Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 9 Breakthrough

Chapter 9 Breakthrough
"It's not because of you!" Ace scolded Luffy, who was still laughing.

Although he was scolded, Luffy didn't mind at all, and continued to laugh: "Isn't it fun?"

"It's not interesting~!"

"Ace, just give up, you can't tell Luffy." Sabo sighed.

Hearing this, Ace also sighed. Sabo had already reminded Luffy to pay attention to him, but he didn't expect to let him cause trouble successfully. It's not like it didn't happen before, and preaching didn't work for Luffy.

"Yo" Fang Xing said hello, and joined Luffy and his escape team.

The stronghold that was set on fire just now, amidst the noise, a group of people gathered to put out the fire.But the sound of chasing behind Fang Xing and the others attracted their attention, and they also knew that someone had set the fire, and part of them came after them.

"Ah! Another group of people." Sabo shouted.

The shouting attracted the attention of a pirate in the crowd. The middle-aged pirate looked at Sabo who was speaking not far away, and suddenly shouted: "Ah! It's those two little ghosts in the dream just now... I remembered! That's the kid wanted by Captain Bruggem."

"What does it mean to be a kid in a dream?" Fang Xing asked while running.

"All in all, there have been many, many changes. However, the plan cannot be launched this way. The original plan attracted the attention of these two strongholds, and then took the opportunity to attack other strongholds. Now we have to change the plan and break in from other routes." Sabo put aside topic.

He didn't want Fang Xing and the others to know that he had lied like that, because with their temperament, once they found out, they would laugh at themselves.

After all, even when he recalled that lie, he felt a little ashamed.

"With the current position, it deviates from the first stronghold, so we directly make a breakthrough from the second stronghold." Sabo analyzed.

In the case of being pursued, it is impossible to attack as before, and the route and plan must be changed.

"Second base?" Ace asked.

Sabo explained: "According to the order of the originally planned attack, the strongholds are marked as one to six, and then the lightning-shaped graphical attack method is now deviated from one stronghold. If the original route is chosen, it may cause a situation of being besieged. "

"Judging from the extent of being pursued now, accidental occurrences must also be considered, and some strongholds must be abandoned. I suggest attacking from a single direction and abandoning the other direction, which is the offensive route of [-], and then use the previously abandoned Seven broke into the forest."

"Seven?" Fang Xing muttered silently, and then apologized to Teraohe in his heart, "I'm really sorry, I bought your information, and I'm going to hand over your stronghold."

"Hmm..." Ace lowered his head as if thinking about something.

Although Luffy didn't say anything, he pouted and looked at Sabo in confusion, the expression on his face was the best answer.

"Run along, be careful not to lose track, especially Luffy."

"I won't get lost!" Luffy said angrily when he saw that Sabo underestimated him.

After deciding on the route, the next step is easy, with Sabo leading the charge towards the intended target.

A group of people started chasing after each other, causing quite a commotion.And in the waste terminal, the vast majority of the people who live there are hooligans, who are just good people.

Hearing the sound, they went out of the house one after another to see what happened, whether there was some treasure and someone was snatching it.

"Those brats are wanted by Captain Bruggem. If you catch him, you can join the fleet and there will be a bounty!" battlefield.

Bruggem is the emperor of the land at this waste terminal, and he can enjoy better treatment if he joins his fleet. He doesn't have to run around to make a living every day, not to mention that there are rewards.

So after the words fell, he moved without hesitation.

After all, hooligans are hooligans, much weaker than pirates, and they can't pose any threat to Fang Xing and them, but there is no doubt that such an attack greatly hinders Fang Xing and their progress.

"Damn it! These guys are really annoying." Ace kicked away the man standing in front of him, but immediately other people surrounded him.

To make matters worse, more and more people rushed to hear the wind, and it became more inconvenient to move, and the speed had to be slowed down. If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before they are caught up.

