Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 474 The Attacking Beast Pirates

Chapter 474 The Attacking Beast Pirates
"What's the matter?" Ain also saw the person coming, she put the blade back into the scabbard, and asked flatly.

"Ion...Master" Sugimura Kazuki called unnaturally, he was not used to this title, he was a typical man with deep-rooted samurai thinking, and he still couldn't let go of calling a woman a master.It's just that this double-knife style has been passed on to Ai En by his father, and he has also become her disciple.

"There will be a discussion meeting between the schools," he said.

"Discussion meeting?" Ai En was not interested in this, she said: "You can go, it doesn't matter if you don't, we don't have much communication with people from other genres."

Sugimura Kazuki was not surprised by this answer.Ai En has very few interests, except for sword practice, and he doesn't think she will be interested in this so-called conference.It's just that Kyono Jun said that this is a major event among various genres, and he doesn't want to exclude the double-sword style.It can be regarded as his personal inexplicable sense of honor. Even if his strength is not good, he always hopes that his school will be carried forward.

"I heard that the crusade against tomb robbers was discussed at the discussion meeting. The tomb robbery incident that shocked the whole country a few years ago seems to have appeared, and I heard that it is a base chief of the navy." Kazuki Sugimura added.

Ain's interests were few, but not none.Paying attention to the navy is what she has done the most. Kazuki Sugimura heard from his father that when he rescued her, she was wearing a navy costume.In addition, Ai En is also an upright person, and she will not choose to stand by when faced with such a bad thing as tomb robbery.

Sure enough, after Shancunheshu finished speaking, Ai En frowned slightly.

"Navy...tomb robbers." Ai En said softly, but his plain words were full of anger.As early as when she became a trainee member of the navy, she slowly noticed that the navy did not completely represent justice as she imagined. There were many people seeking fame and reputation, and there were also those who used their power to oppress civilians like pirates.But she didn't pay too much attention to it. It is difficult for one person to change other people's minds, and she just stopped when she saw it.The reason why the navy has always valued it so much is because it cherishes its teacher Zefa and his partners.

After thinking for a while, Ai En suddenly asked: "Who is the base chief of the navy?" This was news that he had not seen in the newspaper.

"...not sure." Sugimura Kazuki replied.Before he came back, he also checked the situation in advance, but he didn't get any news about the identity of the navy. "However, the news from Mr. Foxfire Kinemon is that the base chief of the newly established naval branch in the New World temporarily covered up the news in order to prevent the surprise attacks of other New World pirates."

"I see, I'll go." Ain said, "You can't let go of your training, just make up for today's training."

"But it's already evening, and I haven't eaten yet. And I came back so late to find out the news." Sugimura Kazuki argued, and then stated the purpose, "Can you put the training on tomorrow?"

"No." Ain vetoed his proposal. "In the absence of fighting and emergencies, daily training is a must. I promised the late master that I will teach you swordsmanship."

"Don't talk about the dead! Is training right? Is training really useful? Day after day, after more than ten years of training, it's still like this. I know, training is all."

After Sugimura Kazuki finished speaking, he walked into the training gym, took a bamboo blade, and then walked away without saying a word.

"Don't be angry, Sister Ain." Sugimura Kazumi hurriedly explained: "My brother is just venting his emotions, and he still respects you very much."

"I know, I'm not angry." Ain responded flatly, and then corrected her, "Call me master."

"Yes, Sister Ain." Sugimura Kazumi said playfully, "This time the discussion meeting seems to be very interesting, can you take me there?"

"You promise not to make trouble, so I will take you there." Ai En had never been to the so-called discussion meeting, but she didn't think it would matter much to bring one more person.

"Really? That's great." Sugimura Kazumi said happily.


The gathering meeting of various schools initiated in the name of Kinemon Kinemon Fox, because Kinemon Kinemon Fox is well-known in Wano Country because of his relationship as daimyo Kozuki Oden's vassal, the gathering rate this time is also very high.Almost all the sects in the territory of Jiuli gathered here, and even some sects in the surrounding areas also rushed over, and more or less dispatched some people from each sect.

