Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 445 The Shattered Dream

Chapter 445 The Shattered Dream

"...such an island, even if I am full of reason, I don't think it would be a good place." Robin said, "I don't think people who live under such conditions will be some kind-hearted doctors .”

An island with a strong atmosphere of a ghost island is shrouded in a sense of shadow.In the absence of light, the twisted branches without any greenness, the bark is gray-black, as if it is full of lethal wood demons in fairy tales, anyone who sees it will feel uneasy, especially It is accompanied by occasional light and lightning.The shady and moist soil seems to be able to leach water when the feet step on the soil.Not to mention, there are tombstones inserted in some places.

"Gentle-tempered? Who says it is." Fang Xingdao, "I never said that Dr. Hobak is kind-hearted."

"I saw Chopper's adoring expression, and thought he was a very good doctor." Robin was a little surprised.

"Maybe it used to be, but not now." Fang Xing added, "People always change."

"What about you? Will that change too?"

"It is undeniable that I will too, but how to change is not predictable by one person. For example, I was imprisoned in my mind before, and I found it difficult to kill a pirate."


Robin remained silent after expressing her opinion, because since she met Fang Xing, his performance has always been very strong.No matter what kind of force he is facing, his performance has not changed at all. It is hard to imagine that such a person would not even dare to kill an ordinary pirate before, and the reason is such a simple ideological confinement.But thinking about it, she wasn't so surprised.As Fang Xing said, people will always change. Before O'Hara's accident, she was a naive girl, but the reality forced her to adapt to life.

The communication between the two did not affect other people. Sanji was immersed in preparing the lunch box for Miss Robin, while Chopper was preparing the things needed for meeting Hogbak, medical books, questions he wanted to ask, gestures Actions, etc., as well as the equipment needed to guard against ghosts..
They came to the palace, and it was curious that there was an ancient aristocratic style palace on such an island.

"Welcome, welcome." Hoba Ke greeted at the door.This is a man with a small round-hole mirror, a diamond-shaped jaw, and grinning sharp teeth.

His figure was fat, but he didn't look like a lazy person, his beard and hair were only trimmed.

Standing beside him was a female assistant with pale skin. Her appearance was not gorgeous under this skin color, but rather ordinary, and she looked more like a corpse than a living person.She's dressed in perfect contrast to Hobuck, who is wearing a nurse's outfit while Hobubek is wearing a doctor's outfit.But compared to the relationship between superiors and subordinates, the two are more like lovers.

It's just that her expression was always stiff, and her movements were also frozen there. When she saw the visitor, her expression didn't change in any way.

"Hiss! Hiss!" Hobak's unique laughter came out of his mouth. "This is my wife Xindoli."

Xin Duoli ignored her husband's introduction, and walked in so impolitely, leaving Hobak alone on the field, looking a bit embarrassed.

"Hobak... It seems that you know the news that we are coming."

Hobak smiled and didn't speak.

"Doctor Hobak! Can you sign me?" Chopper went up to meet him, looking crazy like a groupie, and even briefly forgot the remaining fear on the island.

When Hobak had his fanboy Chopper, he also showed a face that was not humble at all. The bridge of his nose was slightly raised, which seemed to reflect his vanity.

The two doctors chatted happily, and Hobak led Fang Xing and the others in while talking with Chopper.

"It really doesn't look like a nice guy," Robin whispered.

"That's right, the supporting villain in the proper story." Fang Xing replied.

"Supporting role? It's true that he is not good looking, and he can only play a supporting role in the story, so you are the big villain." Robin joked.

Excellent appearance, strong strength, plus three views are not correct, proper villain protagonist aura.

"You seem to be right when you say that." Fang Xing spread his hands and didn't mind.

"What are you talking about?" Hobuck asked.He looked curious, his neck stretched out, his glasses flickering in the indoor light.

"It's nothing, just talking about the characteristics that the main and supporting characters in the story should have." Fang Xing said.

Hobak felt strange, his mouth was wide open and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"It's too close!" Sanji reprimanded, and he pushed the two of them away with a huge package on his back.

The sudden squeezing action caused a muffled hum to be heard in the air. Hobak lowered his head slightly, glanced at the empty ground, and then said, "Let's all go into the room, it will be warmer if there is a heater in the room." .”

Fang Xing glanced at the position Hobak was looking at just now with inconspicuous eyes, and he accurately sensed the existence of people.

He instantly knew who that person was, one of the three monsters under Moonlight Moria, Absalom.With the transparent fruit, he can hide himself in any place.

Guided by Hobak, they came to a strange room with a fireplace, dining table, murals, carpets, and an operating table.

In such a room, don't you worry about bacterial infection if you put it on the operating table?
But the excited Chopper didn't find any abnormality at all. It only thought that Hobak was obsessed with medical research, and even in his own room there would be medical equipment.

Sanji's nose twitched slightly, he tried to smell it, and the room around him smelled of rotting meat.For a qualified chef, he is extremely sensitive to smell.

Robin also looked at him and nodded to him, which made him even more suspicious.

"Can you take a walk?" Sanji asked suddenly.

Huoba Ke looked flustered, like an entertainer with poor acting skills, his body was trembling, and sweat broke out on his forehead.

really.Sanji affirmed his guess that there is a problem with this doctor.

