Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 467 The Change of the Wedding Part 1

Chapter 467
The two major powers that have attracted the world's attention, BIG.MOM, known as the Four Emperors, and the Vinsmoke family, which has been notorious for 300 years, are about to be linked together through marriage.It is undoubtedly the biggest news in the world after the battle of the Whitebeard Pirates.

The BIG.MOM Pirates also demonstrated their deterrent power in this world and invited attention-grabbing guests.

On a pig cart full of fairy-tale meanings, this important guest stepped off.

The big-handed mortician, Dorago Piecolo, with lion-like hair around his face, wears a mask with two red five-pointed stars at the eyes, white The mask covered the parts above the mouth, and the grinning mouth made people feel intrusive, and the image looked a little scary.He was wearing a work uniform, the most notable being the four pockets on the work uniform and the bright orange scarf, with a number engraved on the side of the upper right corner, which was the number of people he had handled.

Queen of Joy Street, Stucey.This is a blond woman with blue eyes and an orange dress with bright red accents on the hem of the skirt.She holds a bright pink bag in her hand, her nails are painted bright red, and she wears a white hat on her head. The top of the hat is composed of grids and bright red roses.The overall style is gorgeous, but under the gorgeous appearance, what is hidden is not the breath of a young woman.Joy Street refers specifically to the entertainment industry in the underground world, and not only does she manage it in an orderly manner, those who dare to offend her die without knowing why. She is the absolute queen of the underground world.

Sea King "Deep Ocean Currents," Umit.It is transferred to the person responsible for delivering the goods, but the goods are not normal goods, but items such as arms.

"Big News" Morgans, who can also be regarded as one of the exotic beasts, is a man in the image of an eagle, dressed in a gentleman's attire, holding a camera on his chest.The high and pointed beak revealed his unusual identity.He is the president of the World Economic News Agency, and he is in charge of most of the news. Most of the newspapers that are sent to all over the world are edited and directed by him, and News Bird is also under his command.

The loan shark king, Lu Field, known as the "God of Fortune", was wearing a gorgeous high-profile suit, biting a cigar in his mouth, wearing small mean sunglasses, wide lips, and a scar on his face.As the address said, he is a person favored by fortune, relying on usury to seek benefits from others.

"Pieccolo, why is this guy here?" Lu Field's words were full of dislike for Piekro. He didn't like having such an unlucky guy at the banquet he came to.

"You're so petty." Stussy smoothed things over.

"This wedding is definitely big news. The cooperation between the Vinsmoke family and BIG.MOM will undoubtedly cause waves." Morgans expressed his opinion.

"I heard that there are two weddings this time. However, compared to the one between the Vinsmoke family and BIG.MOM, the other one is much more ordinary. It seems to be the daughter of the Rear Admiral and the Vinsmoke family. In between, things are too small to remember." Umit said.

"I think that major general is not ordinary." Stucey and Umit had a different point of view, she said.In addition to her identity as the queen of Happy Street, she also has a real identity, that is, a member of the CP-AIGISO spy department, and the messages from the CP0 chief Rob Lucci, and the special message from the chief Rob Luccio Confess and warn her that this person may bring misfortune to this wedding and BIG.MOM's tea party.

The conversation among the people was full of sharpness, yet seemed dull.Because they are only satisfied with talking, and no one will make any outrageous actions on this wedding, which is the territory of BIG.MOM, which will only bring trouble to themselves.

After being greeted by Perospero, they stopped talking.But one thing has not changed. The gathering of bigwigs from underground forces with prominent identities in the world undoubtedly shows the attention this wedding banquet has aroused.


"Huh, these clothes are really troublesome." Fang Xing grumbled, he was wearing formal clothes that didn't match his own style.According to the person who prepared the clothes for it, it was "What are you talking about? To get married, of course you have to wear formal clothes."

"The play always has to be full." Doflamingo said with a smile, and one of his rare interests now is to watch Fang Xing be deflated.

