Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 489 Valpo's ambition

Chapter 489 Valpo's ambition
Some people are born to be welcomed by others, either because of their appearance, talent, strength or others. They always have specialties that surpass others, and Walpo believes that he is also this type of person, and in terms of appearance, At least he thought so.

"Lord Valpo, Master Valpo"

Greetings of welcome resounded through the street. Walpo walked on the street, and more and more people noticed his appearance. At the same time, the street became agitated, and crowds slowly gathered.

This is a country named Ruilifu, which has risen up in the East China Sea.Ruilifu, "relife" means a new life, restarting and starting one's own life.

In this country, the vast majority of residents are slaves, and in this country they will regain their freedom from slavery. This is a free country.

"Master Walpo, the houses in the West District need you to repair them."

"The newly established square also welcomes Mr. Valpo, but there may be a little lack of building materials."

"The army has introduced a batch of new combat-ready weapons, but some are still missing, and the new weapons are simply incomparable with the weapons modified by Mr. Walpo."

Residents, including some officials, came here with their own pleas.Walpo revealed a bit of joy, he raised his hand, and the residents fell silent tacitly.

"The great Lord Walpo has granted your request," he said.This kind of thing that can satisfy the appetite and build a relationship network is simply a great thing.The only downside is that he has to spit out what he eats.

With his agreement, cheers erupted in the town.Walpo didn't enjoy the cheers. He walked straight out of town, and the crowd dispersed after he left.

Valpo, who discovered this phenomenon, made a judgment, hmm...he is really popular.Originally, the great Lord Walpo would not agree to the request of these ordinary guys, but for the sake of the plan, he was willing to endure the humiliation.

He was originally the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, and after being taken away from the throne by Fang Xing, he was even more abused. However, in the eyes of others, he was Fang Xing's most thorough dog.Because, because of Fang Xing's words, he has worked hard in this country for more than a year.

"Damn Fang Xing!" Thinking of this, Walpo said angrily, and he was relieved only after he looked around with his eyes to make sure there was no one.

He was originally the king of the Magnetic Drum Kingdom, so aloft he could easily decide the life and death of those common people.But because of Fang Xing, he was sent to hell.Not only lost their original status, but also worked for civilians.

There is a reason for all this!All for Pluto!
The ancient weapon Pluto, this is a battleship with absolute power.And with the ability to swallow fruit, he can turn the swallowed things into his own power.And he only needs to swallow Hades secretly after Fang Xing finds Hades, to have that absolute power.

By that time, not only can the shame be washed away, but no one in this world dares to resist him.Well, at that time, he gave Fang Xing a position as a carriage pedal, so that he could be stepped on every day.

Thinking of this, Walpo laughed, but the sound stopped abruptly.

"Is there something funny? You are Walpo?" Bruno opened a door from the air and walked out.

"Who are you?" Walpo asked in a panic, the panic from his previous thoughts still remained on his face.

"Fang Xing asked me to pick you up, and let me tell you another news."

"Then tell me, I'll take you to someone," Walpo said.


few days ago
It has been more than a year since the King's Banquet was held.

In order not to leave any stains, the world government did not prevent the holding of this banquet. During this period, nothing happened, and the Wano country also broke away from the circle of disputes and fell silent.

It's just that the silence is not permanent, and this moment the silence is broken.

Lu Qi left the role that he had been pretending to be for more than a year, the blacksmith, and came to the door of the Double Swords Ryudo Gym, where Fang Xing stayed.

Ignoring the tightly closed door, Lu Qi jumped over easily, and a voice came from the gymnasium.

"Brother Heshu is really stupid. He can't even use this skill well. Compared with it, I learned it two months ago."

"Come on, a younger sister should look like a younger sister"

"It's the past tense that a woman can't beat a man. Brother Fang Xing is so strong, he is still under the control of Sister Ain. You should train honestly. Besides, wouldn't it be more embarrassing to say that you can't even beat your sister. "

Lu Qi pushed open the door, and he asked, "Where is Fang Xing?"

