Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 481 Rescue

Chapter 481 Rescue
"Choose quickly, my patience is limited, maybe I will regret it." Tiqi urged.He can't wait to see the result, and of course he would prefer to see a cannibalism situation, and he would prefer the remaining one to join his pirate group.The Blackbeard Pirates only want the strongest.

Fox fire Kin'emon and Raizo, Shinyu Kanjuro looked at each other and communicated briefly with their eyes.The opponent is a devil fruit capable user, and their powerful strength made them realize that the possibility of resistance is almost zero, and the escape from Heitan Orochi has already used their own life as an example.The man with the gun alone made it impossible for them to escape without considering the others.

Foxfire Kinemon turned the knife, "I failed to protect the lord. Apology is something that should have been done early in the morning."

"The disappearance of the young master Momanosuke is my responsibility, and it should be my responsibility to apologize." Kanjuro Shinyu put on a generous look.

"No, it's my fault as a ninja who claims to be invincible." Lei Zang said.

They debate who should die.

This made Blackbeard Teach unhappy, what he wanted to see was mutual betrayal between friends, just like he killed Thatch.

"Stop arguing, let me die. In terms of exploration, I believe that you can do better Kinemon, and Momanosuke-sama still needs you to explore. And Raizou, you are the strongest among us, I trust you."

Shinyu Kanjuro believes that Raizo's loyalty will not betray Momonosuke, even if he joins the Blackbeard Pirates, he will not change his original intention.

The two were silent, as if they had acquiesced in his words.Just as Yuri Kanjuro was about to end the game with his own life, there was a loud noise from outside.

"Lord Foxfire Kinemon!"

The warriors of the foxfire style successfully jumped over.Now that Heitan Orochi was dead, his subordinates lost their resistance and fled towards the outside. In addition, Shilieu of the Rain's pursuit made the resistance almost non-existent, and they broke into here almost unimpeded.

"There are some more people?" Blackbeard Tiqi said lightly, looking down on such a small character.

"Run away! This is not an opponent you can fight!" Foxfire Kinemon hurriedly shouted.

Most of the people did not waver under his words. Since they decided to come to the general's mansion for rescue, they had no intention of giving up.Although they didn't understand why the general's residence had such poor resistance.

They inspected the scene, and there were traces of the battle on the field. Although they didn't know how it was triggered, it was shocking.What Foxfire Kinemon-sama and the others are wary of is one direction.

There were five people standing there, headed by a man who looked sloppy and didn't look very strong.

"We have a lot of people, it's okay, Kin'emon-sama! Let us cover your retreat!"

After hearing what they said, Foxfire Kin'emon's expression changed suddenly. This is not a problem of too many people at all!But for a while, Foxfire Kinemon couldn't explain clearly to them.

"Run! Leave us alone!" he said again.

But the samurai of the fox fire stream vetoed his words together.

"It seems to be underestimated." Tiqi smiled happily. He didn't bring many men, but each of them was a cadre of the pirate group, and they came here for this plan.

After the captain spoke, the crew members standing behind also moved.

"You have to show how our pirates treat guests." Laffitte approached slowly, shaking his crutch.

Van Oka didn't speak, but lowered the brim of his hat, and the gun in his hand was ready to be fired at any time.

Poison Q still looks like he will fall down at any time, but the basket full of apples in his hand has been put away.

Katerina Depon, known as the most ferocious female pirate in history, took out her spear.

Basque Choate held the barrel in his hand and kept pouring wine into his mouth, his nose was flushed with redness.

Except for Tiqi, there are only these four people, plus Shiliu of the Rain and Tiqi who chased them out, the number is only six, and it is indeed a number that people will not care about.

Regarding the impulsive behavior of his subordinates, Tiqi just said: "Go out alone and show the strength of the Blackbeard Pirates."

He didn't choose anyone specifically, but left this choice to his subordinates as a boring pastime.

After the captain said these words, Van Oka was about to raise his gun, but his muzzle was suppressed by the spear. It was Katerina Depon who made this move.