The meeting was held in the gymnasium of the Foxfire School, and the Foxfire School also sent disciples to entertain them.It's just that food was not prepared on this occasion because it was a way to discuss and crusade.In the absence of a banquet reception, before the opening of the conference, the various genres also communicated first.Different groups are formed according to their relationship with each other.There are also exchanges between strong genres and strong genres, exchanges between intimate genres, and exchanges between opposites, but there is no communication between weak and small genres.

As if through some kind of unspoken agreement, the genres naturally ignored them. Even the genres that had established relationships earlier, the relationship disappeared because of the decline of these genres and the passage of time.As a weak faction, the most appropriate way for them at this moment is to stay in a corner of the stage, wait for the opening of the conference, and then leave.

Kyono Jun had a good chat with the people around him, but he noticed the person in the corner of the stage, which belonged to one of the weak genres, Jiuli Shuangdao Style.

Jun Jingye squeezed out from the crowd, he straightened up his energy to make himself look more energetic, and then moved over, "You're here."

"You are?" Ain didn't remember him.

"It's a Foxfire." Sugimura Kazumi who was standing aside reminded her in a low voice.

"Oh, it's Foxfire Style." Ai En finally got a little impression, he remembered the attack method of Foxfire Style, and she was more impressed by the blade's attack than people.

Jun Jingye's face showed embarrassment. As the initiator of this conference, Huhuo Liu was sought after by others just now. Although he is not the best one, he is also a rare strong swordsman.He is confident that he can effectively use the foxfire style, and in the last sparring, he also thought it was important to impress this girl.However, contrary to what he expected, it was not his school of swordsmanship that left an impression on the other party, but the school itself that left the other party with a vague shadow of himself.

Seeing Kyono Jun's embarrassment, Sugimura Kazuki was a little bit happy.Ai En's character is like this, no one can make her pay attention, what she pays attention to is always only the sword, maybe this is the reason why she is so strong.Sugimura Kazuki knew that the vast majority of people here were not Ain's opponents, and a large part of the reason why their school was not famous was because Ain was not willing to challenge other schools at all.In the country of Wano, the samurai's thinking is always stubborn, and they don't think that women can be so strong.

In kendo, men are always superior to women. This is also the idea of ​​this country, so it is rare to see women holding blades.

"I lost the challenge last time. I will challenge you again when the next time is right." Kyono Jun said that after the embarrassment, he wanted to rely on his unyielding character to attract the woman's attention.Samurai like beautiful women, and strong women are the yearning of all samurai.When others didn't notice, he naturally wanted to take a step closer to the woman first.


Still just responding flatly, Ain's eyes are always looking straight ahead.She didn't change in any way because of Jun Kyono's attitude.In her view, challenges that are not at the same level are just troublesome.

Seeing his expectations shattered again, Jun Kyono didn't know what to say for a while.say?No matter what he said, the woman always had a flat attitude, like an invincible ice, always revealing an attitude of repelling others.challenge?Some time ago, he who had just lost knew that he was no match for her now.Only at this time, Kyono Jun noticed Sugimura Kazuki beside him.

At this moment, Sugimura Kazuki is as tall and straight as possible, with his head held high, his clothes just finished, and his hands on the handle of the knife, trying to show a qualified samurai temperament, just because his body looks thin, On the contrary, this posture seems a bit contrived, and it just adds to the laughter for others.

"Aren't you going to duel with me? How about a sparring instead?" Kyano Jun suddenly said to Sugimura Kazuki. He didn't know whether his actions were good or bad, but for a man in love, What you do is always blind, as long as you have a chance to try and will not give up.

"Don't be silly."

A voice interrupted him, making Kyono Jun feel a little uncomfortable. He raised his head and was about to scold the person who came to interrupt him. It is not a moral behavior to interfere with the samurai's discussion.

