Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 515 Battle History Base

Chapter 515 Battle History Base

This attitude made Anilu almost collapse, but he couldn't break free.In this situation, he is like a fish on a knife, and he can't help him.

Under Fang Xing's series of greetings and abuses, his self-proclaimed status as a god seemed weak.

Just when Anilu was exhausted physically and mentally, Fang Xing asked, "Where is the Golden Lion Shiji?"


This is a new island, and Golden Lion Shiji used it as a new base. The original palace was completely moved over. Under the temptation of Golden Lion Shiji's perfectionism, he restored the palace to the original appearance.

But the difference is that he did not let the island float in the air, but let it stay in the sea naturally.

Based on previous lessons, after he transferred the original island, he did not let the island stay in the air in order to avoid the eyes and ears of the navy.In the air, although it is difficult to be found, the disadvantage is that once it is discovered by the navy, the loss will be extremely huge.If the place where the admiral Huang Yuan invaded last time was the sea, let alone one-third of the loss, not even one-tenth.It is precisely because of being destroyed from high altitude that many beasts on land cannot perform at their true level and suffer misfortune.

And in this position, the navy is not so easy to find.

The island he chose is in a windless zone. As the name suggests, the windless zone means that there is no wind blowing past. Ships that rely on canvas to provide wind power will not work in this sea area. What’s more, everyone, the windless zone is also a sea king. Habitat.Even if the navy has the technology to avoid sea kings by sailing in a windless zone, this does not mean that the navy dares to explore unscrupulously in a windless zone.

The technology of inlaid sea stones under the warship can make the sea kings regard it as sea water, but this is not absolute. Once the body of the sea king touches the warship, it can detect the existence of the warship, or the warship sends a message. Noise, or some sea kings that do not rely on vision, but sense of smell or other means of perception, the navy's warships will suffer severely.

Therefore, the windless zone is also the sea area where the navy has the sparsest intelligence besides the New World.

Golden Lion Shiji hid the hiding place here, which undoubtedly bought enough time.And the most important issue is that in this place, there is never a shortage of sea kings in the windless zone, and he can easily satisfy the stomachs of these big appetites—just give orders.

It's just that when he took it for granted, Enilo appeared in front of his eyes, to be precise, he brought another person in front of his eyes.

"I didn't expect that you would betray me." The face of Golden Lion Shiji showed a look of surprise. This accident was not really as the words said. Qiang was able to restrain him, so there was no surprise in his betrayal.It's just that he was really surprised that Enilo and Yixiao got together.

For a strong man like Yixiao, the Golden Lion Shiji who had met him would never forget it, and his face became a little more serious.

"This is not considered a betrayal. I have never joined you from the beginning to the end." Enel replied.

God, that's a cheap word.Under a series of tortures, Enilu, who had never suffered much at all, betrayed his arrogance, and "abandoned the dark and turned to the bright" in an instant.Fang Xing estimated that the most fundamental reason for Enilo's weak physical fitness is his toughness, arrogance is his character, and this character stems from the ability of the thunder fruit. In a place where there is no interference from outsiders, Enilo experienced the feeling of invincibility. He never considered the idea that mortals could hit him, and it was this idea that made him arrogance, but this arrogance was suppressed After the break, it was difficult for him to accept the ordeal as he had been going smoothly.

The Golden Lion Shiji smiled, and he didn't mind what Enilu said at the moment, because he had already launched an attack.


This is the move of Golden Lion Shiji. Under this move, Piao Piao Guo's ability makes the surrounding objects lose the control of gravity, which is the so-called weightless state.He wanted to use this ability to take Enilo away in an instant. Although Enilo's betrayal made the golden lion Shiji move to kill, but Enilo's ability still had a role, so he adopted this method.

However, Yixiao is not going to make Golden Lion Shiji happy, the ability of the fruit of gravity acts on the surroundings, and restores the objects affected by Golden Lion Shiji to their original state.If it is said that Shiji, the golden lion, used his ability to make the object lose its gravity and float, then he endowed it with this gravity.The two nearly opposite abilities collided with each other, sending out a violent collision.

Tricky guy!Shi Ji knew that if he didn't solve Yixiao first, there was no possibility of taking Enilo away.

He controlled the beasts on the entire island with his mind, and suddenly there was a burst of tyrannical aura, and all the sleeping beasts were awakened, and they sent a cruel message back to the Golden Lion Shiji, there was hunger, there was killing, There is also pain.Even the sea kings under the sea floor felt the mighty momentum, and they began to avoid it as if they were fleeing.

However, Yixiao was not frightened by this momentum, his face did not show the slightest timidity, but because of the roar of these beasts, he showed an expression of anger.There is no rage, no glaring eyes, no bruising, just a calm expression, but hidden under this calm is the tranquility before the storm.

The people who died because of these modified beasts were invisible and have not been counted by Yixiao. The same is true for the navy. The island is a hell on earth, and the aura that comes from the domineering feedback of knowledge is the despair and desolation of human beings.

In the final analysis, this picture of hell is caused by the person in front of him.

This is completely contrary to the justice insisted by Yixiao. He wants to eliminate the golden lion Shiji to maintain the justice he believes in.

Seemingly sensing the aura emanating from Yixiao, the Golden Lion Shiji couldn't help laughing, "Are you going to fight me? Under such a disparity in strength."

The Gravity Fruit is a very powerful ability, but so is the Piao Piao Fruit, especially when the abilities of the Piao Piao Fruit and the Gravity Fruit are almost opposite. No one can fight against this powerful army of modified beasts alone.

"I will destroy you, so as not to see the ugly scene." Said with a smile.