"Just don't lose the chain." Fang Xing sullenly looked unhappy.

"Don't worry, I've practiced with this costume many times, and it won't go wrong. You can wear this costume safely and come on stage." Doflamingo has already used his lines in terms of costumes He has tried countless times, and he is obviously not the type to make such low-level mistakes.

"That's good." Fang Xing said, and walked away quickly after speaking, he didn't want to continue to see Doflamingo's smile.That evil smile is always creepy.

Doflamingo didn't intend to let him go, the more uncomfortable Fang Xing was, the happier he was.He's the kind of guy who likes to create pain in other people.

"Are you so sure that BIG.MOM will do something to Vinsmoke?" Doflamingo suddenly lowered his voice, "If she didn't do something, things seem to be out of your control."

"Human nature is hard to change." Fang Xing said, "Greedy people will not let go of this opportunity when they can own it alone. This is the same for you. The moment I show my flaws, you You probably don't mind throwing stones at you."

"Of course." Doflamingo didn't shy away from it, but admitted it openly. "If you didn't recruit Kaido this time, maybe I would have joined the BIG.MOM Pirates, because in my opinion, your weight is not on the same level as BIG.MOM."

"But in the same way, you also think that you and Kaido are not on the same level." Fang Xing said, "After I released the news to recruit Kaido, you don't think that BIG.MOM will fight against it for you, even if you have Those important messages from Kaido."

"I'm self-aware. Kaido's horror even exceeds that of BIG.MOM. It's a real monster, but the Four Emperors are not easy to get along with. Even the seemingly kind red-haired Shanks It's the same. They always want to step into other people's fields willfully, but they don't know it. Strong strength has become the source of their willfulness."

"Strength has always been the source of willfulness in this world." Fang Xing said in agreement. "In the eyes of ordinary people, you are also very willful, or it is more appropriate to call it brutal. This point should be most touched by the people in Dressrosa."

"Aren't you the same for ordinary pirates?" Doflamingo asked back.

Fang Xing did not refute, the matter is indeed as Doflamingo said, his behavior in the early years was cruel in the eyes of the pirates.At that time, his naval reputation was more focused on bloodthirsty than genius.

"Don't talk about that, let's prepare the plan. I asked BIG.MOM to open the jade hand box on the wedding day where I appeared. Considering that I have already put on formal clothes, it seems that the time is almost here, so I have to prepare for action."

"Yeah, we have to get ready to act."

"Don't forget, besides cooperation, we are still 'partners' tied to the same rope." Fang Xing reminded.

"Above this wedding banquet, Ka Er is troublesome. His knowledgeable domineering should be able to see through your disguise." Fang Xingdao, this is the message he has already given in advance.

"Card two?"

"Charlotte Katakuri, his knowledgeable domineering is over-trained, and he can even see the future. This is a tricky guy."

Although Doflamingo's lines can be disguised as him, it is undoubtedly obvious to the knowledgeable and domineering Ka Er.And as he said, the most important thing in this plan is Doflamingo's disguise here.

"Are you ready for a way to let him go?"

"Katakuri is the strongest three generals, and he would not be dispatched under normal circumstances."

"But what if it's not an unusual situation?" Fang Xing said.


The protagonists of the two marriages are also counted as Fang Xing steps in.Doflamingo followed Fang Xing with a smile on his face.

The atmosphere of the scene was not very good, everyone's face was tense.Even the arrival of Fang Xing and the others did not cause any commotion.

"The atmosphere is so strange, it seems that something strange has happened." Chopper said.

"I don't know what happened." Robin was also curious.

"It looks like that so-called unusual situation happened," Doflamingo said.

"What do you mean?" Perona said, her voice attracted a little attention from the surroundings, especially the eyes of those flowers and plants, they are the natural eyeliner of the BIG.MOM Pirates.

"Keep your voice down." Hobak reminded, and then pretended to be loud: "Perona, you had a nightmare last night, and you wet the bed? Hahaha..."