"Who is...?" Kyono Jun said.

It's just that he held back his words as soon as he said them, and the person who walked over was none other than Fox Fire Kinemon.

"Master Foxfire Kinemon, I didn't know it was you."

"Double-knife style and fox fire style used to have a deep connection, don't do such stupid things on this occasion."

Foxfire Kinemon's school, other than the Foxfire style, is the double-sword style.In addition to his family's Foxfire style, he also practiced in the Double Swords style for a period of time. It can be said that the former Foxfire style and the Double Swords style are closely related.

When preaching to Jun Kyono, he pointed out two special points, and then reminded: "As a samurai, virtue is also necessary."

"..Yes!" Kyono Jun woke up.

In Wano Country, besides strength, the most important thing for a samurai is virtue.This is also the reason why even if the strong factions ignored the weak ones before the conference just now, they did not deliberately ridicule them. You must know that there are gaps between many of them, and the reputation of bullying the weak is not good for a samurai. It's just a blemish.

After Foxfire Kin'emon woke up his junior, he nodded to Sugimura Kazuki and walked forward.

"So handsome." Sugimura Kazuki praised, "That is simply the yearning of a samurai, humble, powerful, and still serving the daimyo."

"Brother also becomes a nympho sometimes, but Foxfire Nishemon-sama is indeed desirable." Kazumi Sugimura agreed.

Ai En glanced at Fox Fire Kinemon coldly, she didn't feel the pressure from him, in other words she didn't think he was very strong.But she kept her mouth shut because she didn't think there was any point in saying it.

"Sister Ai En, don't you think so?" Sugimura Kazumi asked.

".. I want to compete with him." Ain said in a way that would not offend anyone.

"That's right, it's what every samurai desires to be able to compete with the strong." Sugimura Kazuki responded.

After Foxfire Kinemon walked into the venue of the conference, he was noticed by other people. Someone asked him to talk to him, but he refused with a smile. He walked straight to the center and stopped.

"This time the conference was originally intended to attack the tomb robbers, but the plan has changed a little bit!" said Fox Fire Kinemon.

His words also caused repercussions from the conference. The changes uttered from a key figure like Fox Fire Kinemon are definitely not simple changes.People with a bit of common sense know this, and after he said this, everyone raised their attention and waited for what he said next.

"The Hundred Beasts Pirates are attacking! This time, the plan has also changed from crusade against tomb robbers to protecting the country of Wano! It is the long-cherished wish of every samurai to protect the homeland of the samurai. Raise the blade in your hand and drive the emperor of the sea back. It belongs to him." Fox Fire Kinemon encouraged.

Under his encouragement, none of the samurai showed a frightened face. They were both samurai and fighters. Fighting for their homeland and daimyo seemed to them something to be proud of and proud of.

"So that's all for grave robbers?" someone asked.

"Of course this is not the case. Lord Ryoma's body was stolen and his peace was disturbed. How could this kind of thing be left alone. It's just that the timing is not right now. In the face of the crisis in the homeland, only I can let go of my prejudice for now." Foxfire Kinemon explained.

His explanation is also the same as that of most people.

"Didn't you say that the navy is here to help Wano fight against the Beast Pirates? Then will he appear on our battlefield?"

"We don't trust the scum, the aid of the scum, it's not reliable from the start."

Regarding the words of the samurai, Foxfire Kinemon explained: "We did not directly convey this news to the navy, but the samurai on the front line received the message directly."

His subtext is that this time the battle is only us.

"This is also the judgment made by the daimyo!" Foxfire Kinemon said.He also suggested to the lord to use the power of the navy.But the lord who had a close relationship with One Piece Roger, even if he asked for help from the navy, there is still a gap with the navy.Especially this time, people from the navy even stole Lord Ryoma's tomb.This is the tomb that the Guangyue family has been guarding.

(End of this chapter)

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