"Preparing to do it before discussing it, what a nice man. But if I ask you to do it, it will be resolved in a few seconds." She said. "Then who shall we choose?"

Van Oka drew back quickly, turned his gun on Depen, but put it back quickly.One of the rules in the Blackbeard Pirates is that the same crew members cannot fight each other.

"Then what about the answer to the discussion?" Da Peng was urging to get the answer, and no one could see her eagerness to try.

Lafitte lowered his top hat, leaning on the ground with his crutch in his hand, "I'll forget it."

Poison Q didn't answer, but tilting his head and lying on that horse again was the best answer.

"Killing isn't as fun as drinking," Basker Choate said.

"It looks like it's me." Katerina Depon's hard lines on her resolute face revealed a joyful face.

The people of Foxfire had already started to run away when they communicated, and since Foxfire Kin'emon couldn't dissuade him, he wasn't stubborn either.Although I don't understand why the opponent didn't launch an attack, as long as they ran into the hidden terrain, it would be difficult for the opponent's snipers to use their skills.

Dai Peng's tough leg muscles were tense, and the black armed domineering color was attached to it, and the huge force hit the ground, leaving a spider web trace of tens of feet.

Her whole body instantly crashed into the crowd of Foxfire, and the spear pierced straight through the people in front of her, like a skewer of meat.

Foxfire Kin'emon was taken aback, the person who looked like a monster was not only the leader but also the sniper, this sturdy woman was also a monster!I'm afraid the rest are too.

"I'm here to stop her, you run away!" Kinemon shouted hastily.

"Block?" Katerina Depon found it interesting that someone actually said "block" in front of her.Has she been locked up in prison for so long that the people of this sea don't remember her name?The most vicious female pirate in history is talking about her!
With a dodge, Dai Peng had already rushed in front of Kin'emon, and the warriors standing in front of Kin'emon were swept away like straw.Although Kin'emon had already expected that the other party would attack him, most of the hearts of the strong were proud. After he said that kind of words, attacking was a matter of course.

But this attack came too fast!Too urgent!He didn't even have time to charge up, he just put on a posture hastily, and what he held in his hand was not a convenient blade, but a long knife that came from the dead body on the ground.

Can't stop it!This is what he thought when he collided with De Peng's spear with his blade.

A sound like a cannonball was emitted from it.The long knife in Kin'emon's hand broke when he touched it.And he was also swept away, and Raizo and Kanjuro were also swept away.

"Kanjuro, Raizo, thanks to you guys." Foxfire Kinemon's hands kept trembling, and the force of the impact hadn't subsided yet.At the time of the collision just now, if Kanjuro Shinyu and Raizo hadn't blocked him at the same time, he might have been pierced through the body by the spear.

"It's hard to imagine that it's the power of a woman." Kanjuro Shinyu said that Wano Country is a country that values ​​men, and it believes that men are stronger than women in the sword. The most fundamental reason is that women's strength is far greater than men. Small.And no matter what kind of swordsman, to grow to the end, strength is indispensable.

"It looks like we have to use ninjutsu to block it." Lei Zang also said seriously, but his serious cheeks looked a little uglier.

A samurai is fearless, at least that's what many samurai who have been educated in this way think so.After the Foxfire Kin'emon was attacked, even though they could see the crushing power, there were still Foxfire-style warriors who were brave enough to attack Katerina Depon.

"Kin'emon-sama, please take Kanjuro-sama and that ninja-sama away." Those who were not familiar with Raizo shouted when they attacked Dai Peng.

The veins on Dai Peng's forehead bulged, "The weak man actually attacked me on his own initiative, and I am Katerina Dai Peng!"

Dai Peng made a sweep with the spear in his hand, which showed a far more powerful impact than before.In the face of power, skills are useless instead, and the warriors of the Foxfire Style were defeated even before they could show their sword skills.Under this power, only the powerful Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo and some samurai standing outside survived.

"Strange...monster." Kyono Jun murmured, he also participated in Kin'emon's rescue, at this moment in front of him was an unimaginable monster, which completely reversed his perception of power.

After venting, Dai Peng smiled again, and her bright red lips were stained with the same bright blood.