This statement dispelled the vague sight around him, but it also made Hogubak suffer from Perona's counterattack. A ghost passed through his body, and then Hogubak fell to the ground and whispered: "I really want to be a flea."

A figure suddenly came over.

"Come here with me." She said, she was one of the heroines of this wedding, Ling Jiu.Vinsmoke was not there except for her.Because although her wedding with Fang Xing is valued, it is far less important than her marriage with BIG.MOM.

"What happened?" Robin asked harshly.Regarding Fang Xing's hidden information, she wanted to get the answer from here.

Ling Jiu looked at it strangely, but it was not surprising that there was such a problem in the atmosphere of the venue, she replied directly without concealing: "The forces of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Kaido Pirates appeared nearby at the same time. "

"Did something happen?" Robin then asked, Kaido was recruited by Fang Xing, and Robin heard it clearly at that time.The Whitebeard Pirates may also be recruited by Fang Xing. The Whitebeard Pirates have just suffered a major trauma, and it is only possible for the Whitebeard Pirates to appear in the territory of BIG.MOM in their current state. There were only a few of them, and the most likely one was Fang Xing.

"I don't know." Ling Jiu said, she was also very concerned about this matter.If there is a conflict between the Four Emperors, there is no doubt that Vinsmoke, caught in the seam, will also be involved.And this is undoubtedly a disaster for Vinsmoke, who has no land and brings a fleet of ships around.

Seeing Ling Jiu's gesture, Robin also knew that she really didn't know, and didn't continue to ask.

"This is really unusual." Doflamingo just whispered.Under the flat reaction, what is in his heart is his obviously not flat emotion.

When the BIG.MOM pirates face foreign forces invading the territory, BIG.MOM sends her sons and daughters to expel them.In the face of the four emperors of the same level, especially when the two come at the same time, BIG.MOM cannot treat it lightly.

However, considering that the four emperors will not easily start a war, and BIG.MOM relies on its identity, it is not willing to come forward in person before the captain of the other party appears.If the other party is asking too much, the answer is obvious. BIG.MOM will send its most proud child to deter the opponent.And this is the strongest Katakuri among the children of BIG.MOM that Fang Xing said.

Doflamingo looked around, and besides Katakuri, there were also some important officials missing.

"Is it so quiet today?" Lingjiu said suddenly, her words made Doflamingo take back his extra thoughts.He manipulated "Quiet Fang Xing" to imitate him and smile.

Seeing that he smiled instead of answering, Ling Jiu always felt a little strange, but didn't continue to ask questions.She turned her head back slightly and led them forward, her heart was still looking forward to the situation that Fang Xing would not come.

Just as Fang Xing and the others walked into the banquet, that is, in the sight of Charlotte Lingling, Doflamingo moved his lower finger indistinctly.

What followed was an explosion that shook the island.

The entire island vibrated accordingly, and the venue fell into a chaotic and noisy state instantly.

As the president of the World Economic News Agency, he took out his camera and took pictures with dedication.The chaos of the crowd, the sparks of the explosion, and the anger of BIG.MOM.

"What happened?" Charlotte Lingling roared.

"Mom, mom is the explosion from the treasure house!" Someone answered her question.

This answer made Charlotte Lingling fall into a state of near madness, that was her treasury!She directly left the guests at the banquet and ran frantically towards the treasury.

On the other side, at the moment when the treasury house exploded, the three generals in charge of guarding, Smoothie, were also frightened. She didn't notice that someone had sneaked into the treasury house, but obviously something happened inside the treasury house.

She hastily rushed in through the blasted door, but she didn't see a single figure except for the mess in her eyes.

Smoothie was not in a hurry, she first checked the most important historical text, and was relieved to find that it was unharmed, and then checked other treasures, but when she checked the jade hand box that was very important for this banquet, she found a problem .

"No, no?" She couldn't help but exhale.

The jade hand box disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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