Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 452 The Trap of Fraud 2

Chapter 452 The Trap of Fraud II
After Akainu gave the cruel order to ignore the missing townspeople, the navy on board remained silent even though he held objections.

The first priority of the navy is to obey orders, and they cannot disobey the commander's order to do anything other than the order.

"The boat moved."

In the eyes of the navy, the huge and somewhat luxurious empty ship moved.Sudden changes made them unable to leave as required, and I am afraid they will stay here.

A boat doesn't move for nothing, it just means someone is driving it.However, in the navy's inspection, the cabins and decks were empty, so it can only explain one problem.

"Under the water!" The experienced navy shouted, under the blue sea, the shadows of activities under the sea level could be faintly seen through the sunlight.

A huge ship tens of meters long was pushed, which required an extremely large force, especially under the resistance of sea water, it was even more difficult to push such a huge ship.Although the navy doesn't know how many people are hidden under this slightly calm seabed, it must be a trap that was planned early in the morning.

"Turn the bow and retreat!" The commander of the navy gave an order.

Sakasky did not interfere with this commander, he completely delegated power to this commander, and he did not care too much about commanding the battle, because Sakasky believed that his strength was enough to turn the tide of the battle.In this world, it is always the pinnacle battle that determines the outcome.

Under the dispatch of the naval commander, the navy has demonstrated efficient execution.Drag the anchor, change the angle of the canvas, turn the rudder.It's just that the huge hull makes the whole ship's movement to complete the turn appear very slow.

The commander also understood this, and he immediately issued another order, "Shoot into the water!"

Even under the resistance of the water, the distance the bullet travels is not far, but through this ship to attack the person pushing under the hull, it is more than rubbing.

Hundreds of bullets were fired from all angles of the ship at the same time, and the bullets shot into the sea, penetrated the sea water, and hit the ship board directly.

It was different from the sound of wooden planks being hit as expected by the commander, but the clanging of steel. This was because steel plates were added to the inside of the ship's planks, and the opponent came prepared!The bullet did not cause any harm to the people on the bottom of the sea at all, and the opponent's ship was still leaning this way.

"Switch to shelling! Damn it! Is it too late?" the commander said angrily.

Right in front of his eyes, the opponent's ship was no more than a few tens of feet away, which is about ten meters in meters. This is a distance that a trained navy can jump over with a run-up jump, and this is for pirates. In fact, it is also universal.If the pirates come out of the bottom of the sea, they can jump from that ship to the warship.The most appropriate method he could take now was to sink the ship with artillery fire, but the use of artillery fire at such a close range would undoubtedly cause casualties to the navy.

He couldn't help but hesitate.

Just when the commander was hesitant to give the command order, an unknown liquid floated up on the bottom of the sea, which appeared cloudy but colorful in the sunlight.

At the same time, in addition to the usual fishy smell in the sea breeze, there was also a pungent smell, which he was very familiar with, it was oil!
"Damn it! Quick! Withdraw quickly!" The commander gave the order at this moment with all his strength.

A fierce flame inexplicably ignited, wrapped in the liquid on the sea surface, and spread towards the surroundings.Lie Lie Yan (raging flames) bloomed in the blue sea like this, it was so brilliant and warm.

The navy's warships were also affected by the flames, and the flames climbed onto the warships like a fire snake, and many navies standing outside were affected.

Sakaski, who was also standing on the bow, was not spared, and the fire there was even more colorful than other places.

The commander was not worried about General Akainu, because he knew that such fire would not be able to cause damage to General Akainu at all.Sure enough, in the flames, Sakalski stood safely in place.

Flame became his support, leaning against the corner of his body, posing cowardly on him like a human.

"It's flooded!"

The high temperature dissolved the gaps where the iron blocks were not embedded, and seawater squeezed in through them.

"Let the boatman, go to the warehouse to get a spare boat plank to plug the leak! Quick!"

The commander seized the time to direct the warship to leave. In the efficient operation of the navy, even in the face of the flames, the warship's steering has been almost done.

At this moment, there was another explosion, followed by a wave of heat coming from the huge ship.The oil stains burned more intensely on that ship, as if some kind of burner had been added to the cracks in the planks of that ship, and the flames would crackle and explode as soon as they touched the planks.

The commander found it very strange that the navy did not find anything during the investigation, and the entire ship was empty.But now is not the time to mind these, this heat wave will affect them, what he has to do now is to lead these marine soldiers to avoid it safely.

After retreating hundreds of meters away, the naval commander gave orders in an orderly manner while watching the ship that was constantly producing explosive flames and heat waves.

This is spontaneous combustion?

Compared with the damage caused to the navy, it caused more damage to its own ships. Except for some wounded and embarrassing external hull damage, the navy did not have much loss.

Moreover, the opponent's fuel seems to have chosen slow fuel, not the kind of explosive that will explode once burned. If it is said to cause damage to the navy, it is most appropriate to use strong gunpowder, not to use such explosives other than momentum. Mischievous flames that serve no other purpose.

Of course, the commander believed that if it was strong gunpowder, Admiral Akainu would not sit idly by, and the other party would only be in vain.

"There is a ship approaching from the northwest direction, with a pirate logo on the bow, it is the Hundred Beasts Pirates!"

Beast Pirates?Sakaski's eyes finally revealed a bit of concern. There are not many opponents in this sea that he can pay attention to, but the Beast Pirates are definitely one of them.

So, what happened this time was their fault?

In the sunny ocean, the ignited flames are not conspicuous, but if the black smoke produced by the ignited flames is particularly conspicuous.

At the destination of Pirates of Beasts, that is, the news obtained from those people, a big fire is burning at this moment.

"There seems to be a conflict ahead, Mr. Jack." Said the navigator.