"Escape... I can't escape, let's fight." Kin'emon said, and then shouted at the few Foxfire warriors left: "Hurry up and retreat!"

"Although it's no big deal to let you escape, but those guys will probably laugh at me, so that's not enough." De Peng said.

Jingye Jun was frightened, and the moment Dai Peng finished speaking, a person suddenly appeared beside her, and the shining spear directly pierced through the samurai beside him.

"Don't even think about running away, if you beat me, you can leave naturally."

"Don't act rashly!" Jin'emon reminded, but her eyes were full of wariness. With her speed far surpassing theirs, it would be difficult for the fox fire warriors to leave even if they wanted to escape.

"Don't worry, I won't threaten hostages. What I long for is a hearty battle. The captain stipulates that no one in the crew can do anything, but it suffocates me."

Foxfire Kin'emon's face became more solemn, and there was a lot of information in these words.This is a warlike man, but restrained himself because of their captain's orders, which only shows that their captain is stronger!

Fortunately, those guys are arrogant, so they may not have no chance to escape.He hurriedly picked up the long knife on the ground. This is the blade of General Heitan Orochi. Although it is not as good as the famous knife, it is not much weaker in strength. It can support him in a battle. He adjusted his most Good fighting condition.

Showing rain Kanjuro, Raizo also adjusted his state in the same way.

De Peng saw that they were adjusting the fighting state and recovering their physical condition, but he was not in a hurry. Instead, he said happily: "That's it, this is how fighting is fun."

Run away later——During the adjustment period, Foxfire Kinemon carefully signaled Foxfire-style samurai with secret signals.

"Are you ready? I'm going to launch an attack." De Peng said flatly.After finishing speaking, he approached unhurriedly.

Kin'emon held the blade in his hand and launched an attack at the same time. Compared to the defense that Foxfire was not good at, he chose to attack.Kanjuro Shinyu also launched an offensive, and Raizo threw multiple shurikens to cover him.

The joint attack of the three was easily resolved by Dai Peng, and they were defeated again.

"Is it to this extent? It's just the rags thrown by that ugly guy that brought me a little pressure." Deppen looked disappointed. Is it so difficult for her who is eager for a hearty battle?The sea has become so unbearable now.

Foxfire Kinemon suddenly threw the blade in his hand, and the blade flew straight to Dai Peng's cheek.

"Have you given up on yourself?" Depen said.

"It's now!" Foxfire Kinemon shouted.De Peng was attracted by the long knife, and this time is the best time.

"Ninja method. Great smoke escape technique!" Lei Zang also used his greatest ability to use a smoke technique with the largest coverage.

Smoke covered the entire area.

"Ahem...that's a lot of smoke." Blackbeard Tiqi expressed his opinion. He was not frightened by the opponent's sudden move, but said calmly.

"Do you want to escape again?" De Peng's patience was running out.She began to frantically swing the spear, and the wind pressure brought about by it blew away the smoke.

But just as the smoke drifted away, she was attacked.The force of the attack was not small, and it successfully broke through her defense and cut her skin.

The smoke dissipated, and the person revealed was a woman, who was Ain who had rushed here.Because of the preparation for the rescue, she moved forward very quickly, and naturally encountered this situation.

Shiliu of the Rain, who was chasing after him, also came back. His body was stained with blood, which made the black military uniform look deeper.

"That guy is mine." Shiryu of the Rain said.

"But she attacked me!" Depen didn't back down.

"Being attacked is my own problem, should I blame others?" Shiliu of the Rain said coldly.

Depen couldn't argue with that, and that's true.This has always been the case in the pirate world.

Shiliu of the Rain turned his head to look at Ain. When he was chasing the little mouse just now, he met this opponent.And she has successfully demonstrated the strength to contend with it.In the confrontation just now, smoke was used even more.

"It's qualified to be an opponent, but it's still too immature." Shiliu of the Rain said.

Ai En's face revealed a dignified look. In the fight just now, this opponent's strength definitely surpassed her.And the people next to them felt no less pressure from them than this person.

(End of this chapter)

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