Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 479 The Unknown Comer

Chapter 479 The Unknown Comer

Heitan Orochi, he is an ambitious man.He, who holds a high position in Wano Country, is not only satisfied with this, but wants to go further.However, neither the strength nor the fame of the daimyo was enough to make him want to rebel.

But when the opportunity came, the powerful Four Emperors Hundred Beasts Pirates set their sights on Daimyo, and as a result, as expected, Daimyo was killed, and the people who bound him also disappeared.

He also took this opportunity to grasp the power of Wano Country and expand it.Now his power in Wano Country is no less than that of a real daimyo.

"General Heitan Orochi, the congratulatory gift for the navy has been prepared." Heitan Orochi's samurai reported.

"Congratulatory gift? Is it necessary?" Heitan Orochi said in a high-pitched manner. "Instead of preparing that kind of thing for the Navy, why not give it to me to enjoy."

The samurai was a little embarrassed, he didn't know how to react.It was General Heitan Orochi who asked to prepare these things, but now he meant to keep these gifts.

"Forget it, let's send it to the navy. Now is not the time to turn your face." Heitan Orochi gave up his original plan, and he said to himself coldly: "The situation in Wano Country is still not stable, and the remaining There are still a lot of party members, so let Foxfire Kinemon and others attract these people first. Warriors who believe in morality should not ignore them. As for the navy, we will wait until these things are resolved, and now we need to clearly investigate the surrounding areas. Whether there are other navies in the sea area. It is impossible for a base commander to be so shabby."

The last sentence is the reason why Heitan Orochi made concessions. He is not a person who will give up his interests easily, but he is not a person who is blind for the sake of interests, otherwise he would not be able to be a general.

Knowing the identity of the commander of the naval base from the daimyo, he is at least coordinating the fleet of a base.Considering the flattering methods adopted by Foxfire Kinemon, it is conceivable that there must be something on the dilapidated ship that he failed to sort out, such as naval personnel lurking in the surrounding waters.

A young navy does not need to be wary, but a powerful naval warship is not what he is willing to face.

"Extend the search area to within fifty miles, and make sure that there is no navy hiding in it," Heitan Orochi ordered. "If the navy appeared on the day of the attack on the navy, I would chop off your fingers for every one of them. If there were more than ten people, then you should apologize with a heart-to-heart."

This method of threat seemed to be very effective, the warrior shivered and responded with spirit: "Yes!"

"Soon, Hei Dao Qiu Shui and this country will be mine."

Heitan Orochi has always coveted the black sword Qiushui, which is the blade of the legendary Ryoma swordsman and the national treasure of Wano Country.However, the situation in Wano Country does not allow him to own that sword. In the eyes of ordinary residents, that sword can only be used by Ryoma-sama, or His Excellency Daimyo.

But it's different now, Mr. Ryoma's body is gone, and his daimyo is dead. There is no need to rebury this sword, and to eliminate the tomb robbers, he regains the black sword Qiushui, the guardian sword of Wano country.Undoubtedly, for him, who cannot justly inherit the name, to have this name, it only needs to be operated.


"Master Ai, have you heard?" Sugura Kazuki rushed into the training gym in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Ain responded flatly.But she couldn't help but consider whether to increase Sugimura Kazuki's training, he always has plenty of energy on unnecessary things.

"It's about to be executed. Lord Foxfire Kinemon is about to be executed. The reason is that he collaborated with the pirates and assassinated Daimyo's heir. This is unbelievable! It's hard to imagine that such an adult would assassinate Momanosuke-sama, but he did hide I got the news that Master Momonosuke disappeared." Sugimura Kazuki murmured.Although the lord helped him, what could be worse for a samurai than betraying his lord?

Ai En didn't respond at all, and she continued in an extremely flat tone: "And then?"

"Aren't you surprised?"

"Why should I be surprised?" Ain asked back.

Sugimura Kazuki was also disturbed by her natural words and couldn't help thinking why she was surprised. "No, isn't it normal to be surprised by such a big thing?"

"Normal?" Ain pondered.

