Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 504 The Youthful Visit

Chapter 504 The Youthful Visit

Eli was not surprised, he was used to it, and he would be surprised if Hawkins showed a different attitude.

"Hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... .." smiled and rubbed the badly worn stick knife, as long as this problem does not happen to him, he is also willing to watch.

Hearing Yixiao's voice, Eli couldn't help persuading him again: "Mr. Yixiao, do you really not think about it? A country can only be stabilized if it truly has descendants of the royal family."

"Huh? In this country... there is no royal family."

Hearing what Eli said again, he smiled and had no choice but to fool around.

"No, actually already has it." Eli said, even if there is no coronation crown, but this is the default thing, no resident will object to this thing.

The sea wind is howling, and the fleet is still sailing. They are heading towards Ruilifu for the annual "Macho Man Festival".

"Come! Come! The army of freedom is back!"

Suddenly someone shouted, the crowd boiled up, and the residents who had been waiting at the pier a long time ago cheered head to tail.

It's just that in this jubilant place, there is a vacant place, where a pirate group stays, with a straw hat logo on the ship.

In this vacant place, Qingzhi had already arrived here early, and was waiting for the arrival of Rayleigh's army.

This is a strange country. Even though he was recognized as a general at the pier, the other party did not let him leave because of this. This identity seemed to be of no use here, and he was ordered to stay at the pier.It would be unbelievable if such a thing happened in other countries, because the admiral is somewhat more respected than the king.The meaning he represents is that it can easily destroy the power at the national level, and what Rui Lifu has done is just to make enough space for him, and this is still for the sake of the admiral, otherwise it would be the same for other people. May be driven off the island.

Qingzhi looked towards the ocean in the south, and with the afterglow of the sun, giant steel ships appeared in his vision, lined up across the sea, and he couldn't see the edge at a glance.Under the pressure brought about by the fleet's rapid voyage, the sea level fluctuated faintly.For a moment, the fluctuations turned into waves, driven by the fleet, they rushed towards the coast. However, under this power, people still waited calmly on the coast without any movement.

Based on this alone, Qingzhi is sure that these warships are much better than the navy's warships, and their speed is at least several times that of the navy's warships. Otherwise, even if such a fleet is assembled, it will not be able to bring such waves .

"Are they crazy? Why don't they stop? If they don't stop, the ship will crash into the coast! Hey...you run! Otherwise, it will be too late!" Luffy shouted to the crowd.

The impacting waves and the battleship brought along, the bodies of ordinary people are smashed into pieces when they are hit by them.

"Who knows what those guys think! Luffy! Let's run first!" Nami said.

"Don't move! It's safe here." Bucky stopped Nami and the others, and he crossed his hands across his chest, posing a posture of fearlessness in the face of danger.The impact of the waves is fatal to most devil fruit users. It stands to reason that Bucky should have escaped long ago, but this time he did not choose to escape, but stayed here to pose. It is because of immaturity.Knowing Qingzhi's strength well, he knew that under Qingzhi's powerful ability, such an impact would not be able to harm him at all, so as long as he stayed by his side, he was safe.If you leave here, because you are ordered to prohibit entering the island, you may be in danger instead.

The impact of the waves, which are nearly tens of meters high, definitely exceeds the ton level. However, the people of Ruilifu did not flinch. They just stood under the waves, talking freely He said, as if the life-threatening impact of the waves was not a serious matter.

Bucky's expression changed from plain to astonished. The waves had already passed over their heads, but Qingzhi had no intention of doing anything. He gradually lost his composure. He was regretting the decision he had just made. If he didn't If he was handsome, maybe the trouble would not be so much. He could escape from the air with his ability.

Just when the waves were close to the eyes, they suddenly stopped. It wasn't the immature ability that formed ice, but stayed in the air while maintaining a liquid state. At the same time, the speeding battleship stopped .

"Smile! Smile!" The people cheered the name.

This is an unimaginably condensed aura, even the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were frightened by this aura.Although because of the relationship that Luffy often gets into trouble, such as beating up a king so that the whole country chases after him, stealing the princess’s food and breaking into the boudoir, etc.. The difficulties and dangers they face are far more dangerous than normal pirates. There are many, but this momentum is different, and it is different from any country they have encountered.

Qingzhi was also slightly surprised. The condensation in front of him, the harmony among the residents, and the beloved king made him feel that this was the same as the justice he expected, but the way of smiling was tantamount to violating many regulations.So is the justice under the regulations correct, or is Yixiao's detached behavior correct?Qingzhi is not sure now. If he was the original one, he might feel that the balance can only be maintained in accordance with the regulations. The navy has always operated in accordance with the balance arranged by the world government, but the world today is becoming more and more chaotic.However, he couldn't say that what he did with a smile was right. Although the country of Ruilifu is developing rapidly, the senses brought by the whole country are gradually increasing.But beyond that, a smile also invites confusion.

The population of Rayleigh is slaves, and the slaves that the nobles obtained through wealth and exploitation were taken away by Rayleigh.Especially the army of Ruilifu was given the task of plundering wealth from the nobles. Such an approach is tantamount to using the wealth of the nobles to make the country develop steadily, so Qingzhi can't be sure whether this approach is right or wrong.

The waves dissipated, and the exposed steel battleship looked even more shocking than just looking at it from a distance.Black gold steel, the ship shape constructed by a first-class designer, the collarbone is locked at the key hull, and there are [-] muzzles on each side.The hull is about ten meters high and hundreds of meters long. Even the navy does not have such a warship. It is hard to imagine that a small country with only islands can own a warship.If these materials can be purchased, Qingzhi estimates that the cost of such a warship may be more than ten times that of a naval warship, which is about one billion Baileys.And with such a row, there are at least dozens of warships, even if the navy wants to raise this fund, it is extremely difficult.

