Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 89 I Know It All

Chapter 89 I Know It All
Without procrastination, he smiled and frowned and activated his ability, and all of Ferris's men were crushed to the ground.

This scene shocked everyone except Fang Xing Hawkins.

Adlai thought to himself, what kind of monster did he provoke, and he even wanted to escape from such a monster.

The residents were frightened, and broke away from their daze for a while, then screamed and ran towards the door.

At the same time, the gravitational field gradually strengthened, and the gangsters' limbs began to twist and flatten.In this situation, after treatment, he is just a disabled person with weak limbs.


Because of the pain, even under heavy pressure, I was inspired to shout out my potential.

There is also a difference in the justice of a smile. It is a discerning justice, but it is also an absolute justice. It has both the human justice of Aokiji and the justice of denouncing evil like Akainu.

When dealing with villains, he never relents with a smile.

"I'm going to chase people, you help keep these people in check." Yi smiled, and then ran in the direction of Fries' escape with his knowledgeable perception.

Under normal circumstances, Yixiao would not leave a child alone, but considering that the gangsters present had lost their ability to fight, and Fang Xing was not an ordinary child, even if there were any accidents, it could be dealt with.

But Fang Xing didn't follow his wish with a smile, and said to Hawkins who was playing soy sauce in the audience, "These people are handed over to you."

"Okay." Hawkins responded flatly.

Seeing that Hawkins agreed, Fang Xing also chased after Yixiao.

Almost at the same time as Yixiao's departure time, he walked into the secret passage, followed this direction, but found that there was no sign of Yixiao.

Fang Xing complained while hurrying on the road.

You can run so fast even if you can't see, and you are not afraid of bumping into each other.

There is no fork in this secret passage, and the whole is slanted downward. After passing through the rear, it is found that it directly reaches the seaport on the side of the island.

Just as Yixiao put the knife back into its sheath, a ship on the sea not far away was slowly sinking.

Fang Xing quickly imagined what happened. It is very likely that Fries sank to the bottom of the sea with that ship.

do you died?
Fang Xing didn't feel any regrets about Frith's death, but the person who was going to be rescued hadn't been rescued yet, so it would be too decisive to kill him like this. If he was detained in some unknown place, wouldn't it be Because of Frith's death, he was not found, and finally died of starvation slowly.

"Aren't you looking for someone?" Fang Xing asked.

Turning around with a smile, he said, "People's hearts can't lie."

"People's hearts are not deceitful, what do you mean?"

He smiled without answering, and returned along the same road.

Fang Xing followed, but he still didn't understand this sentence, so it means that Fries lied to us before?Or was he transferred away?Or other possibilities.

While thinking, he returned to the original nursing home.

Without the gravitational suppression of a smile, the gangsters would not fall to the ground, but slumped on the ground.

However, a few people fell on the cold ground with blank eyes. It could be seen from their appearance that they were dead, and there were a few more straw figures beside Hawkins.

Seeing this, Fang Xing understood what was going on. Most likely someone wanted to take the opportunity to escape and was killed by Hawkins.Although Yixiao broke his limbs, it doesn't mean that everyone has lost the ability to move. There are still a small number of people who can move, just pretending.

Unable to get the answer from Yixiao, Fang Xing focused on this group of people.Manpower is definitely needed to transport the kidnapped people, and among so many people, there must be a few inside, and it is impossible for all of them to be unaware.

With a smirk, he looked at the people with limp limbs.

After a while, the pair of gangsters suffered not only external injuries but also internal injuries. It can be said that they were physically and mentally exhausted, and Fang Xing also obtained the information he wanted.

From the rest of the population, except for a few kidnapped people, most of them were taken away from here and headed towards the headquarters, which is a nearby island.

At this time, there was movement outside the door.

"Damn villain, give us Lord Ferris back!"

"Lord Frith!"

"Bless a good man like Lord Ferris to be safe."

Noisy voices sounded outside. It was the residents of the town who came to denounce Fries.

Fang Xing did not expect such a situation to happen. From a certain point of view, Frith's good-natured face was successfully disguised, and he could make everyone treat him like this.

As the saying goes, crowds are blind.

Sometimes a sighted person can see better than a blind person.

With a smile, he walked out silently, and Fang Xing and Hawkins followed.

Outside the door, there were about a hundred residents. It seemed that there were a lot of people, but Fang Xing knew that they were just a mob. Not to mention them, even a pirate with a reward of several million could defeat them.

Seeing Fang Xing and the others coming out, someone shouted, "Come out, come out."

At the same time, one of them pointed at them with a smile and said, "That's them, they attacked Fries just now." It seemed like a resident who escaped from the scene just now.

Before asking the reason, someone suddenly threw out the weapons in their hands indiscriminately. Most of the weapons were bottles and iron tools for farming.

It's just that when they came to the body, they all fell to the ground silently.

"That's it, the trick just now." The man said a little nervously, because he didn't know the reason for the devil fruit, he called this a trick, but when he remembered the act of blocking the bullet just now, was it still a trick?
"Hand over Lord Ferris, get out of our island, you are not welcome here."

"Not welcome, not welcome!"

Under the echo of the crowd, Yixiao's face became more and more livid, but he did not refute.

Fang Xing smiled and didn't express his position, nor did he intervene. He simply blocked the voice in his ears, so that he couldn't see or hear. But when he was about to do this, he raised a hand from the crowd, and then The voice gradually died down, and then lined up to separate a road.

An old man walked out of it.

"I'm the mayor of this town, and I want to talk to you about Ferris alone."

As soon as the mayor finished speaking, some people objected.

"How could this be!"

"It's too dangerous to let you be with villains."

Then a middle-aged man stepped forward and said to the old man, "Father, if you have anything to say, let me convey it for you."

The old man calmed down the noisy atmosphere just by waving his hand, which shows the depth of his prestige.

Then he looked at his son solemnly and said, "I've decided, get out of the way!" Knowing his father's temper, the middle-aged man stepped back dejectedly.

The conversation took place in a single room in the nursing home.

"So now let's talk about it. I know all about what Frith did."

The mayor's first sentence stunned Fang Xing and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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