Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 5 Occupation

Chapter 5 Occupation

The moment Fang Xing showed his face, Ace and Sabo said in astonishment, they didn't expect that the person who defeated them just now turned out to be such a delicate girl, only Lu Fei still maintained a normal heart.

For Ace and the others, Fang Xing had expected it a long time ago. Sure enough, he was treated as a girl. Although he was mentally prepared, he still felt a little awkward psychologically.

He explained in a slightly troubled tone: "I'm not a girl, but a real boy, don't get me wrong."


However, this explanation did not convince Essabo easily, and he stared at Fang Xing's face suspiciously.

Seeing that the other party still refused to believe it, Fang Xing suddenly had a whim, and said maliciously: "I didn't lie to you, I wear a handle, do you want to take it off to prove it to you?"

"Oh, no, no!" Ace and Sabo panicked, turning their heads away, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment.Sora left Luffy standing on the spot alone, he didn't understand how the atmosphere of the fight just now turned into this in the blink of an eye.

"Ace, Sabo, don't be fooled by this guy, this guy attacked us just now."

After being reminded by Luffy, the two of them remembered that they were unable to resist under this guy just now. There was no doubt that this guy was a dangerous element, so they became vigilant again and put on a fighting posture.

Seeing this situation, Fang Xing sighed, that's no wonder, after all, there was nothing he could do to arouse the other party's vigilance by what he did just now.

"Didn't I say that? I'm not going to fight you."

"Do you think we will believe you if you say this? Just now you came with that group of people, and the other party doesn't mind you staying aside, it can only show that you are an accomplice of that group of people! To convince us, take out Here's the proof," Ace said.

Indeed, as Ace said, Fang Xing has no way to explain it clearly. After all, it is a fact that he came here with Bruggem's men. No normal person would believe that he has nothing to do with those guys.

"I don't have evidence. I just bought your information and followed. But I caught you just now, but let you go. Isn't this the best evidence?"

Ace thought about it carefully, and didn't waver because of it, but said again: "Although what you said is correct, what are you planning to do by buying our information?"

What purpose must there be in buying intelligence?No matter what this guy said, since he bought their information, there must be a reason.

"I want to be friends with you guys."

"Eh...?" Ace couldn't react to the inexplicable answer, and even Sabo, who was always wise, was a little stunned.

Luffy, on the other hand, replied directly: "I don't want to be friends with those who attack us!"

This answer is really in line with Lu Fei's straightforward character, but now is not the time to admire, Fang Xing had no choice but to say in a deep voice: "You were the ones who attacked me first, I just counterattacked naturally."

Hearing this, Ace was a little embarrassed. It was indeed he who launched the attack first, but at that time he only thought it was the other party's person and didn't think too much about it.

Luffy didn't listen, "Well...you're right, but you don't want it."

"Um..." I didn't expect Lu Fei to be unexpectedly difficult, but he was indeed to blame for this matter.

Originally, he could avoid it and explain the situation directly, but at that time, he only wanted to see the fighting power of the protagonist in the original book, and showed them his ability with a little childishness, but he didn't expect to cause trouble.

"Why do you want to be friends with us?" Ace asked.

To be honest, Fang Xing couldn't explain the reason, but suddenly came to this world, he was like floating grass floating in the water, erratic.

What dreams and pursuits do you have, you can't explain them clearly.

He came to this world so abruptly, after discovering Pirate World, and knowing that Luffy and others were also on this island, the idea of ​​looking for them arose in his heart.Maybe he put his hopes on these guys with a strong heart, and he might get some answers.

"Do you need a reason to be friends?" Fang Xing asked rhetorically.

"Uh... do you need a reason?"

The question that was originally asked to Luffy was asked back on Fang Xing, and Ace was also a little at a loss, not knowing how to answer, so he had to look at Sabo and ask.

"Don't look at me, I don't know either...!"

Seeing that Sabo couldn't answer, Ace had to change the subject.

"Leaving aside this question for the time being, why did you spend money to buy our intelligence? This question can always be answered, right?"

"I came into this world without relatives, and I don't know what to do, so after hearing your stories, maybe I will have some answers when I find you..."

This answer was something Fang Xing had thought about a long time ago, and it was also something deep in his heart.

But before he finished speaking, Fang Xing found that Lu Fei walked up to him at this time, stared at him closely with teary eyes, and said in a crying voice: "I will be friends with you, and the future members of the Pirates There is also a place for you."

"Eh...?" Why would there be such an answer all of a sudden, besides, he hasn't said that he wants to be a pirate yet!
"Tch... that idiot, he made friends with someone else before he finished asking the question." Ace looked at Luffy with some surprise and said.

Sabo on the side walked over, patted Ace on the shoulder with his hand, and said with a smile: "Ace, that's also Luffy's personality, and I don't think his words seem fake."

Ace crossed his hands, closed his eyes, and said without looking at Sabo: "I don't care about you, you can figure it out."

Sabo knew that Ace's arrogant character had committed a crime again, and he was not going to let him go. He walked around behind Ace and pushed Ace towards Fang Xing's direction.

"what are you doing..?!"

In the blink of an eye, he was pushed in front of Fang Xing.Ace and Fang Xing, the two of them just met their eyes like this, it seemed that Ace looked a little shy because he still couldn't look at Fang Xing's face.

"Er... that..., what's your name?"

"My name is Fang Xing, your name is Ace, your name is Luffy, and your name is Sabo."

"You know it really well." Sabo said in surprise.

"You are celebrities in the waste terminal. You dare to challenge the tyrant of the waste terminal, Bruggem, and you are even a legendary kid who escaped several times under his hands."

"Celebrity!?" Luffy was intoxicated by being famous, and he was very happy.

"Yeah, I became famous before I knew it, hahahaha." Sabo said.

Ace said coldly: "It's not a good thing to be famous here, at least it means that we will be valued by the other party, you know we can't beat that guy now."

"Ace, don't spoil the atmosphere, look how good Luffy is."

"Hey, I'm just teaching you how to look at the facts, and you're welcome to join me."

"Hey Ace is shy!" Sabo booed.

"Really, really, Ace is shy." Luffy followed suit.

"You two...! Let's forget about today, let's let you go, we have another partner from today, and we will be friends from today on."

"Oh!" The four shouted, clasping their hands together.

(End of this chapter)

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