"See? Now blind people can see too." Golden Lion Shiji first questioned, and then expressed his opinion unhurriedly, "Ugly, isn't this statement only made by the navy? I didn't expect to be hunted down by the navy." Even those who are willing to say such words, I originally wanted to invite you to join my fleet, but now it seems to be in vain."

During the conversation, the two were full of sharpness with each other.

Suddenly, Shi Ji turned his head, and he looked in another direction.

In that direction, a figure came, and with his arrival, all the beasts around him were frozen into ice.The man was yawning, looking listless, with curly hair that was messy and untidy, and the sunglasses were pinned on his head just to find a good place to rest in good weather anytime, anywhere.

"...Youth..." Golden Lion Shiji showed a more cautious expression on his face than he treated Yixiao. Although the strength shown by a smile is strong, after all, Golden Lion Shiji has never really fought against him. What is shown is only caution in dealing with the strong.But the generals of the navy are different. The three generals are known as the strongest combat power of the navy, but in terms of combat power and reputation, it is obvious that Akainu and Qingzhi occupy the top.The Golden Lion Shiji, who had experience fighting against the yellow ape, naturally did not dare to underestimate him in the slightest.

"It's really troublesome..." Qingzhi said, he seemed so listless in dealing with everything, but what was different from his attitude was the tyrannical side he showed.

Where he passed by, all the beasts he looked at were condensed into ice by him, and his vivid expression made a crisp sound in the air, shattered into pieces, and then turned into fishy-sweet white air ice crystals bit by bit. scattered.

Ice world!

Centered on the soles of the immature feet, a white world spreads out.Just like the arrival of the cold century, all the surrounding spring is deprived, leaving only a vast expanse of whiteness. None of the beasts within the range of several kilometers has escaped. ice sculpture.

Shi Ji, the golden lion, hovered in the air to avoid it, looking at the hundreds of beasts that were instantly frozen around him, his heart ached.Although these beasts can be compared to more than [-] million pirates in terms of combat power, they are not in terms of mind.Even Qingzhi couldn't deal with so many powerful pirates in an instant, because the pirates would dodge, but the beasts that followed their orders couldn't. They charged straight over and didn't dodge when facing the attack.

Yixiao suddenly launched an attack, slashing out with a sharp and invisible sword qi attached to the aura of gravity, and slashed in the direction of the golden lion Shiji.

The golden lion Shiji dodged, and the sword energy landed on the ice sculpture behind him. The ice that solidified instantly seemed to be hit by a boulder, instead of being slashed by the sword energy and collapsed.

"Attack!" Golden Lion Shiji gave the order to attack, but this attack order was aimed at a smile, because the attack just now also showed that the number was weak for Qingzhi.

After receiving the order, the beasts showed no fear at all, and attacked Yixiao one after another.

The Golden Lion Shiji took advantage of this gap and launched an offensive against Qingzhi. The chopping waves issued by the two famous knives "Sakura Ten" and "Dead Wood" are similar to the Lanjiao in the Sixth Form of the Navy. Above is decidedly different.The chopping wave can easily cut through Qingzhi's ice defense, even when facing this chopping wave, Qingzhi chooses to dodge, and the evaded chopping wave chops on the island and the sea behind Qingzhi , A series of openings were cut, the islands were shattered, the sea was divided, and the power of chopping waves could temporarily separate the sea within several kilometers.

Enilo looked at both sides, neither choosing to attack nor assisting.

From the present point of view, the two sides are in a balanced situation, and it can even be said that the Golden Lion Shiji has the upper hand.It stands to reason that even though Enilo showed the appearance of betraying Shiji just now, it is more beneficial for Enilo to assist Shiji than aid.Because whether it is the navy represented by Qingzhi, or the righteous smile, after the victory, it will bring disaster to him who has done evil things.As for Shi Ji, if he only needs to escape, he won't have the mood and thought to take care of himself.

But it's not that Enilu didn't go to help, but that he couldn't help, his arm was a little stiff, and in the corner where he was the only one, there were bound handprints on his stiff hand.

Anilu smiled wryly, the person standing beside him was Fang Xing, and he knew that the outcome was doomed from the very beginning.

Suddenly, this restraint disappeared, and Fang Xing appeared next to the golden lion Shiji.

This happened in an instant, and even the golden lion Shiji could not have expected it. At that time, he used the two famous knives "Sakura Ten" and "Dead Wood" to attack Qingzhi, and when Fang Xing appeared At that moment, there was no way to withdraw the attack and take a defensive position.The sudden attack made Golden Lion Shiji use the ability of fluttering fruit to defend, but when Fang Xing was well prepared, the armed domineering broke through this layer of defense and successfully attacked Golden Lion Shiji. left trauma.

"..I didn't expect you to hide so well." Shi Ke said, there was a clear wound on his chest, and blood flowed from it.His already aging physical condition also became weaker with this wound.

After understanding the knowledge-color domineering, as long as there is no intention to attack, you can use "reflection" to form a protective film that cannot be perceived, but this is for those who have cultivated the knowledge-color domineering to the extreme, such as Ka Er. For those who can predict the future, such protection is ineffective.It's just that the golden lion Shiji's attainments in knowledge, sex and domineering have not reached the extreme, and a smile and Qingzhi divert his attention.

"Golden Lion Shiji.. Your physical condition does not match your age." Fang Xingdao, compared with the expected state, the Golden Lion Shiji is much stronger. In this state, there is no possibility for Luffy to win at all.

"Did you use the technology used when transforming beasts on your body? However, I have analyzed that the transformation of transforming beasts will greatly shorten its lifespan, and you should not use such a dangerous technology on yourself. body."

Facing Fang Xing's questioning, Shi Ji did not answer, otherwise no one would answer such technical questions.

(End of this chapter)

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