Kazuki Sugimura was a little helpless. Although Master Ain's swordsmanship was powerful, he was always at a loss for normal concepts.

"I heard that Mr. Foxfire Kinemon... no, he should not be called your lord now. The reason why he was arrested is because of the information provided by the navy."

Seeing Master Ain's confusion, Kazuki Sugimura had no choice but to explain: "It's the naval base chief who was hot before, the tomb robber who stole the legendary swordsman Ryoma, and the pervert who became obsessed with Kabukicho later, Kinemon Foxfire. Using a geisha to successfully obtain a bargaining chip from him, it seems that the arrest this time is also because the naval base chief traded with other people."

"That's really a bad person." Sugimura Kazumi who didn't know when came over and nodded.

"It is because of such a bad navy that the sea is so chaotic." Sugimura Kazuki said with emotion.


"Yes, you feel the same way about me too...Master Ien?" Sugimura Kazuki asked uncertainly, the voice he heard just now was obviously not from his sister Kazumi.Then there is only Ain alone, but according to Heshu's understanding of Master Ain, she is not such a boring person.

"Scum." Ain repeated.

"Indeed, you're right." Sugimura Kazuki who reacted abnormally to Ain didn't know what to say, so he had to agree.

"Go challenge the navy and save people." Ain said suddenly.


Sugimura Kazuki was even more surprised to hear the news of Foxfire Kinemon.What Ain said carried so much weight that he suspected that he had heard it wrong.Challenging the navy is an exaggerated act, and the person who even Foxfire Kinemon wants to please must have his own skills.

But save people?Judging from the context of the discourse, Ain meant to save the fox fire Kinemon.

"You mean to save Foxfire Kinemon...?" Sugimura Kazuki confirmed.

"That's right." Ain nodded. "Since you said that the Navy's base chief is bad, then the person assigned by him should be good."

"What kind of logic is this?" Sugimura Kazuki tried his best to hide his astonished expression.

"I understand what you mean." Ai En said, "It is not necessarily a good person who kills a bad person, it may be a worse person. Conversely, a person who is framed by a bad person may not be a good person, but may also be a person who is just like him. .”

"Then you still plan"

"Intuition, I have always believed in my intuition." Ain said confidently. When she first used her intuition to judge things, it was when she was still in the navy. She judged Fang Xing's things based on her intuition, so she always She has always trusted her intuition unusually.

What is the reason.Sugimura Kazuki muttered, but he didn't dare to make a sound. He had already tasted the consequences of offending Master Ain more than once.

"However, if we rescue, we won't be able to stay in Wano country anymore." Sugimura Kazuki said, complaining, but he still couldn't let Ain do such a stupid thing.This is simply dragging them down the quagmire and getting them covered.

"The boat is ready," Ain said.

Sugimura Kazumi showed off to her brother vigorously, "I also participated."

"It's not a good thing. The boat built with your temperament. The danger is a problem." Sugimura Kazuki couldn't help worrying when he thought of his sister's temperament.

"I checked with the foreman! He said it's all right, you idiot."

"No!" Sugimura Kazuki shouted suddenly, "That's not the problem, how can we rescue Foxfire Kinemon? That was directly arrested by General Kurotan Orochi, and the defense is extremely strict."

"I'll take care of it." Ain said coldly.

"It seems very interesting, I want to join too." Sugimura Kazumi said happily.

"This is not an interesting question." Sugimura Kazuki reminded again, "Once you lose, you will die if you get involved with this kind of crime! Kazumi, do you understand?"

Forget about Master Ai En, her brain circuit is beyond his comprehension.But seeing his blood-related younger sister also make the decision to die, how could he ignore it.

"If you can't beat it, you can run. Anyway, the boat is built." Hemei said, "And Master Ain is far more powerful than you imagine."

Seeing Hemei's appearance, Heshu also understood that it would be useless to persuade her, her character is so stubborn.He changed his mind, and said instead: "It's okay to deal with Foxfire Kinemon, anyway, we need to find the navy first."

