Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 86 Forsyth Chamber of Commerce

Chapter 86 Forsyth Chamber of Commerce

"Well, Hawkins, did you make a mistake? I think my luck has always been good." Fang Xing said.

Hawkins didn't change his words, and said, "All along, I haven't missed any divination, which means your fate is destined to be like this."

Young man, do you know that it is not good to scare people like this, I will tell you to be alarmist.

Although I really want to say this... But I am extremely depressed, because he knows that Hawkins is not the kind of person who jokes, and his ability comes from the cursed fruit, and most of the predicted results will be true—that is to say His fate was as difficult as it said.

Without continuing to delve into this issue, Jean Yixiao lifted Hawkins' boat aboard, and set off again.

Hawkins has quite a lot of experience in sailing. Of course, experience does not refer to sailing experience, but divination experience.Hawkins can only basically drive the boat, but before driving, he will perform divination to determine the direction to follow, whether to stop or stay, whether to slow or hurry.

But it was such an irregular voyage, but it went through the sea journey smoothly and arrived at the destination.

Adlai glanced at Hawkins meaningfully, and changed his evaluation from a simple psychopath to a weird fortuneteller.He couldn't help but believe it, the weird divination allowed them to avoid the wind and waves at sea, and successfully arrived at the position marked by the record pointer.

But he didn't know whether it was the destination or not. This record pointer was originally given to him by the people above. He was only responsible for collecting goods and commodities, and then arranged for his subordinates to escort them. He had never really been here.

"Are you at your destination?" He asked with a smile.

"Yes," replied Adlai.

"Then can you take us to find someone?" Yixiao urged.

"Of course. You can." Adlai said bravely.

Usually, when escorting the delivery, they come according to the time. Where to find someone at this time, I can only go to the stronghold here based on the impression in my memory.

As for bringing people to the stronghold, what damage will it cause to the stronghold, and what to do with him, he just needs to take advantage of the chaos and run away, he wishes for the chaos to be better.

Enter town from the direction of the pier.

It is a prosperous town, the roads are neat and well-planned, green flowers and small bushes are placed on both sides, and people laugh and talk about the topics in life, which is a scene of hustle and bustle.

After Fang Xing and his party walked in, there was a strange combination of a child like a jade carving, an ordinary blind man, a young man with a terrifying appearance, and an old man, which attracted the attention of the idle residents in the town.

"Where are we going, haven't we reached our destination after walking for so long?" Fang Xing urged.

Like a monkey, he couldn't bear the feeling of being stared at by pedestrians around him for a long time.

"It's almost here. We are going to the center of this town." Adlai said, "The Forsyth Chamber of Commerce in the center is our destination."

Although he has never been to this island, he has participated in the planning of the island. The moment he saw the planning of the house, he was sure that this was the destination island.

"Forsyth Chamber of Commerce?"

"That's right, the Forsyth Chamber of Commerce." Adlai nodded, "The Forsyth Chamber of Commerce appears to be trading goods with other islands, but in essence it is a transit point for 'commodities'."

Fang Xing naturally knew what Adlai was referring to as commodities, referring to people who had been collected from all over the place.

"What a dirty deal." A smile couldn't help but say something.

Adlai said hehe: "Thanks to this dirty deal, this false trade, the Chamber of Commerce needs to build this island, and this island can be so prosperous."

He participated in the planning of the place back then, and he was considered a small person in charge. The reason why the island is so prosperous is precisely because the Forsyth Chamber of Commerce is doing this kind of transactions. Whether it is to deceive people or other aspects, it is necessary to develop the island. .

Yixiao did not speak, but his serious face replaced his words. Perhaps what he wanted to say was "This is really a cruel reality."

Hawkins said: "People are born with fate, everything is fate."

His words were full of fate, and those who didn't know thought he was a magic stick.

"People who don't know this island, know that their rich life is built on the pain of countless people who have been trafficked and sold, what will they think..." Fang Xingdao.

Adlai smiled and said: "This may be very interesting, but it may be more of indifference. Humans are such animals, aren't they? Hehehe"

Amid Adlai's laughter, he walked towards the center.

It didn't take long before I came to a majestic building with a classic retro carved iron gate. There were stone carvings in front of the gate, or animals or plants, but all of them were delicate and expensive.

There was a security guard standing outside the door like a stone pillar. When Adlai stepped forward, the security guard wanted to drive him away, but he didn't expect to say some secret signal in his ear. After entering, they were arranged in a luxurious VIP room.

"What did you just say?" Fang Xing asked.

"I can be regarded as a core figure, and I said a code that is limited to high-level personnel. No, the gatekeeper just brought us in." Adlai said quite proudly.

"No matter how great you are, you're still not a prisoner, but you're still so proud." Fang Xing sarcastically said mercilessly. Although the sarcasm was straightforward, it was heartfelt.

"..." Adlaton said after a while: "In short, after someone comes in, you should not talk and pay attention to cooperation, especially this blind man..." Then he fell silent, perhaps because of the straightforward sarcasm. He was depressed, or he was thinking about other things.

In the VIP room, besides soft sofas and tea tables, there are carefully prepared fruits.But Yixiao and Adelaide were not in the mood to enjoy it, but Fang Xing and Hawkins were not polite, Fang Xing ate the fruit, and Hawkins made tea and drank on his own.

As time passed, the door finally knocked, and then a graceful man walked in, with a fat body, especially the huge belly, a kind face, and a small mustache.

Said in that hypocritical magnetic voice: "Rare customer, rare customer... I am Phocis, the boss of this chamber of commerce... I wonder which one is a 'colleague'?"

Adlai replied: "I am Adlai, who is in charge of the purchase of goods, and the code name is..." He said a bunch of unknown words and numbers, and the graceful man was slightly surprised, but the confirmation in his eyes deepened a bit.

"So it's Brother Adlai, don't you know what's going on here this time?" Forsyth asked.

"There was a problem with the shipment last time, so I came here to ask about it."

"I see, but after the handover, I didn't feel any problems." Forsyth was puzzled. During the last handover, he also specially checked it, and there was no problem.

"The question is of course not the question, but the... You know Joker."

(End of this chapter)

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