Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 45 Recuperation

Chapter 45 Recuperation
"Well, don't worry about this, hahaha. When can I go back."

"You can only go back when you recover from your injury. This is the minimum responsibility of a doctor to a patient. This is a special treatment room for this school. You can concentrate on your cultivation. There are still a few of you, the patient needs to rest, don't wait It's too late."

After the doctor finished speaking, he applied medicine to Fang Xing and went on to other things.

"Stupid boy, you actually..." Alves yelled, but before he finished yelling, he was interrupted by the doctor outside the door.

"Didn't I just say that the patient needs rest?!"

"Sorry, I couldn't control it for a while."

"Be careful next time!"

Alves actually wanted to say that your voice is quite loud, but considering that they are all from the same school after all, he gave up his plan.

He lowered his voice and said to Fang Xing: "You idiot boy, you dare to refute General Zefa, I was scared to death by you, and fortunately General Zefa did not pursue it, it must have delayed Lieutenant General Garp's blessing. "

Looking back on what happened afterwards, Alves was more concerned about himself and Fang Xing. Although General Zefa was a respectable person, his serious face did not seem like a friendly person.

"Maybe." Fang Xing said.

However, this should not be possible. Zefa and Garp have different personalities. Garp belongs to the kind of person who acts according to temperament, while Zefa acts according to rules. The two are not right in some respects.

Seeing Fang Xing's indifferent look, Alves warned: "In short, don't worry about what you are doing now, first take care of your body, and then become a student of General Zefa. Just train hard."

Turning to look at Binz and Ain, he said, "You two, come down for training after you finish speaking. Before you leave the class, you are still my students. Today's training is far from enough."

"Yes." Binz and Ain replied.

Alves is not going to say more, his responsibility is to teach batch after batch of "justice", and other students can't relax right now.

After Alves left, Binz said: "Congratulations to the three of us for passing the assessment, and we can continue to fight side by side again."

"Well, thanks to Fang Xing, I was able to pass the examination."

Speaking of passing the assessment, Binz remembered the double-sword style that Ain used during the assessment, "Ain, I didn't expect you to have such a sword skill, why didn't you use it at the beginning of the assessment?"

Fang Xingdao: "Probably lack of confidence."

Analyzing Ain's expression and actions, Fang Xing came up with such an answer, which was the reason why he asked Zefa to be assessed again later.

Ai En was not surprised, just looked at Fang Xing with his eyes, and then said: "Well, I don't know how this sword technique is, after all, I haven't really fought before. At first I wanted to pass the assessment, so I adopted the method of holding swords with both hands , I want to expand my attack power as much as possible.”

After hearing this, Binz suddenly came to his senses. The attack at the beginning was indeed two-handed sword, but the attack also tended to be monotonous and blunt. It was not considered swordsmanship at all. It was just a child who was slightly proficient in skills and simply swung a stick.

"Thank you." Ai En thanked Fang Xing again. She didn't know any other way to express her inner gratitude.

"There is no need to say thank you, because we are friends." Fang Xingdao.

Part of the reason for helping Ien is due to guilt, because his appearance caused a change; a large part of the reason is because of their friendship; of course, there is the last part of the reason, "Invisible teasing is the most deadly. "

"You guys should go to the training too. If Mr. Alves waited for a long time, the training should be doubled. And after you leave, I can also take a good rest."

Binz and Ain nodded, and then walked towards the door, but Ain looked back at Fang Xing before leaving.

After the two of them left, Fang Xing said, "It hurts, hurts." His body turned even more on the bed, which caused the wound and caused a burst of more intense pain.

Just now when the doctor applied medicine and bandaged him, he just tried to save face, endured the pain, and pretended not to worry.

When Fang Xing flipped and made strange movements, the door was pushed open.

Ai En walked in again, seeing Fang Xing making strange movements and howling, he guessed that he was just holding back the pain, so he couldn't help laughing out loud, "Heh"

"Uh...I'm a rehabilitation exercise, for a rehabilitation exercise." Fang Xing lied.

"Then you continue your 'rehabilitation exercise', I just brought you water." Emphasized the rehabilitation exercise, then put the water next to the bed, then walked out, stuck it on the door and said : "What a fool."

During the recuperation period, the class collectively visited first, but just once, Alves was scolded by Doctor Jerome.

Dr. Jerome refers to the former middle-aged doctor. Fang Xing occasionally chatted with him a few times in his free time, and gradually became acquainted with him. He is a good doctor who is very responsible for patients.

Alves was scolded by Dr. Jerome because of such an event, and he never dared to organize it like this again. Instead, he asked Ain and Binz to be representatives, and occasionally visited him.

Fang Xing also took a break during this period, and did not exercise his computing power as frequently as usual. He only exercised his ability for an hour or two a day, so that his brain would not forget this feeling. coming book.

The act of cooling the brain made Fang Xing surprised to find that his computing power had increased significantly again.

This inexplicable increase made Fang Xing confused, but he didn't study it carefully. Maybe he was too tired before, but after this rest, the fatigue was released, which greatly increased his spirit.

And no matter what the reason is, even the so-called "epiphany" is fine, because it is considered a good thing. The increase in computing power is equivalent to the increase in strength, and no one will idle about the increase in their own strength.

Fang Xing put the bookmark in the book, covered the book he was reading, and placed it on the table beside the bed.

He has been recuperating for two weeks, and his body has almost recovered.

Dr. Jerome was also surprised by this. Normally, the few weeks he mentioned only refers to the recovery of the injury, not the recovery of the body.Although he was surprised by Fang Xing's recovery speed, he was also happy about it and gave the order to end the treatment.

"Today is over, you can go back to the hut." Fang Xing murmured, it was uncomfortable to stay in this kind of white room for a long time, and it was because of this that he accelerated the flow of blood in the wound, which made the wound The regenerative tissue at the site is running faster, resulting in faster recovery.

Just when he thought it was ordinary, the moment of tranquility was broken, and the door was pushed open.

The stalwart body that walked in was Zefa.

(End of this chapter)

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