Jack also noticed that several warships headed by the navy seemed to be in a bit of a panic due to the battle, and their hulls looked tattered.And the ship that seemed to be fighting with it was burning with flames at the moment, and the entire ship was almost destroyed. It was conceivable that most of them were empty, and if there were, they were dead.

"Could it be someone from the Don Quixote family?" The navigator put forward his own idea.

Jack chooses to believe almost without thinking about it.

There is a conflict between the navy and Don Quixote Doflamingo's agreed transaction location, and it is a ship that is about the same size as the one that originally carried the Don Quixote family.If it is said that there is indeed Admiral Akainu in the navy, then this may be basically certain.

There are only a few big pirates on the sea who can pass the fleet led by Akakenata and cause such damage.Considering that Doflamingo fought Akainu, it is very possible to cause such damage.

The navigator's idea also won the approval of the vast majority of people.

"I'll just say it. What kind of deal, things like the navy are simply not credible." A pirate said.

"Navy? It's just a pirate in a shell of justice."

Jack was not disturbed by the gossip of his subordinates, he gave the order, "Come over!"

If the other party is really Admiral Akainu of the navy, then there is basically no way for them to survive this trip. The navigator wants to stop it, but most of the pirates are blind, especially in the new world, after the Four Emperors occupy power , the navy is basically the fate of being expelled there.

They were so used to that feeling that they didn't even quite understand the meaning of Admiral.

Under Jack's order, most of the people showed joyful expressions.They cheered, thinking about how to loot good things from the navy, such as the accompanying nurse, or sophisticated weapons and equipment.

The navigator reckoned that if he stopped them at this moment, not to mention Mr. Jack, even some brother pirates who had a good relationship with him on weekdays would "insert two knives into his ribs".

He had to silently think about how to survive in the real situation.

The naval warship led by Sakaski and the Beast Pirates led by Jack faced each other across a burning wooden boat, and both sides seemed tense.

Really red dog!The navigator shouted, he still had the idea of ​​being lucky before confirming.

In the navy, there are only three generals who can stand against Master Jack.Perhaps the Marshal of the Warring States Period is one, but the Marshal of the Navy cannot leave the Navy Headquarters, he must stay there to deal with affairs.The naval hero Garp can also be counted as one, but I heard that he ran to the East China Sea.

So before the incident happened, the navigator had always had the idea of ​​rejoicing, rejoicing that the people in the navy warship were not the few.

It's just that things are often unexpected.

"Dirty pirates, shouldn't you hide in the corner of the new world, waiting for me to execute you one by one?" Sakaski said in a deep voice, revealing the admiral's aura in his words.

The navy cheered up at his words, this is their admiral, they are sure of victory.

Jack was not overwhelmed by Sakalski's words. He was already a dull person, and he didn't care much about threats.He replied with a momentum not weaker than that of Sakasky: "But in the new world you mentioned, the navy is hiding in the corner!"

The new world is divided up by pirates. Once the branch of the navy is established, it will be destroyed, and the navy can only hide in the corner.Maybe in other sea areas the navy can chase pirates, but in the new world the roles are often interchanged.

Sakalski was outraged by Jack's reply.The anger affected his body, magma erupted from his body, and these magmas dripped on the board of the ship, melting it away, just like the extra anger he had at this moment.

"Hand over Doflamingo, and maybe I'll spare you," Jack said. "I'm not interested in cowards hiding in corners."

Sakaski heard his purpose from his words.Although his ship was escorting prisoners, there was no Doflamingo.Obviously the guy on the opposite side was cheated, but Sakarsky wasn't kind enough to explain it to him.

Of course, he may also be the one being calculated, but we will consider this later, and he will naturally not let go of the little thief who dares to calculate him, but before that he wants to defeat this arrogant pirate.

"I don't mind, I have one more you on the list of advancing city, rather than dying, I'd better repent in the cell for the rest of my life!" Sakaski shouted.


"Have you already left?" Fang Xing said, looking at the bright sky outside.Just behind them was Moria's pirate group, but this pirate group seemed empty, except for one or two pirates standing on the deck outside the cabin, the rest of the people were hiding in the boat. Including Moria, he doesn't like sunlight.

"I left, so I can read without lighting a lamp, which is much more convenient." Robin said comfortably.

"But I didn't meet Brooke." Fang Xingdao.After all, the sea area of ​​Devil's Triangle is so big, when he considered it from the perspective of resignation, there was no fate to meet him.

"Brooke, who is that?" Robin asked curiously.

"A skeleton." Fang Xing guessed. "Skeleton musician."

Chopper's hand trembled, startled by the sudden news.Skeleton musicians?Is it the guy who sings the song of death and leads people to the world of bliss?

"Skeleton?" Robin didn't know what Fang Xing was talking about. He thought his knowledge was rich enough, but now it seems that he is still lacking.

Sanji came out and he started serving food to everyone.Meals were prepared for the only two ladies on board before the others started to be served.

"Why am I only half of Kalifa?" Gabra expressed his dissatisfaction.

Lu Qi didn't say anything, he put the food into his mouth quietly, and didn't have any opinion because of the different treatment of the food, it was like this in everything he did, the expression on his face was always so calm.

"Why, I have nothing!" Absalom yelled.

"I still want to ask you, why, you appear here!" Sanji asked sharply, he didn't have a good temper for the guy who shattered his dreams.

"Of course I feel that beautiful women need me." Absalom replied sincerely, his animal face revealed blind self-confidence.

Without even thinking about it, Sanji took Moria's ship as a goal and kicked it back.Not only did this guy take away his dream, but now he was spying on the girls on the boat, so it was right to drive this guy away.

(End of this chapter)

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