Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 513 Bucky in Charge of Escort

Chapter 513 Bucky in Charge of Escort
The stench came straight to his face, and the sawtooth of the beast was also attached to his body, and the sharp edge made Bucky feel a chill.

Just like this, being about to be bitten and swallowed by wild beasts, is it considered good luck?How could Bucky believe this nonsense, his luck is terrible!Ever since he saw that straw hat, he felt that nothing good happened.It doesn't matter if it's Sanji or Luffy.

It's just that Bucky didn't refute, but quickly got out of the jagged mouth first, in short, he got out of trouble first.

After getting out of trouble, his eyes moved to the person standing in front of this ferocious beast.His arm is not thick, it should be called white and slender, it is more appropriate to call it white and slender, but this arm without any strength can easily hold the impact of the beast's powerful pounce between the teeth and the gap between the teeth. Bite force.

The white hair and red eyes undoubtedly declared the person's identity.The moment Bucky saw him, he knew who he was.This is a person who has been frequently reported in recent days, and is also the target of Bucky's defamation.There are two kinds of people he hates the most, one is those who interfere with his search for hidden treasures, and the other is someone who is both powerful and famous like Fang Xing.

But now Bucky didn't dare to talk about the usual slanderous thoughts when Fang Xing rescued him, it was simply his stupid idea of ​​sending away the benefactor he welcomed.

"I'm your brother's crew member!" Bucky said hastily, normally he would be willing to admit this in front of ordinary people, but at this time he wished to use every opportunity he could to win over the relationship.

Fang Xing was a little stunned, which he didn't expect.Because of the changes he caused, Bucky became Luffy's crew member.This guy who can be called a pirate with full luck points, no matter what kind of disaster he can always survive and get benefits from it.It can be called metaphysics, and what Fang Xing said just now is definitely not because of this objective point of view, but because he is using his ability to block the beast. Judging from the fact that he realized the dispute in the distance from the incoming waves just now. The time it took to come here after it happened was enough for this beast to slaughter all the surrounding life forms, but he just survived.

Nothing is a more effective example than the intuitive reality, but Bucky's temperament is not good. According to normal logic, Luffy would not find him as a partner, and some unexpected changes may have occurred.It may also be a normal development. Considering Luffy's temperament, no matter how weird changes occur, it is still possible.

"Don't you know that I have the worst relationship with Luffy?" Fang Xing joked.

Bucky's face changed suddenly, which he didn't expect, how many of those who could sworn brothers were poorly related.But when he thought about Luffy's unreliable character, and what he said before that he wanted to beat Fei Fangxing, he always felt that this sentence might be true.

"This, this, my relationship with the captain is also ordinary." Bucky held back his words and gave an ambiguous answer. This is an answer that two people don't want to rely on but will not affect him. Fang Xing and Luffy If the relationship is friendly, Luffy's face will naturally not affect his crew; and if the relationship is not good, it can be understood that his relationship is ordinary and coerced into the crew, and Bucky can find it later excuses.After saying this, Bucky saw the eyes of the beast that was restrained by Fang Xing, and its eyes were full of raging anger.

Bucky hurriedly pointed to the grinning beast that couldn't move, "When you're talking about this, don't you give priority to dealing with it?"

"Do you want to play with it?" Fang Xing deliberately interpreted Bucky's treatment as playing.

As soon as he heard "play", Bucky broke out in cold sweat. After playing with the beast that regarded him as food for a while, wouldn't he have to become its food?
"No, my intention is to ask you to fix it," Bucky explained.

But this explanation undoubtedly showed hatred for the intelligent beast.

At this moment, it doesn't understand what kind of power the weak creature in front of it uses to restrain it.Obviously in its cognition, such a creature, with such a body shape, shouldn't be able to resist it.But it turned out to be subdued.And now another thing that it doesn't understand is why the opponent hasn't attacked him for a long time. Considering it from its thinking, if it restrains its prey, it will take the attitude of killing it.

However... no matter what, this is a good thing, but now this "good thing" is reminded by the person who was regarded as food by him just now, which made him burst out with strong anger and hatred.

"Do you still have wisdom and emotion?" Fang Xing murmured, he was not surprised by this.In this pirate world, powerful creatures with intelligence and emotions are common.What surprised him was that the characteristics of this beast, "The scales of the lizard, the sharp claws of the eagle, the stature of the wild bear, and the head of the wolf have the characteristics of at least a dozen kinds of creatures. Such creatures Does it exist naturally?"

Bucky didn't have the heart to listen to this. In his mind, it didn't matter what kind of creature it was, as long as it was dangerous.

"Hurry up and get rid of it, it's too dangerous." Bucky smiled flatteringly, and then reminded: "Didn't you notice the ease with which it used its sharp claws to tear the steel just now, and its wings flapped?" can repel the waves when it's time, if it breaks free..."

Bucky didn't say what would happen after breaking free, because the answer is actually obvious.

Fang Xing shook his head, he didn't kill the beast directly because of his proposal, instead he replied with some confidence: "Don't worry, it won't break free, I am very confident in my own strength. "

Bucky is annoyed!His proposal was for Fang Xing to solve it, not for Fang Xing to boast of his own strength confidently.

Even if your strength is guaranteed, but Bucky's is not. Once the beast breaks free and escapes, from the look it showed just now, Bucky can predict that the beast will definitely take revenge on him.

Regarding Bucky's worries, Fang Xing was not worried at all.The ability to manipulate vectors is crushing for creatures that are weaker than themselves, and it only needs to be understood in the brain to block and reflect its power.

"..Do you want to stop watching?" Bucky said.

Fang Xing ignored him, and he ordered Qiaoba, "Bring the survivors of the Rui Lifu army to the ship for treatment."

