The king: the opening lottery draw, Li Baixiu in the first hand

Chapter 113 It's a pity that you have already disappeared into the crowd~

Chapter 113 It's a pity that you have already disappeared into the crowd~
Su Jingyun didn't want to come here at first!

A group of old classmates in the group have been shouting, so that this is not coming, this is embarrassing!
Of course!
Su Jingyun still had some expectations in her heart.

she thinks……

Maybe it would be nice to see Lu Ziping here!

and so……

She is coming!
And just as she expected,

When I went to Emperor Zun, I did see Lu Ziping...

A few of them are sitting over the hall, playing black,

Yan Zhimin.

Wang Xianhong.

Pan Huaming.

Lin Yanpeng.

familiar faces...

Su Jingyun stood not far away and watched, time seemed to have returned to the original time!
That year...

She is eighteen!
That year...

He was nineteen...

She still clearly remembers that when she returned to the dormitory after class, it turned out that it was raining, and she

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, excuse me, can you let me go over there, I'm sorry..."

A waiter is pushing a cart.

She has been waiting for a long time.

But the lady seemed to be in a daze, there was nothing she could do...

She could only speak out!

Su Jingyun's thoughts were interrupted, she turned her head and saw the waiter, she felt a little embarrassed, and quickly stepped aside!


At this time, Lu Ziping's game just ended!
Hear this voice.

Brother Min habitually raised his head...

This look...


The mobile phone in my hand fell to the ground with a bang, but fortunately there was a carpet on the ground, otherwise the mobile phone would be broken...

"No, Brother Min, are you exaggerating? Isn't it normal to win with that rubbish technology on the opposite side? Is it necessary to even give up your mobile phone?"

Lin Yanpeng smiled.

Brother Min signaled everyone to look in the other direction of the hall...

This look...

All of them froze in place.

Lu Ziping also looked over...

When seeing Su Jingyun, Lu Ziping was also slightly taken aback... But soon, he returned to normal!
"No, isn't that Su Jingyun?"

"Why is she here?"

"Wait... what the fuck, I forgot!"

Brother Min patted himself on the head: "Damn it, junior high school reunion... it's here, I forgot to tell you..."

Lu Ziping:? ? ?

Crowd: ? ? ?
After listening to the explanation, I realized that some of my junior high school classmates had a party, and they are here... But...

There are more than ten people in the junior high school group!
The rest are almost gone!
Lu Ziping and the others also left long ago, only Brother Min was there, as for him, he forgot about it as soon as he was busy!
It never occurred to me that this party was actually held, and Su Jingyun even came here!
"She's here, what should I do?"

"What else can I do, cold salad!"

"Brother, she is looking for you!"

Lin Yanpeng said to Lu Ziping...

Lu Ziping smiled, and when Su Jingyun came, he first greeted her with a smile: "Coincidentally..."

When Su Jingyun saw Lu Ziping, she was already thinking about what kind of scene it would be when she saw him!
What was the first sentence I saw... What was it?

she thinks!

Perhaps when he saw himself, there was still some kind of fluctuation in his heart!
But what Su Jingyun didn't expect was that.


Even very calm!
It's like meeting a stranger and familiar person!
She is so familiar!
The smile on Lu Ziping’s face is so familiar!
Just looked into his eyes,

Just heard him say this sentence.

Su Jingyun's heart became a little sore for some reason, and she had the urge to cry.


She is calm!

Just like before, very peaceful...

"Coincidentally, we meet again..."

she said.

"Come to often attend class reunions?"

Lu Ziping asked.

Su Jingyun said: "Well, the class monitors of the junior high school came here after calling, and you too?"

Su Jingyun knew that she was asking for nothing.

Definitely counted as coming to the class reunion together, how could it be so coincidental here?
Didn't he come here because he might be here?

"Quick, look, Young Master and the others are here..."

A girl's voice came.

Several girls came out from the box next to them. When they saw Lu Ziping and the others, they breathed a sigh of relief.
Immediately walked over...

"Young Master, what are you doing here? We thought you were leaving!"

"Go, what are you going to do, come out and fight the king!"

Brother Min and the others were talking.

He didn't even pay attention to Su Jingyun,

"Brother Ping, let's go in and sing!"

The attitude of several people towards Su Jingyun is not very good...

Su Jingyun didn't think there was anything wrong!
Just like Ren Yingying.

After she broke up with Lu Ziping, Ren Yingying didn't interact with them anymore!
This group of people doesn’t look very pleasing to me!

"Okay, you go in first!"

Lu Ziping smiled back.

"You... didn't attend the class reunion together?"

Su Jingyun asked.

Lu Ziping replied: "Well, it's not... We didn't know there was a party at all, we were just a few brothers, and asked a few girls to accompany us for a drink... Would you like... to go in and have a drink together?"

"Should I call some girls?"

Su Jingyun and Weiwei clenched her fists.

this sentence...

What he says now is very easy!

In the past, how could he have dared to say such words in front of himself...

And now...

Did he really let it all go?

Su Jingyun didn't go into their box in the end...

How to get in?

In what name?
When the group of princesses were embraced by Lu Ziping... when they were beaten up and down...

They asked themselves: How do you answer when you have something to do with him?

Tell them... well, I'm his ex-girlfriend?

"Okay, then... I'll go first!"

Lu Ziping said goodbye to her with a smile!

He didn't look back!
Didn't speak either...

Even when he entered the private room, his heart was always calm!

Originally, Lu Ziping thought that when he saw this Su Jingyun again, his heart might still fluctuate!

But now he understands...


I have already let go!
Even put it down very simply, without any fluctuations!

"What about her?"

Brother Min asked.

looked outside...

"I went to the class reunion next door..."

"Oh, let's go and drink!"

Several people continued to drink, and the atmosphere was not spoiled by Su Jingyun's appearance at all!

in fact……

If in the past.

Everyone is not so disgusted with Su Jingyun,

But just now Lu Ziping told them the truth a few years ago...

A person who can be so vicious, without telling everyone, kills the child that originally belonged to two people...

Such a woman...

What kind of heart do you have to be able to do it?
Different road non-phase plan……

So, of course, there is nothing to say!
Everyone here is not affected, but Su Jingyun over there has no intention of attending any party...

sat for a while...

Also left!
When leaving, he hesitated for a long time outside Lu Ziping's box...

The last to leave!


Lyrics that have recently become popular all over the Internet have been heard from afar...

You finally learned how to love~
pity you~
long gone~
Disappeared in the crowd~
(End of this chapter)

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