Could it be that robbing nobles is really so profitable?Qingzhi thought secretly.

The warships docked at the port, but only a small number of three docked over.Unlike usual, not all the men entered the harbor. Although couples were formed during the "Macho Man's Day", the only qualified people were warriors who passed the test.In the continuous battles, each of them is a seasoned warrior, especially among the slaves purchased by the nobles, many of them are specially used as bodyguards, and their strength is obtained through the accumulation of combat experience. confirmed.It can be said that if each of these people is advertised as a bounty, it will be at least several million.In addition, equipped with special weapons specially made by Valbo, even if you encounter pirates with tens of millions of levels, you can fight, not to mention some individual strengths that exceed [-] million.

As for the people on the three warships, there are about five or six hundred people called "macho men". In the current East China Sea, such people can create a commotion in the Creek Pirates when they go out. It has become the veritable number one power in the East China Sea.

"It seems that we can fight well in this country." Sauron showed his desire to fight, and his eyes were almost locked on some individual swordsmen among the crowd.

"I wonder if they will treat us with meat?" Luffy said flatly.

Nami almost collapsed, one is a combat training fanatic, the other is a foodie, now is not the time to think about these things.They were brought here by Qingzhi inexplicably, shouldn't it be his intention that should be considered first?But in general, he still understands one thing, that is, neither of them can be counted on.

Nami, Usopp, and Bucky discussed in a low voice about what to do next.But before they discussed the result, the uncrowned king of Rui Lifu had already come here surrounded by everyone.

"Admiral of the navy?" Yixiao asked weakly, because of invisible relationship, so he asked.

I've heard of Yixiao's style from the tea dolphin, but seeing it with my own eyes is still a bit weird. Can you imagine a person with the strength of a general, but looks like a kind uncle?Qingzhi also didn't expect Yixiao's character to be like this, just like other people didn't think he was a person who was too lazy to even raise his hand before seeing him.

"Yes, I came to you to discuss something." Qing Zhi said.

"Wow, is this blind uncle the king of this country? He doesn't look like a great person." Luffy jumped to Xiaoxiao's side at some point and began to size him up.

This pompous approach undoubtedly angered others in the country.A smile saved the people of this country and gave them a new life, but such a benefactor is being insulted in front of them at this moment.

"Bastard boy! I'm going to gag your mouth."

"You don't want to leave alive!"

Looking at Fang Xing with a smile, even though he couldn't see it, he raised his hand to calm the noisy crowd, and then said: "I don't think I'm a great person, I'm just a blind uncle who likes to gamble , How about you play two games with me?"

"No." Luffy refused, picking his nostrils, "Aren't you blind? Why do you like gambling? What if others lie to you?"

"Huhuhu is just a hobby." Yixiao implied that he didn't care too much about the outcome, all he cared about was the process.Just like what he is doing now, he doesn't care what the result of such an approach will be, he just wants to do it according to his own ideas.

"If someone dares to lie to Mr. Xiao, we will dismantle him!" Someone responded to Luffy's question.

Luffy didn't respond, he just finished picking his nostrils, and then under the astonishment of everyone, he flicked his fingers on Xiaoxiao's body in an extremely flat manner.

"Bastard boy, we'll kill you!" As the warriors of Rayleigh, how could they tolerate Luffy's provocations again and again, and they launched an attack almost at the same time.

A smile stopped it again.

"Can you tell me the reason for doing this?" asked with a smile, in his knowledge and perception, Luffy's actions were not malicious.

"I heard that you are very powerful, I wanted to fight with you, but you can't even avoid my booger, so don't do such dangerous things in the future." Luffy said.

Strange logic, the first reaction of a smile, but immediately he found it funny again, because Luffy was worried about what he meant, but the expression of worry was always somewhat misleading.

"Mr. Yixiao, don't stop us, watch us beat this brat to the ground!"

"Obviously I punched you all away!" Luffy retorted unwillingly.

"How could such an interesting thing be without me?" Sauron followed.

Qing Zhi was stunned aside, things were always developing inexplicably, but his lazy temperament made him not want to stop it.

"Forget it, you can't beat him." A smile dissuaded him, then he looked at Qing Zhi and said, "Besides, isn't there something more important to discuss?"

"No! We must fight!" Luffy insisted.

"The drawn blade is not stained with blood, so there is no reason to take it back?" Sauron said.

The trio of Nami, Usopp, and Bucky are almost in despair. Can't these two bastards learn from Zhepu?Just stay on board, won't you?

"Fang Xing, let me take care of you when I met you, I can't treat you with a knife." He said suddenly with a smile.

"Do you know Fang Xing?"

"Well, there was a journey for a while." Yi smiled.

"Who is he?" Usopp asked.

"My brother." Luffy said, "But... I once said, I want to beat him up."

Hitting his brother for no reason?This is a strange idea that only Luffy has.

"Huhuhu, I really have to look forward to it." He said with a smile, "Now it's time to discuss things."

"You should know about the beasts that suddenly appeared in the East China Sea recently." Qingzhi said.

Yi smiled and nodded, "Recently, during the war, I encountered... This is not a beast that ordinary people can fight against. It appears in a weaker country and even has the power to destroy the country. Their mood is very violent, and they will take the initiative. to attack people,

Under his knowledge and arrogance, he perceives the emotion revealed by the beast, which is a beast that only has pain perception besides the brutal emotion.He once suppressed them and tried to calm them down, but he found that it was futile. The pain made them more cruel, and the cruel emotions made their bodies more painful. This is a vicious circle.

(End of this chapter)

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