Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 62 The Evil Nature

Chapter 62 The Evil Nature

In a way, they, Zefa and Pirates are just tools for this deal.

Although he already knew the means of the world government, he still felt uncomfortable when he felt its deep malice.

There was a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if he was laughing at his incompetence.

Virgo, who observed the subtleties, noticed the smile on Fang Xing's face. He cleaned up the blood on his finger before asking, "What are you thinking about? Is there any problem?"

Fang Xing was taken aback by Virgo's question, and then remembered his current situation, and said half-truthfully, "I was just thinking about this transaction, and it was an accidental ridicule. The one who claims to be just and peaceful The world government is like this."

"...I followed him precisely because of the young master's aptitude." Virgo deliberately avoided talking about the world government, as if it was a prehistoric beast, and directly talked about his young master Doflamingo.

The posture of the king he was talking about was Doflamingo's inherent evil nature, which was fearless and fearless, and it was precisely because of his brutal nature that attempted to destroy everything that he was deeply attracted.

For Doflamingo, Fang Xing only stayed in the impression of anime.

He was originally born as a Celestial Dragon, but because of his father's absoluteness, he experienced the transformation of heaven and hell, and his mother lost her life because of it.

Later, he personally killed his father, took his head and returned to Mary Joa to ask for forgiveness, but was rejected. At the age of 28, he discovered that after being betrayed by his own brother, the last blood relative, he swung the butcher knife again and used his blood to make up for the trauma in his heart.

His life is full of ups and downs, and his frustrated fate has created his extremely evil and distorted concept. He regards the cadres in the family as his own family, but he can sacrifice the cadres in the face of interests. In order to break Luo's conspiracy, It can be seen that he did not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of cadres.

For such a character, Fang Xing was naturally unwilling to continue discussing, partly because he would lose his words if he spoke too much, and partly because he was quite palpitating.

Now that I think about it, it is quite unwise to offend such a person when the strength is weak, but there is no other way.

Jumping away from this topic, he said, "What are you going to do with the corpse of the navy in the room?"

Virgo didn't expect the topic to jump to this all of a sudden, he was silent for a while, and then said: "Anyway, he is also one of my subordinates. Although I killed him, I will take him back."

Virgo showed his complicated side, he seemed to be playing the role of an officer who cherishes his subordinates, and it seemed to be his true feelings. Perhaps it was this verisimilitude that made the Navy unable to distinguish his undercover identity, especially when he served as G5 The base chief of the branch later won the trust of his subordinates.

At this time...

Three black dots appeared in the distant sky, and they were Smoker in a smoky state, floating towards Ain and Binz.

The moment the three black dots appeared, both Fang Xing and Virgo noticed them from afar.

"Those idiots!" Fang Xing shouted inwardly.

He meant to let the two of them retreat, but he didn't expect them to bring a smoker, and if they asked for help, they would also ask Zefa for help.It's also fortunate that I've been fooled by Virgo, so I can continue to fool me, otherwise I would bring a smoker here, just come to deliver food, buy one get one free.

Virgo took no surprise and said: "Your two partners just brought people here, so that's what you meant by your little action just now." Linking to the action just now and the figure now, Virgo guessed it immediately The meaning of Fang Xing's small actions.

My mind became suspicious again, but I dispelled the idea just by looking at it.

From the moment Fang Xing was mentioned just now, the resistance he felt and the force of rebound, we can guess that his devil fruit ability should be something similar to a protective film, and a person can only have the ability to eat one devil fruit, The possibility of prying into inner thoughts can be ruled out.

In addition, the only ones who can know his identity are the subordinates whom the young master trusts quite a lot.

Fang Xing didn't think about it for long, and explained in just a few seconds: "No way, although you are a vice admiral in the original meaning, but we followed the pirate here, but found him sneaking into that room, And you came out of the room, which is too strange."

Fang Xing paused, and added: "Plus, they don't know you are a vice admiral, so everyone will be vigilant.",
After listening to Fang Xing's explanation, Virgo read softly: "Sure enough, it's better to kill them all."

Fang Xing hurriedly stopped him. He knew that he couldn't dispel Virgo's thoughts at this time. He would definitely do it. Virgo's character is that kind of decisive person.

"...I've said it all, they are all in the plan and cannot be killed. And this is why I pretended to be familiar with you just now. This is to show them. If I pretend to be familiar with you at the same time Signal them to ask for help, without them knowing your identity, give them the impression that maybe I know you, and you are dangerous. But when they come back, they find that the pirate is dead, and I am fine, you What do you think they'll think."

"It's strange... I think that you made a wrong judgment, or you were coerced by me."

"At this time, if you reveal your identity as a vice admiral and think that your subordinates are taking revenge, which explanation do you think they will tend to. After all, only I saw the scene in the house, and the two of them would not know, and I It can be said that you were judged to be dangerous because you easily subdued Benderley, plus the navy corpse, and that's why they called for help."

Virgo blinked.

Is he being too fake?Fang Xing thought with some worry.

But in the end Virgo said: "It's a far-fetched explanation, but maybe this is the best way to explain it."

This time Changing Fangxing was stunned, believing such an inexplicable explanation.

Perhaps it was based on the premise of the family, as a cadre of the first generation of Hongxin, he believed too much that the family members would not deceive him.

Soon, Smoker brought Ain Binz to the ground.

Fang Xing directly made a gesture to tell the two of them not to talk. Instead of letting them say unnecessary things and let Virgo guess what, it is better to make this kind of gesture directly and let them go in a good way to guess.

Since the matter will definitely be exposed later, ensure safety first.

Ain and Binz didn't say anything when they saw this, they just closed their mouths to show that they had received the message.And Virgo's eyes under the sunglasses were only slightly hesitant before being interrupted by Smoker.

After landing, Smoker saw Virgo standing aside, and immediately said in astonishment: "Lieutenant General Virgo!?"

Smoker, as a member of the navy, naturally has more knowledge than recruits.

Moreover, he is also a member of Zefa's students. Although Virgo is several years older than him, he has still heard of this person in front of him.Standing out during the recruiting period, his strong physique crushed all the other recruits present at that time, and he built meritorious deeds at an extremely fast speed, and later became one of the few vice admirals in the navy.

(End of this chapter)

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