Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 64 The Returning Garp

Chapter 64 The Returning Garp

Returning to the warship, Fang Xing recalled his experience.

This time the training was sabotaged by Virgo, probably because of him.

If there is no interference from him, with Virgo's stability, it is estimated that he will not act until the end of the training. After the pirates are arrested, Virgo should not kill again. The only one who can kill is Bender who knows. One person.

In a disguised form, he said that the pirates were killed by him, but he did not regret it. In that situation, he could only use that method, and from the situation where the group of pirates killed each other to rob the treasure, it can be seen that its essence is The scum of the sea is not something to feel guilty about.

After everyone assembled, Zefa counted the number of people again.

Actual combat is what every naval soldier must experience, so in training, Zefa will not provide help, because this is a hurdle they must pass.However, after the training is over, they are still his lovely students, and it is his duty to be responsible for their lives.

Because other people still had time to fight other pirates, there were zero casualties overall, and only a few people lost their way during the training, and it took a little time to find them.Although the effect of this training was a failure, Zefa was quite satisfied overall.

Originally, this training was only for them to understand the world they were about to step into, not for any training effect.Coupled with the fact that it was getting late, he didn't mean to be harsh on the students.

"Go back and rest." Zefa said to everyone, and then walked back to his room alone.

After closing the door, his face showed an ashen color.

The reason for the livid is not because Virgo destroyed the training relationship, nor is it because of the students, but more because he feels that something bad has happened.

He always felt that this training was specially arranged, and he hoped that he was just thinking too much.Withdrawing his mind, everything will be known when he returns to Marin Fando.

The sailing time is very boring, in fact, the sea sailing is not so interesting, anyone who looks at the blue sea for many days will feel bored.And in the pirate world, apart from parties, there are few other entertainment tools.

Fang Xing returned to his old business and started the journey of exercising his computing power.

The navy warship traveled very smoothly, passing through the windless belt, and did not touch the Sea King class during the period.

Because the sea tower stone is inlaid on the bottom of the ship, for the sea kings, the warship is actually the same as the sea water, unless the two collide, otherwise they will not be discovered.

Naturally, there will not be a scene where Neptunes appear just by passing by.

After returning to Marin Vanduo, Zefa dismissed the crowd and let them rest for three days before returning to the training camp.

After bidding farewell to Ain and Binz, Fang Xing also walked towards the room.

This time, although it was actual combat training in name, it was more like a trip. The time was basically spent on sailing, and the time spent on the island was less than a day, let alone a decent battle.And also met Virgo, the small boss.

It ended up being exhausted physically and mentally, but nothing was gained.

Fang Xing misses the warm big bed in the room more than the slightly shaking cold bed in the warship cabin, and now he just wants to take a good rest.

Coming to the front of the room, he pushed open the brand new door.

"Brand new..?" Fang Xing was puzzled for a moment, before he could come up with a result.

A figure appeared in the house, and the huge fist came forward, and there was a sharp pain in the top of the head.

"Old man, what are you doing?!" Fang Xing looked at the fist owner and said in pain.

"Brat, you have to be called Grandpa. That's the long-awaited Iron Fist of Love." Garp received a punch unceremoniously, and continued to hit the place where it was hit before. The bag on Fang Xing's head also followed suit. Then another baby was born, which looked like a gourd baby.

Fang Xing gritted his teeth, resisted the pain, and comforted himself secretly.That guy is just an old bastard, you can't get any benefits from rushing with him, only pain will be greeted by blind impulse.

He chose to bypass it and walked towards the warm bed.

Before taking two steps, he felt that his feet could not reach the ground. From the slightly lowered scene around him, it was his body floating in the air.

Turning his head and looking back, Garp picked up his lapel with one hand.

"The training just ended, I need to rest!" Fang Xing argued angrily on this ground.

"Oh?" Garp grinned curiously and said, "You kid has started training too. Who trained you?"

Fang Xing replied, "Zefa."

Garp stroked his chin with the other hand, and pondered a little: "It turns out that the old boy is really good at teaching people, but..."

"But what?"

"But compared to my education method, it's still a little bit worse."

Fang Xing's face twitched, this guy should be shameless, it should be said that your education method is absolutely problematic, you tied the earth to fly into the sky, threw it into the cliff, put it in the wild jungle to survive, and bumped it with stones to exercise your physique.

What are these methods!
It is a way for ordinary people to do one thing, which will definitely kill them.

Seeing Fang Xing's expression, Karp said angrily: "Are you questioning the old man's ability? It seems that it is necessary to train you."

Under pressure, Fang Xing quickly assured: "I have absolutely no intention of questioning your ability! In my impression, your training method is first-class and stronger."

To a certain extent, it is also Garp's training method that has created Luffy's tenacious vitality, but this is based on the premise of his rubber.

Ordinary people are really thrown off a cliff and directly smashed into scum, how can there be training.

"Oh...?" Garp dragged his voice, and then roared: "Are you stupid as an old man?! I haven't trained yet, and you say that my training method is first-class and stronger. Isn't this just perfunctory?"

After finishing speaking, regardless of Fang Xing's struggle, he held Fang Xing in one hand, and then walked out the door.

another corner

blah blah blah blah....
The voice of the phone bug contacted from his arms.

Virgo was stepping on moon steps in the air, carrying the corpse of the navy in one hand, and with his free hand, Ze took out the phone bug from his pocket and connected the phone.

"Vergo, the gold in the sky has been robbed, you can return to the fleet, this transaction is going well." Doflamingo's laughter came from the phone bug.

"That's right, congratulations, young master, the power of the family can go further." Virgo thought for a while, and felt that it was necessary to tell today's events, "Young master, have you buried another undercover agent in the navy?"

As soon as the words came out, it could be seen from the phone bug's expression that Doflamingo was in a daze for a while.

After a long while, he continued: "How come...you have such a question?"

"Just now I met a white-haired red-eyed brat who exposed my identity and said that I was lurking in the navy according to the young master's instructions."

Doflamingo didn't answer.

The atmosphere turned cold in an instant, and the air became stalemate. Even the phone bug felt the evil thoughts from Doflamingo, and broke out a few drops of cold sweat.

(End of this chapter)

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