Regarding this, Chopper has already prepared for it. After getting close to here, he smelled the smell of blood in the air. After seeing the swiftly charging beast, he naturally understood what happened. Foreign objects, and at the same time arrange the medicines needed for the operation.

The people in Ruilifu naturally did not refuse, and they had no objection to Fang Xing's judgment.Because in Rui Lifu, apart from the people they respect on the surface, they also have a person who needs to be respected. According to Yixiao, he proposed the strategy of this country and arranged the follow-up development. It can also be said that their lives It is because of it that there is a new year.And this person is Fang Xing, so naturally no one has any objection to Fang Xing's decision, even though the beast just killed so many of their brothers in the army.



Carrying this extremely fast and rare beast, Fang Xing and his party came here.

"What is this?" asked with a smile.

The East China Sea's task of suppressing and transforming beasts has come to an end and is about to end.And when Yixiao approached Rui Lifu, he found an opportunity to sneak back.The beast that Fang Xing had arrested was in front of him. Although he couldn't see it with a smile, he obviously felt a different breath from it.It was cruel, but it revealed the cunning breath of wisdom.

"It is estimated that it is also a transformed beast." Fang Xing replied.

He smiled and lowered his head to think for a while, "If the beasts scattered all over the East China Sea this time are of this level, it is conceivable that the progress of this activity will become more and more difficult. Since you have come here, I will not be polite to you, I hope You can contribute your strength."

Especially now it is still uncertain whether those modified beasts in the East China Sea have been dealt with, because they fell from the empty island, and the birds carried the beasts to various places, and their work and rest habits can't be understood at all.Once there are beasts of this level, once Rui Lifu's army encounters them, the situation they encounter will not be as lucky as this time, and Fang Xing can still encounter them.It can be said that the annihilation of the entire army is their end.

This is exactly what Yixiao is worried about. If Fang Xing's combat power joins in, the casualties will definitely be greatly alleviated.

"Okay." Fang Xing agreed.

"What are you going to do with this beast?" A smile then asked Fang Xing what to do.

Bucky, who followed, almost shouted in his heart: "Kill it!" This is the safest way to do it once and for all.

But Fang Xing gave him an answer that stunned him, and he said flatly: "Bring it to the Vinsmoke family and check the situation. I always feel that the technology adopted by this transformed beast is a The new breakthrough may bring some inspiration to Vinsmoke."

There is a gap between lives, and it is absolutely against the law to gather the advantages of each beast like this beast.But instead of being affected by these days of observation, this beast has used its own advantages to form such a powerful combat force.The skills it uses can definitely evolve and break through the field of bloodline factors used by Vinsmoke.

Bucky looked at this beast with some trepidation. Even though it was surrounded by iron chains, there were at least a dozen chains locked on it, but Bucky, who had seen its strength, knew that some of them could not be restrained. Its, it can forcefully break free with strength.The reason why it remains quiet at this moment is entirely out of Fang Xing's deterrence.Once this deterrence is gone, Bucky can imagine what kind of "turning" his fate will usher in.

"Didn't you just say you wanted to take part in the operation?" Bucky asked timidly, "Since you have already participated in the operation, how do you escort it?"

From Bucky's point of view, Fang Xing is the only person qualified to be escorted. Although Yixiao's strength seems to be enough, but he is blind, and it is too dangerous for him to be escorted!He had undoubtedly angered the beast, and if it slipped out, the threat to him would be too great.

"I think you are pretty good." Fang Xing said.

"Me? What are you... kidding!..I ​​mean...my strength is not enough to deter it." Bucky consciously changed his tone too aggressively.

"It's okay..." Fang Xing said naturally: "Didn't you see the chains on it? I can't rest assured that the escort task is entrusted to you."

In Bucky's eyes, those chains were no different from the thin threads used for sewing clothes, and what was bound was not a child but a muscular man.I'm afraid it takes only one breath to break free.There must be an excuse for this job, Bucky thought.

"...the captain doesn't know when he will come back. As his crew member, I have to wait for him." Bucky said.

Luffy participated in this operation to explore and transform the beast information, unlike he was coerced into it, he was more out of interest.

"It's okay, I'm his brother, I have the final say." Fang Xing said.

"That's not good... Pirates have their own rules." Bucky said tactfully.

But this refusal seemed powerless, and Bucky once again realized what a brother is, that is, his actions are so strong, he took the beast with him and left Rui Lifu with the battleship inexplicably.

In a room sealed off layer by layer, in a dark and closed corner, there are beasts locked up layer by layer.

After feeling that it was leaving the island and away from the aura that frightened it, it showed a sly expression on its face, as if it was very satisfied with the result.Soon, it would be able to find an opportunity to break free from these icy objects wrapped around its body in an instant, and devour the weak creatures here as delicacies.

Just when it took it for granted, Bucky appeared here.

Holding a long stick, he came to the cage tremblingly.Then it poked this beast's body from side to side and from side to side.


A liger-like sound came from its mouth, and there was a clanging sound from the iron chain.Bucky dodged immediately when the voice sounded, and came back to repeat this almost deadly action when he found that there was no abnormality.This move didn't last long, because the beast found that the icy and brittle object that could be broken with a light struggle was suddenly extremely tough.

"Haha.. Sure enough, the blessing of the Hailou Stone is effective!" Bucky laughed loudly. These Hailou Stones were obtained by Luffy's attack on the naval base, and some of them belonged to the country of Ruilifu.

His act of dying this time was to test whether the beast could break free from Hailoushi. The seemingly tough Hailoushi could not be broken so easily.And if it was broken by this beast, it was very close to Rui Lifu, and it was only just sailing out. The outer cage had layers of sealed rooms, which could buy it some time to escape back to the island.

(End of this chapter)

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