Pirate Control Vector

94 new location

94 new location
It makes sense, but after all, Colonel Huang Weat is still their chief, and they sent a few people to check on Colonel Huang Weat's situation.

After a while, a message spread in the navy.

"Colonel Huang Weasel, was severely injured and lost consciousness!"

Fang Xing was not surprised by this result, it contained his full blow, and it was a good result to be able to survive when the opponent let him attack.

I just don't know how the rest of the sailors will react.

The sea soldiers obviously couldn't believe the fact that Colonel Huang Weat was defeated in one blow.

Think about it too, if one day, a boss who usually has too much prestige and extraordinary ability is defeated by a kid next door, it will feel like a dream to anyone else.

An older middle-aged navy, he was the one who asked Colonel Huang Wet about the order just now, and he was obviously much more sophisticated than other navy.

At the moment when everyone was afraid to approach Fang Xing due to fear, he plucked up his courage and walked towards Fang Xing slowly, and asked, "Thank you for defeating Colonel Huang Weat, but can you please explain why you came here?"

grateful?Is there any officer who just ran over to thank the enemy after being defeated? It seems that Huang Weasel's usual actions are unpopular.

"Where is the person?" Fang Xing asked.


"That's right, those who were traded as commodities." Fang Xing pointed out.

The middle-aged navy suddenly realized that it meant Colonel Huang Weasel's illegal business. Most of the navy on the island did not support it, but they couldn't resist.

The only boat on the island was controlled by Colonel Weasel, and they didn't have phone bugs, so they couldn't convey the news at all.And once they resisted, what they brought would only be the result of death. Over time, they became Colonel Weasel's accomplices.

Now that Colonel Weasel has been defeated, the nightmare hanging over their heads has finally gone, and the rest is naturally justice.

"Are you here to rescue them?" asked the middle-aged navy.


"If it is to solve them, then please leave here." The middle-aged navy said seriously.

Fang Xing scratched his head, confused.

Is there any reason, is there another transfer?Fang Xing couldn't help but guess wildly.

Tap, tap, tap...
At this moment, Yixiao probed the way with a stick knife and stepped forward.Slightly raising his head, he looked at the middle-aged navy man, staring at him with eyes that should have lost sight and had no effect at all.

After that, he seemed to come to some conclusion during the investigation, chuckled, and said gently: "Is there a reason for letting us leave?" This expression was very much like that of an uncle from a farm family.

Fang Xing knew that a smile like this was only shown in front of kind people, and he looked curiously at the middle-aged navy, waiting for the answer from his mouth.

"We are the navy! Justice should be guarded by us, so we will send these people back to their original hometowns." The middle-aged navy said of course.

After hearing this, the vast majority of the navy stood tall, held their heads high, and felt proud of it.

It seems that at this moment, they have forgotten the fear of being dominated by Colonel Weasel, and the wrong things they did.

Fang Xing was not surprised by this.

The navy is also a human being, and if it is a human being, it will feel fear. Not every soldier will do useless work when he knows that he will die.On this island, the ship is in the hands of Colonel Huang Weasel. They have no means of contact with the outside world, and their strength is not as good as human beings. Even if they risk their lives, it will be of no avail.

You must know that most of the navy is not called locally, but is recruited from everywhere.

Most of them left their hometowns. If they hadn't made up their minds, how could they leave their hometowns and participate in such dangerous operations as catching pirates? That's why most of the navy are kind people.

It just changed slowly in the subsequent environment, and some of them regained their former self after breaking away from Colonel Huang Weat's control.

He smiled and nodded, "Okay, I believe you." From his perception, he knew that this person was not lying.

The middle-aged navy adjusted the brim of his hat to cover his expression, then raised his head, turned his hands behind his back, and said solemnly: "We are very grateful to you for saving our base and island from Colonel Huang Weasel, but your actions are Violation of Navy regulations."

"Violation of Navy regulations?"

"Attacking the captain of the navy is an outright crime. For the honor of the navy, please leave this island immediately."

Fang Xing couldn't help complaining, "Just now we thanked us for saving you from this colonel, and now we're going to blame us for attacking him. You guys are really entangled."

The middle-aged navy didn't answer, but the young navy behind him seemed a little embarrassed. What the child said was not wrong.And they even succumbed to Huang Weasel because of his strength and power. It would be ridiculous to talk about justice now.

After the navy behind him calmed down, the middle-aged navy continued: "Out of morality, I will report this to the headquarters. A group of unknown bandits attacked Colonel Huang Weasel, and then disappeared before we arrived, missing."

"We can go." A smile said, "However, before we go, there is one more question, where the previous people were sold to."

The middle-aged Haijun raised his head and smiled deeply.

"I will convey this matter to the Navy Headquarters, and I hope you will not interfere."

From the performance of the middle-aged navy to now, Fang Xing could tell at a glance that he was worried that they were not strong enough to intervene in this matter.

I could sense it with a smile, and said with a smile: "I am still a little confident in my own strength, so you can rest assured that since I have intervened, I will intervene in this matter to the end, and you have your justice, so do I." My justice."

Moved by a smile, the middle-aged navy hesitated for a while, but finally made up his mind and told the location.

"The Chambord Islands."

hiss!Fang Xing took a deep breath. He never thought that he would trade directly from the North Sea to the Chambord Islands on the Great Route. Perhaps only warships inlaid with sea stones like the Navy can realize such a large-scale trade.

The most troublesome thing in the Chambord Islands is not the Joker, but the Tianlong people. As their rulers, the Tianlong people are in charge of the power of life and death on the island. The slave business is even more acquiescent. will care.
But if you go there with a smile, you will definitely not give up until all the slave traders are eradicated, and this will definitely offend the Tianlong people.

Fang Xing could even imagine the next scene. With the arrogant and deadly character of the Tianlong people, it is estimated that they would act without thinking, reveal their evil, and then be crushed with a smile.

Then, because the Tianlong people were attacked, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters came to carry out the crusade.

With Yixiao's strength not inferior to any general, it is estimated that it will be a tragic battle, or it is possible to destroy the entire region.

"The Chambord Islands?" murmured with a smile, then bent down to thank the middle-aged navy for the notification, and then they bought some food in the town and left.

(End of this chapter)

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