Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 484 Use of Black Wing

Chapter 484 Use of Black Wing

"Preparation for yourself?" Tiqi muttered, the rhyme hidden in this sentence made him think, but it didn't last long, he didn't get the answer, but it didn't affect his confidence.

He believes that Fang Xing will never win against the Blackbeard Pirates with this configuration without external force.Gathering cadres, including the Blackbeard Pirates that he exists, even the admiral of the navy will have difficulty escaping, and he is fully sure that he can win him.

"It's really a pity to kill you, don't you think about it?" Tichi said, "If you join my fleet, when the Whitebeard Pirates are wiped out by me in the future, you may think about it and leave Ace behind. The captain’s life, of course, presupposes that he is permanently handcuffed in Haikou Stone and kept under surveillance.”

Tikki has never been a nice guy, and doesn't think about old relationships.The request he made at this moment is also his bottom line, and any trouble must be contained before it germinates.He was in the Whitebeard Pirates before, and he knew that Ace was the most favored by Whitebeard in the Pirates.

Even if his potential is not as great as Fang Xing, it is still a huge threat.This is why after Fang Xing revealed the news, even though it might be a trap, he still brought his troops over.

A large part of the reason why he agreed to back down before was that he was not yet familiar with his abilities, and the newly expanded pirate group also needed to be prepared, and he needed a solid foundation.And after doing these things well, if you wait any longer, accidents may happen at any time.

"Didn't you already know the answer?" Fang Xing said.

"It seems that it was rejected. That's a pity. We are destined not to be partners." Tiqi felt a pity.

Fang Xing wanted to say, "You're also called a companion? It's just domination." But when he spoke, he didn't address this point, but noticed Tiqi's retreating movement and asked, "Aren't you going to do it yourself?"

"You are very dangerous, it would be best if you can wear down your state... and then go into battle."

Tiqi is ready to wait for work with leisure, and use his cadres to consume Fang Xing's physical strength.If they are in full condition, their previous fights let Tiqi know that he can't get any cheap.

"Will the despicable approach convince your subordinates?"

"Hahaha pirates are different from the navy. The more despicable they are, the more they can attract their subordinates." Teach said, "One person's enjoyment is based on the exploitation of five or even ten people. Every ruler has more than ten people. They are all exploiters, they are full of evil, and I will stand on the top of these evils!"

"If you want to take me down, you will lose at least half of your men."

"Since you can confront the general, there must be more power hidden. To be honest, I am ready to lose more. For the purpose, I can do whatever it takes." Tiqi said.

Tiqi's words affirmed Fang Xing's strength in a disguised form, but none of his pirate cadres showed a flinching look.

Each of them is a person who crawled out of the Shura field of hell. The body has little fear of death, and is more covered by other emotions.

Even if more than half of them will die, none of them think they will be one of them. This is their self-confidence.

"Can you accept losing half of it? I should say that it is indeed Blackbeard Tiki."

"Hahaha, I'll accept your compliment as a parting message for your death." Tiqi said with a smile, with a silly face on his face.

"But if I say, let everyone, including you, die..." Fang Xing's words stopped suddenly, and a hurricane suddenly rose with him as the center. The huge pressure forced everyone to take precautions, and everyone paid attention Obtained, his strength suddenly increased.

"Are you going to use that move again?" Chopper pressed his hat and lay down on the ground, he said worriedly. "This will bring more burdens to his body, and make his body, which has recovered almost, deteriorate again!"

"What kind of move is that?" Hobak was curious about what Chopper said. It was his hands that healed most of the injuries. Although he knew that Fang Xing's injuries were serious enough to die, he seemed to survive by relying on his ability.So what kind of injury is it that will cause harm to oneself when possessing such a powerful ability?Soon his question was answered.

It is a strange black that does not exist in the world, it looks like wind, but reveals a darkness that is purer than darkness.It kept surging, vibrating at a super-high frequency and making a noise that made people's ears ring, but he obediently put it on Fang Xing's shoulders and never threw it away.

"What is that...?" This was almost the voice of everyone present, the pressure brought by the black wings was unimaginable.

"That despicable tomb robber suddenly put on his wings and turned into a bird!" Foxfire Kinemon said in what he thought was appropriate.But as soon as he finished speaking, he was greeted by Ain's slashing with the back of his knife.

Ai En originally wanted them to evacuate before she came here, but she just heard such a sentence.

"He's not the type to do that," she said. "Also... Although I don't know what it is, it is definitely not as simple as wings."

"Ai En, do you know that person?" Kyono Jun approached and asked.

"Now is not the time to talk nonsense. Those who think they can help stay, and the rest leave." She said coldly.

Foxfire Kinemon also understands that the pressure brought before the battle is so amazing, if there is a real fight, it is conceivable that ordinary samurai will not be able to resist it at all.

"Senyu Kanjuro, take them to evacuate, and Raizo, you should also leave."

"Are you underestimating me? It is precisely because I don't have a womanhood that I have to show it in front of a beautiful woman. Moreover, ninjas are not puppets who only accept orders from those who have given me favors. My attitude is to repay favors." Lei Tibet said.

"The same goes for the samurai. I will take them away first, and I will come back immediately." Kanjuro said.

Tichi looked at the object in front of him with doubts, which was not found in the information.His eyes slowly froze, the fundus of his eyes became deeper, and the funny smile on his face disappeared, "Is this your confidence? But I will crush your confidence soon."

Darkness gushed out of Tiqi's hand. It was the same pitch-black object. He climbed out of his palm, engulfing the surrounding space and dyeing it black.

The cadres of his pirate group, when they saw the darkness pouring out, chose to retreat without any explanation.Although they didn't know what the strange black object behind Fang Xing was, they had seen the captain's darkness before.It is a dangerous thing that will not recognize the enemy and will only destroy it.

