Ziping can definitely kill everyone!

"Brothers on the opposite side, I'm playing jungle in the bottom lane, and the top laner is alone, do you understand?"

My Fang Agudo shouted.

Xiao Qiao: "Xiao Qiao in the middle road swears that his second brother is three centimeters shorter, and he will never help!"

Zhuang Zhou: "Zhuang Zhou has been sleepwalking, don't worry..."

Gallo:? ? ?
Lu Ziping:? ? ?

No, what are these guys trying to do?
and then...

Lu Ziping raised his head and found...

In four weeks, five big men popped out!
They seemed to be crazy... Arthur jumped the tower directly, and then, the shooter, the mage...all the skills that covered the world fell on Lu Ziping!
Believe me!
Five people jump over the tower and kill one person!

Even if they were only ahead of three people at the beginning, basically, god, it's unstoppable!

Lu Ziping was forced to stay where he was!
Lie under the tower!

"Dian Wei killed Ma Chao..."

Look at the black screen!
The live broadcast room burst into laughter!
On the other side of the game, it is even more crazy to play beautifully...

"Haha, son, I didn't expect you to have this day!"


"Haha, I just want to see you like this!"

"Brothers, don't be soft, just target him, that's right, that's it, jump the tower desperately... kill as many times as you can!"

"There are not many such opportunities, brothers!"

The teammates here are even more regretful: "Unfortunately, I am not the opponent, otherwise, even if I lose this round, I will kill you several times..."

Lu Ziping: ==! ! !



We are teammates!
Are you inappropriate?

But soon...

Lu Ziping also laughed.


If you want to play, then play!


Originally wanted to show off a wave of Ma Chao!
But looking at it now, actually... Playing games is not that important, as long as the teammates are happy, the opponent is happy, winning or losing is actually all right!
the most important……

It was originally for the treasure chest!

As long as the treasure chest can be obtained, it is not bad!
Dian Wei looking at the opponent...

Your treasure chest is very bright!

Take it easily!

The other five people are completely in a group!

The tower doesn't guard anymore!
Just aim at Lu Ziping!

Come up one by one, as long as Lu Ziping comes out, he will be stronger and stronger...

In addition, his teammates here became spies.

Lu Ziping wanted to hide, but he didn't know how!
Of course!
Lu Ziping didn't even want to hide...

On the contrary, I had a great time playing with them!
The result of this is...

Lu Ziping was killed and jumped!

All five opponents were destroyed!

Middle lane, bottom lane, in just a few minutes, he was pushed to the second tower!

This group of friends is also crazy!

Just stop attacking!
Let the soldiers take down the tower by themselves!

They ran to the road one by one, besieged the city, and watched Lu Ziping being besieged to death... and even clapped their hands to applaud...

Rejoice all water friends!

They saw it for the first time. It turned out that in the glory of the king, there are really 1VS9...

It was also the first time I saw the young master such a miserable scene...

5-15-0 record...

This kind of data, no one would believe it if it was said out!
Wang Quan couldn't help but want to laugh.

Of course!
One person is about to die of depression!

"No, Wang Quan, why don't you help the young master, you see how badly he was beaten!"

"You are his teammates!"

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo L L l l l L L l L L L y

"My dear son, please help him quickly!"

Kingship: ? ? ? ?

Looking at my girlfriend...

Looking at Lu Ziping...

Suddenly panicked!

The flustered kind!
Don't let the young master meet his girlfriend!

Isn't there a great possibility that I will be given a hat by my girlfriend?
still is……

The green one? ? ?
(End of this chapter)

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