Fang Xing knew that going on like this was not an option, he had to stop the pursuit from behind, otherwise they would be the ones in trouble.

"I'll block it, you guys open up the way ahead first." Fang Xing said proactively,
Because he is undoubtedly the best candidate for blocking, the ability of vector operation makes him not afraid of any group attack, and his strong mobility allows him to get out of trouble.

"Well, be careful."

"I know."

Slowing down, the pirate who was chasing from behind leaned up.

With vector control, he doesn't need to rush into the crowd to stop these pirates. The garbage dumps that can be seen everywhere here are the best blocking tools.

Kicked the solid garbage with his foot, and the kick seemed to be slow, so that the pirates behind did not feel the danger. When he reacted, someone had already been knocked down by the fast flying thing.

"Damn! Be careful!"

The pirates also reacted very quickly. After Fang Xing's attack worked, they immediately reacted. After all, they were pirates who had gone through a life-and-death battle. Gaps can be avoided.

Fang Xing just smiled at this and said, "Is it possible to avoid it like this? It's too naive."

Can the scattered behavior of the pirates play a role? You must know that the most indispensable thing in the waste terminal is discarded objects, which means that he can completely kick out indiscriminate attack methods. Using vector operations does not consume much energy, as long as When the brain can operate clearly, it can control the ability.

He kicked up a pile of garbage more than one meter high again. The garbage floated up at an incredible angle. It should have been flying around, but it was regularly hitting the direction where the enemy was chasing.

Facing the objects flying across the sky in front of them, the pirates couldn't figure out the trajectory and avoid them. Most of them were brought down, and some chose to hide aside. The whole team was in chaos.

Although the flying objects, except for some sharp and heavy objects that can cause damage to the pirates, others only cause pain, but it undoubtedly blocked the progress of the pirates.

Seeing that the goal was achieved, Fang Xing had no intention of staying for long, and quickly ran towards the team.

"This monster...!" The pirate could only look at Fang Xing who was going away, but there was nothing he could do to stop it. The rickety team had to be reorganized before they could continue their pursuit.

After the delay just now, Luffy and the others also distanced themselves from the pursuers in the rear.

When Fang Xing returned to the team, Sabo gave a thumbs up and praised: "You did a good job, so that the opponent will not be able to catch up in a short time."

Lu Fei flashed his big eyes and said in admiration, "It's amazing! What is that trick? I want to learn it too."

Ace on the side hit him mercilessly: "Idiots can't learn."

What Ace said is indeed correct. Fang Xing was able to do it because of vector operations. Luffy doesn’t have this super power, so he definitely can’t do it. But to put it so bluntly, he added a Stupid, let Luffy feel a little unhappy.

"What did you say!"

"Say you're an idiot, obviously you can destroy the stronghold more safely, but you destroyed it." Ace said.

"I just want to help Sabo!"

Having said that, Luffy lost the strength to argue with Ace, and felt a little wronged. It is true that the responsibility lies with him, but he also did it out of kindness.

"Okay, it's all right, let's forget about everything that happened, and Luffy also had good intentions." Sabo mediated the quarrel between the two parties, and Ace and Luffy also fell silent.

Sabo heaved a sigh of relief seeing both of them quieted down.He had to admire the two of them. In this situation, when they were being chased, only these two big-hearted guys were still in the mood to make a noise.

At the first stronghold where Fang Xing and the others attacked, the pirates were already waiting outside the door.Such a big movement, they are not deaf, how could they not respond.

Seeing the kid running towards him, they all grinned.

According to rumors, these little devils are very powerful.But the vast majority of people think that the person who was defeated by the kid is just exaggerating the facts because of embarrassment.

How strong can a group of brats be? They are brave pirates under Captain Bruggem, and they are not afraid of mere brats.

In their eyes, this group of little devils have no other abilities except for their better escape skills. Since they rushed towards them this time, they undoubtedly sent the bounty to them.

(End of this chapter)

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