As if comparing whose darkness is purer, Tiqi manipulated his darkness and devoured it towards Fang Xing.

The black wings collided with the dark fruit.

Both are abilities aimed at destruction, and both are as black as ink, but the attack derived from the wings finally tore apart the darkness issued by Tiqi.

"What!" Tiki exclaimed in surprise.

This is also something that everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was astonished.Only they know how difficult that darkness is, and it is not something that can be cracked easily.The best way to encounter it is to avoid it, but the other party uses that ability to smash the darkness head-on. This also just shows that its destructive nature is even stronger than the dark fruit sent by the captain. s attack.

It is very dangerous to be hit by an attack of that intensity.

"What a dangerous man," Depen said.She also put away her contempt. In the world of pirates, all she believes in is power.

"It seems that I can't drink well anymore." Basque Choate put away the wine barrel he had been holding, and carefully placed it under the side cover, for fear that it would be lost in the impact of the battle.He said: "After this battle, the captain is going to give us a good holiday, and I'm going to get drunk."

"Then I want a hundred strong men." Katerina Depon said.

"What do you need so many strong men for, I'm enough." Basker Choate joked.His rosacea was flushed, and a few blush appeared on his face.

"You want to die, don't you?" Katerina Depon said coldly.

"You will be satisfied with whatever requirements you have in the future. Now let's deal with him first." Tiqi interrupted.

Tiki once again gathered darkness, more vast than this time before.Others also attacked at the same time.Lafitte blocked other support.

Fan Aoka's attack came first, and it was also a specially modified bullet. Its bullet speed and power far exceeded the first wave of attack before.Seemingly worried about Fang Xing's rebound attack, Fan Oka even made a temporary modification. After calculating the distance, he set the bullet at the blasting distance. When it came to Fang Xing, it hadn't touched it yet. There had been an explosion before.

The violent impact of the explosion was easily blocked by Fang Xing's self-defense.His black wings then turned into a sharp spear, which penetrated a distance of several hundred meters, and hit Van Oka straight at his original position.

On the silent face that Fan Aoka will move away, there is a little palpitation.

And after Van Oka's attack, what ushered in was Shileu of the Rain's offensive.When he saw Fang Xing displaying such a skill, instead of being afraid, he jumped up in his heart.He had longed for a fight like this.

His blade slashed straight down, Fang Xing raised the black knife Qiushui in his hand to stop it, and the black wings behind him launched an offensive under his control.

With the previous example of Van Oka, Shiliu of the Rain deflected his body, avoiding the direction of the condensed spear.But at the next moment, the shape of the black wings changed again. There were only two black wings in an instant, which increased to four in an instant, and the dark and surging strange objects doubled accordingly.

And launched a surprise attack on Shilieu of the Rain in an instant, the fierce attack broke through Shilieu of the Rain's defense, tore several holes in his uniform that had been intact all along, and left a trail like a knife cut the rift.

Dai Peng followed closely behind Shilieu of the Rain, and after seeing that Shilieu of the Rain could not dodge like that, she gave up her plan to dodge.

Known as "the most ferocious female pirate in history", she concentrated her strength and armed arrogance on the tip of the spear, and she launched a straight thrust, ready to use the spear to directly penetrate Fang Xing's body.

The violent sound sounded before Dai Peng could get close, and the surging black wings behind Fang Xing climbed up at a strange speed. It trembled, as if expressing his dissatisfaction.

It flapped suddenly, and dozens of strange black energy bodies rushed out, destroying the ground to pieces.Dai Peng was not spared from this impact either. Her gun head collided with the black energy body, but the result was that it ended up being defeated in terms of strength.

Basque Choate, who hadn't approached yet, was also bounced away. Poison Q's sickly body also couldn't block the impact, and kept retreating in order to avoid the black impact.

Tiqi looked at the black energy body attacking in front of him, he clenched his fist, and what gathered from it was the power of the shaking fruit.He struck straight out, and the space made the sound of glass breaking.And this force blocked the incoming black energy body in another unbroken space.

"Does it have this ability just by fanning?"

With just one blow, the six cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates were forced to retreat, and at the same time, he had to block them with his own hands.This kind of power can only be achieved by a general.

"This is far beyond your previous power, and this power will definitely not last for too long." Tiqi said, and then immediately issued an order for this, "Attack from the outside, be careful to hold him when he attacks .”

The cadres of the Blackbeard Pirates had acquiesced to his words, and no one dared not be on guard under the attack just now.But Fang Xing's action at the next moment made Tiqi's plan come to naught. The black wings on his back retracted and flapped again. Unlike the energy released just now, this time it became his speed booster.

Fang Xing crossed the battlefield in an instant, and he narrowed the distance with Tiqi, and under his still open eyes of astonishment, he stamped his fist hard on his face.

Everything happened so fast that Tiki didn't even have time to react.

Tiqi was thrown out violently, and his body rolled and rubbed on the floor for dozens of meters before stopping.Due to the side effect of the dark fruit, the effect of double pain, he hugged his body and trembled, and let out a painful sound of "ahhh".

"Difficult ability." De Peng said his opinion, not only can attack outside, but also increase speed.No wonder the captain brought them to hunt this man.

"My wine is ruined..." Basque Choate felt distressed as he looked at the shelter that he had searched for but had been destroyed, and the spilled wine.

"Interesting, can it also be attached to the blade?" Shiliu of the Rain had approached Fang Xing at some point, he asked.

"Yes." Fang Xing said.

"Damn it, it hurts! You guys, don't worry about the captain!" Tiqi grumbled and stood up from the floor.

Just like what he said, when Tiqi was shot by Fang Xing again, no cadre came to help him, let alone any words of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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