They are no strangers to Lu Qi. Although he seldom comes here, his indifference and strength are his performance.Sugimura Kazuki adores this character of his rather than Fang Xing's lazy and casual appearance, even though Fang Xing's strength is stronger.

"They're in the backyard." Sugimura Kazumi replied.

Lu Qi nodded, then silently walked towards the backyard.

"It's so cool...this look." Sugimura Kazuki admired, and then made Lu Qi's expression, walking back and forth silently.

"...you should become stronger first, you are not like anyone else now." Sugimura Kazumi hit, she thought for a while and said: "It's a bit like Mr. Hobak."

"How is it possible! How could I be wearing stockings, and I wasn't smiling!" Kazuki Sugimura resisted.

Lu Qi walked through the corridor, because Fang Xing stayed here, whether it was to please him or something else, the originally small space was refurbished and expanded.

"Idiot, don't apply medicine indiscriminately!" Fang Xing's voice of resistance came from the house in the backyard.

"Whispering, this is what Chopper specially explained."

"Pants, forget about those sensitive areas on the inner thighs!"

The sound of the door being pushed open, the sound of the door being closed.

Lu Qi opened the door coldly, saw the situation inside, and closed the door calmly.

"Excuse me." Lu Qi said.

"Hey Lu Qi!" Fang Xing shouted in embarrassment.

The scene was embarrassing for a while, Ai En calmly withdrew his hand, and then pushed open the door.With a slight blush on his face, he walked away to prepare tea.

After a while, Ai En came back and handed the tea to Lu Qi and Fang Xing, while he sat aside in embarrassment without saying a word.

"You bastard...where did you learn this knowledge?" Fang Xing asked.If it was the original Lu Qi, he would never make such a misleading and embarrassing language of opening and closing the door and adding "excuse me".

"Doflamingo taught it." Lu Qi said.

"That guy, let's betray him to Kaido." Fang Xing murmured, and then returned to the topic, "What do you want me to do?"

"The giant elephant moved." Lu Qi said.

The plain words revealed a different message. If the giant elephant moved normally, Lu Qi would not say it. The only possibility is that the giant elephant was being manipulated again.

"Momonosuke is gone?" Fang Xing asked.

"Yes." Lu Qi said.

"Your Excellency Fang Xing...Your Excellency Fang Xing! Momanosuke-sama is missing!" Fox Fire Kinemon shouted.

"Trouble." Fang Xing sighed, and just as he finished sighing, Jin Weimen had already opened the door and rushed in.

"How did you disappear?" Fang Xing asked.

"As soon as I woke up, I realized it was gone." Kinemon said awkwardly. Last night he went to the Kabuki Town and enjoyed the night comfortably. When he returned in the morning, he found that there was a noisy News - Momanosuke-sama is missing.

"It's pitiful to have your group of men, it looks like they were kidnapped again." Fang Xing said.

"Then is there a way to find it?" Foxfire Kinemon asked.On the one hand, he asked Fang Xing, and on the other hand, he also asked Lu Qi. In terms of information, Lu Qi was more clear than Fang Xing. Even if he left CP0, he also gathered a group of intelligence personnel.

"The giant elephant moved." Fang Xing repeated what Lu Qi said just now, and then said: "Only the Guangyue clan who have a contract with the giant elephant can order it to move."

The meaning of this sentence is very clear, and Foxfire Kinemon also heard it, which means that Momanosuke is on top of the giant elephant.

"Then the rescue must be carried out quickly! If the mission issued by the World Government is the previous one." Foxfire Kinemon shouted, when the giant elephant was given the action order, it was to let the giant elephant attack Wano country and kill Momonosuke.

"It's late." Lu Qi said coldly, "If the other party ordered that mission, since the giant elephant moved, it means that the mission has been carried out. And this time the giant elephant's route is exactly Wano country."

"The sudden action, is it because the world government thinks that their accumulated strength is enough, or does it feel that the time is ripe?" Fang Xing said softly.

"It's not going to be a good thing anyway," Ain said.