If the navy loses, they can also use the samurai sparring as an excuse. Considering Wano's territory, there is a high probability that the other party will not kill them, and at most they will suffer a flogging of flesh and blood.If you win, make a judgment according to the situation.If Master Ion's strength is really stronger than what his sister said, it would be feasible to plan a plan to save Kinemon the Foxfire.If the strength is average, then defeating the navy that even Foxfire Kinemon needs to be afraid of will have to pay a certain price, and then the two can be taken away.

Ai En did not refuse Heshu's request, she nodded silently.And Sugimura Kazuki also felt that his plan was perfect until he came to the coast, he was dumbfounded.

There was only an empty boat left on the coast. There was not even a boatman on board, and the surrounding area was quiet. Shancunheshu noticed that there was a message on the most conspicuous place on the boat, "I'm going shopping."

What kind of navy is this?Go shopping?There wasn't even a boat guard, and those who didn't know thought they had lost the boat.

However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes.

"Or, let's go back directly, and then make some plans to find the navy at another time."

"Brother, are you an idiot?" Kazumi said angrily. "Today is the day for Lord Foxfire Kinemon's seppuku."

"...Isn't this something that has not been resolved on the navy side? Everything is orderly."

"When your order is over, everyone will die. At least Lord Foxfire Kinemon has helped you, shouldn't samurai pay attention to kindness?" Kazumi said, her tone seemed agitated.

Sugimura Kazuki was stunned for a moment, to save Kin'emon at such a time would be to die, and in his opinion, repaying such a small kind of kindness with his life is too silly.

He didn't intend to continue to hide it anymore, Sugimura Kazuki immediately said: "Salvation is a stupid thing, how can it be against General Heitan Orochi? Let's go back to the gym, and nothing happened."

Sugimura Kazumi didn't expect this answer either. She looked a little weird when she looked at her brother. The brother who was once gentle, the brother who was not strong but could protect her, and who was already a samurai in her heart, became such a coward.

She stretched out her hand and subdued Kazuki without being able to defend, "That's why I usually tell you to take your attention away from those gossip messages and focus on training."

"Let go of it!" Sugimura Kazuki roared, but found that Kazumi had surpassed him in strength at some point.

"No, you have to save people. You need to be corrected, right?" Kazumi asked Ain.

"That's right, he needs to be corrected." Ai En also agreed coldly, seeing Heshu's behavior, she also thought that she was not a good teacher, at least in terms of teaching people, she felt that she had failed. "Then, let's correct it with this rescue."


"Phew, it's really good to come out and get some air." Fang Xing spoke lazily, with yawns mixed in.

"Because of your bad reputation, no lady wants to get close to you!" Sanji scolded, but before the scolding was over, he received a malicious look from Brin.

The three-eyed family, the third penetrating gaze made Sanji feel cold all over.Although the beauty's gaze made her feel comfortable, Brin's was different.Sanji knows that her ability is to modify memory, so under such circumstances, he found that the memory of seeing the beautiful woman in the past was cut off except for Robin.In his mind, all that remained was the figure of the big man.

Everything about beauties has been forgotten!This is simply unforgivable, remembering the beauty you see is also what a gentleman needs to do.

Hobak shook his head in support of Sanji's words.

"Compared to Fang Xing. It's you who makes the ladies not want to get close!" Sanji said disgustedly.

Fang Xing's face is a prop for fouls, and people always take it for granted that his actions are forgiven.However, on the contrary, Hobak, no matter how many good deeds he has done, the feeling he brings to people is eerie, with a hint of perversion.

"Is someone coming?" Doflamingo asked.

He doesn't believe Fang Xing's words, go shopping?That kind of boring thing, if you are really interested, you should have put it into practice when you came here, instead of waiting in the boat until now before starting to act.

Fang Xing changed the subject, "Wuno Country is really a beautiful country. It looks like a dreamlike scene, with towering mountains, cherry blossoms, quaint houses, and trees and vines wrapped around like dragons."

"What I'd rather see is when these things burn." Doflamingo broke the atmosphere.

"Is anyone here?" he asked again.

"Here we come." Fang Xing said, this time he didn't change the subject.

(End of this chapter)

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