Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 68 Sensational

Chapter 68 Sensational
After Zefa taught the six styles, Fang Xing remembered what Zefa said just now, someone appointed him to practice in the warship.

"Who appointed me to hone in the warship? Old man Kapuna?" Fang Xing said.

He felt that when Karp came back, Zefa had said this, and it was probably Karp who was right.

But this time, he guessed wrong.

Zefa smiled and said: "Haha... Garp is indeed an old man. You are right about this, but it is not Karp but Virgo."

"Vergo?!" Fang Xing blurted out.

The answer spit out from Zefa's mouth made Fang Xing stunned for a while, and he dared to be 100% sure at the first moment that the matter was exposed, otherwise Virgo would not have made such a request.

"Is there any problem?" Seeing Fang Xing's tone, Zefa asked strangely.

Except for Fang Xing, no one in the Navy knows that Virgo is an undercover agent, and Virgo has always had a good style and conduct.

Fang Xing weighed it up, and felt that he shouldn't provoke that lunatic Doflamingo at this time, "It's nothing...just can it be replaced?"

As long as he is not on Virgo's ship, everything is easy to talk about, and Doflamingo dare not openly fight with the navy after becoming Shichibukai.

"No, the procedures have been completed, and you have to go there to report."

Hell, this is the rhythm of cutting first and then playing!It should be said that it is Virgo, Fang Xing stuck out his tongue, bowed his head and thought about the solution, this is the navy, not pirates, there is no so-called coercive action, at least on the surface.

Seeing his appearance, Zefa thought that Fang Xing was worried because he was leaving the training camp, and comforted him: "According to Smoker, you have already met once, although the treatment of pirates is too iron-blooded, but Virgo is a very friendly person to his subordinates, I believe you will like this boss, so don't worry."

rest assured?Don't worry you bastard!This is the rhythm of the end of the meeting...

The meeting that Zefa mentioned reminded him that when he met with Virgo, he was with Ain and the others. With Virgo's character and stability, it stands to reason that he would not let the two of them go, but why Zefa only mentioned And him alone, is there another arrangement?

So he asked, "Where are Ain and Binz? Are they still training in the training camp, or do they have other plans?"

Zefa wondered why Fang Xing asked this question, but still replied: "Their strength is far from reaching the level, so I plan to stay by my side and train for a year or two before talking."

Well done!Although Fang Xing wanted to say that, he couldn't be happy.

how to say?Faced with how to resolve this crisis, going to Virgo's place will definitely lead to death. Even with the status of Garp's grandson, there are so many ways to die at sea, and it is quite easy to die casually.

I had no choice but to use Capra as a shield, "But I promised old man Capra that I will exercise with him."

Hearing this, Zefa showed a difficult expression, "If that's the case, I'll go talk to Virgo, it should be fine, but..." Zefa suddenly became angry, "When did you guys agree to Karp? That old man, didn't I just tell you today that you can end the training? Didn't I make a decision before, is my training method so unbearable!"

The reason Zefa was angry was because Fang Xing agreed to Karp without his permission.From a certain point of view, at least it seems to others, he is not as good as Karp in training to cause this result, which is what makes him angry.

"No!" Fang Xing said hastily, and then he was worried that Zefa would be annoyed, which would lead to the failure of the matter he promised just now, and he added, "Although I resist in my heart, I can't stop Karp's request. From my point of view It can be seen that your training method is indeed much better than his."

Not only is it much better!Karp's training method is to train to the death, compared to Zefa's training is step by step, which is completely incomparable.If it wasn't for excuses, he wouldn't have found such a reason. Fortunately, Garp probably wouldn't bring him because of his work. As for the future training candidates, we can think about it later.

The boat will naturally go straight to the bridgehead, and the immediate crisis must be resolved first.

Being praised by Fang Xing and compared with Karp, although Zefa knew that this sentence was a lie, he felt a little flustered and scratched his head with his hands.

"Although you have many shortcomings, kid, at least you have the right vision."

With a tall and thick body, a tall and straight body with a solemn expression, plus old-fashioned flat glasses, normally speaking, such a person is usually a person who does not speak or smile.

Ke Zefa is just the opposite, hiding under his appearance is cheerful, and a person who aspires to be a hero.

Zefa maintained this state for only a few seconds before returning to his original solemn image. "Boy, you can't be as sloppy as you are now in your future training. Not everyone will like your... style, and don't underestimate anyone above the rank of vice admiral."


"In the navy, if you want to be a lieutenant general, you must go through countless battles, and at the same time, you must be able to use... Domineering! Never underestimate them, even if they don't look like Six Styles."

Worried that Fang Xing would not understand, Zefa added: "For some people, the Six Styles have become tasteless. For example, those who are proficient in using the armed color domineering, iron blocks and finger guns are abandoned by them, and they are proficient in using the knowledge color. Paper paintings lose their value. Those who can launch powerful attacks at will become decorations. It’s not that they don’t know how to use them, but because they don’t need them.”

"Why are you talking about this with me?" Fang Xing asked strangely, naturally he would not underestimate any navy.

"I just think you will do something against discipline in the future." Zefa said.

"violated discipline?"

"You don't know what you did on the island a few days ago."

Zefa said this because he found out from the arrested pirates that Fang Xing had released a pirate privately. Zefa was angry about this. After asking Ain and Binz, although he was still angry but not Not incomprehensible, but it seems unforgivable to some, so Zefa felt compelled to mention it.

"Er..." Fang Xing was a little speechless, it turned out that something had been exposed.

"I don't mean to blame you, and I won't force my students to agree with me, but you must be cautious when you encounter such a thing in the future. For such things as private release of pirates, the punishment is quite severe. And a lot of navies can't accept that, you have to think about the consequences before you do that."

Zefa paused for a moment and continued: "The mention of this matter this time is only out of a teacher's concern for students."

Zefa treats students as if he treats his own children.

Fang Xing replied emotionally: "I will, Teacher Zefa."

This should be the first time he said the word Mr. Zefa so seriously.

Hearing Fang Xing's address, Zefa paused first and then cursed: "When did you become so sensational, bastard boy."

(End of this chapter)

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