"Compared to a blind rescue, it is better to confirm the situation on the island first. Although the King's Banquet was successfully held, there was more than a year of stability, but this stability is not without cost. This country has already been infiltrated. Many people, including officials, have become members of the world government." Fang Xing said.

"How to do it?" Lu Qi asked.

"Preemptive attack." Fang Xing said, "If the giant elephant is really attacking the country of Wano, then it is inevitable that the soldiers of the world government who guard this country will turn against the water because of the king's banquet. It is better to take the initiative to attack than to be beaten passively."

"What if it's wrong?" Foxfire Kinemon asked.

"At that time, it was all about fighting, and it didn't matter whether it was right or wrong." Fang Xing said flatly.

Foxfire Kin'emon's cheeks twitched slightly, which was unreliable no matter what.Wrong type, that is not something that can be explained by a misunderstanding.Wano Kuno will inevitably be pushed to the forefront, and he thinks it is more important to find the young master Momonosuke.

Fang Xing saw his thoughts, and said, "Lu Qi, you will take care of this matter."

"Okay." Lu Qi responded.

"There is another thing. If it is really a giant elephant attack, this preparation is not enough. I need Bruno to help me with a message and a person." Fang Xing said.


"Do you want Fang Xing to let you come to me?" asked with a smile.

Bruno looked at the blind man in front of him, but he didn't dare to underestimate him.When he came, Fang Xing had already told Yixiao that his strength was equal to that of a general. Although he would basically not get angry as long as he didn't do evil things to oppress civilians, Bruno was still a little timid in front of such a strong man.

"Don't be nervous, are you good at gambling?" With a smile, he sat on the spot and took out all kinds of gambling tools.

"Fang Xing asked me to come to you, and I know a little about gambling." Bruno said.

As a CP9, the training is not just about combat strength, it also includes intelligence gathering and identity concealment training. Gambling skills play an important role in gathering intelligence. You don’t need to be proficient, it’s a part you need to be familiar with .

"Oh?" Yixiao said with a kind smile, "Then what do you want to bet on? Choose one and relax."

Bruno didn't know the specific character of Yixiao, so he didn't dare to refuse. He looked at the gambling equipment and chose the simplest dice in it.

"Just roll the dice, compare the size, and win or lose." He said, this is the easiest way to tell the winner.

Yixiao took the dice cup and handed one to Bruno.He asked: "That boy Fang Xing, what can I do for you to come to me?"

"Press." Bruno shook the drum cup with a smile, and then put it down.

"Applying pressure? What does that mean?" Asked with a smile, he also stopped the drum, "Can you check the points for me?"

A smile pointed to his eyes, the intention was obvious, that is to say he couldn't see.

As a blind person, he has an interest in gambling, which is undoubtedly a disadvantage.Bruno didn't quite understand either, and asked his opponent to look at the dice. Even if he reported a number casually with a smile, he would have no way of knowing it, but he did it anyway.

"Six." Bruno said, and at the same time said the meaning, "Fang Xing means to make the things you have done in the past five times stronger."

"Haha.. Good luck, the biggest point, how much is yours?" Yixiao first answered the gambling matter, and then said: "Ten times? Although it is a bit difficult, I will do it. I believe there is his reason. "

"One," Bruno said.

"You lost. Today's luck is really good. You can go to the casino to try your luck." With a smile, he touched the floor with his hand and put the gambling equipment he found into his bag.

Bruno hurried to help.

"Thank you." Thank you with a smile, then stood up slowly, and walked towards the distance alone.

Stranger—Bruno made the judgment call.Such a person is more like a kind old man who likes to gamble than a strong man whose strength is comparable to that of a general.

"Can I leave?" Walpo seemed a little impatient. When Yixiao was present just now, due to his strength, he kept silent for fear of being seen.

But what bothered Walpo the most was not a smile, but Fang Xing.He didn't know what Fang Xing's purpose in looking for him was. Did he discover the ordinary curses? Or did he discover the great plan?Under such circumstances, he couldn't calm down at all.

"Let's go," Bruno said.

(End of this chapter)

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