In line with Hobak's nervousness, the eyeballs of the mural turned.However, Xin Duoli walked out before the matter was exposed.

Her appearance made Hobak sigh inexplicably, and he regained a bit of naturalness, and explained with a forced explanation: "Many lights in the room have been damaged, it's not too late to go for a walk after a rest. And little doctor, I want to have a good discussion with you about the few questions you just raised."

Chopper was even more excited, it could hardly wait to get started.

"Then let's start eating?" Hobak suggested.

"No need." Sanji refused. He pointed to the package behind him and said, "I'm ready. You have a wife who should understand the joy of letting the woman you like eat the food you make."

Sanji spoke very naturally, he acted almost by nature, without exposing the problem, Hogbak didn't suspect what he found.

"Xin Duoli, prepare the room for the guests." Hobak said, and Xin Duoli walked out with a calm face under his order.

Sanji took advantage of the dining table, took out the bento and put it on the table, and treated Robin courteously. When Hogubak didn't notice, he carefully approached Robin's ear and made a somewhat ambiguous expression. Action said: "There is a problem here."

Robin smiled, his expression didn't change because of Sanji's sudden mention of this.She showed strong adaptability, and replied in a voice that only Sanji could hear: "I know, Fang Xing seems to have discovered other clues."

Sanji got up indifferently, prepared another food for Fang Xing, and made a "tss" sound.

This is to protest against Fang Xing, and the subtext is to say "You boy, you didn't tell me when you found out." Although Fang Xing is used to this kind of behavior, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

Of course, this is also his true nature to play, and he didn't deal with Fang Xing very much.

Fang Xing didn't say anything, just started to eat casually, just paused for a while, and when Sanji was about to leave, he whispered: "I told you, your dream is shattered."

"What?" Sanji looked puzzled. He didn't take it seriously before, but when Fang Xing mentioned it again, he couldn't help but wonder what it meant.

Chopper hurriedly settled the meals, and then ran to discuss with Hobak.

Sanji didn't plan to scare the snake, he quietly pretended that nothing happened.

Until midnight, Robin walked into the arranged room as if he didn't realize it, and then prepared to take a bath like an ordinary woman.

"Why are you here?" Sanji asked incredulously.

"Same as you." Fang Xing said.

The two just hid in the closet in the room. When Robin was about to enter the bath, the two were like criminals who were about to peep.

"How can I let Miss Robin stay here alone after finding out that there is something wrong with this place, I won't peek, but you"

Sanji expressed strong objections to Fang Xing, and he had doubts about whether Fang Xing could take care of his eyes.

"You sew your fingers together first," Fang Xing said.

Sanji simply moved his hand away, "This is what is necessary to ensure Miss Robin's safety."

"In terms of strength, it is obvious that I am stronger, and can provide better protection than me."

"But you have evil intentions. Judging by your usual behavior, I'm not sure what you will do to Miss Robin."

Fang Xing shrugged his shoulders, and looked at Sanji with rolled eyes, obviously you were the one with evil intentions.But because of Sanji's gentlemanly manner, he will not do evil things.This is the saying in the saying, "If you have a lustful heart, you don't have a lustful gut."

The argument between the two didn't last long, there was a sudden movement outside the door, the room was still lit, and it could be seen that the door handle suddenly moved and was pushed open without anyone pushing it.

"Human?" Sanji asked.

Knowing that Fang Xing could control his voice so that it would not leak out, he still asked aloud under such circumstances.He seemed to understand what Fang Xing meant, the so-called dream.

"It's a human, it's an invisible person." Fang Xing made up for the hope that still existed in his heart.


Sanji's dream is to go to Fishman Island and all blue, and there is another dream that he has never revealed to others, that is the miracle of the sea, the invisible fruit in the devil fruit.

He has always harbored this dream, and this is a large part of the reason why he stepped into this dangerous sea.Dreaming that I have an invisible body, and then enter the women's bathhouse openly
This is the dream of every normal man.

But now, the dream is shattered, and the man who took his dream away wants to spy on his Miss Robin.

It is unforgivable!

Sanji rushed out suddenly, Fang Xing was not surprised, and also rushed out in an instant, some things must be open and honest.

This sudden situation also frightened the invisible man Absalom, who suddenly let out a voice of astonishment.

This gives Sanji the basis for judging the direction.

"it's here!"

Sanji's horsepower was fully activated in an instant, and the devil's wind kick was used directly, and the fiery red flaming legs swept directly on Abu Salom's body.

A violent sound came from Sanji's legs, and his legs kicked in the air, but there was a physical impact.

Then Absalom was swept out, a man with a leopard face.Sanji didn't stop attacking, and a series of kicks hit Absalom's body like this, which was venting the indescribable anger in his heart.

Only a moment later, Absalom lay dying on the ground.

Fang Xing was not surprised. Originally, Sanji was stronger than Absalom, and after being trained by him, Sanji had mastered domineering and devilish feet.

Robin came out with revealing clothes, and she put on her coat with Sanji's almost petrified expression on her face.

"Is it so exposed?" Fang Xing asked.

"Isn't that going your way?" Robin said.

"I don't think I'm such a wretched person, but is it important? Now it seems that there are guests coming." Fang Xing said.

"Speaking of which, we are the guests." Robin said.

"Hee hee hee"

Hear his voice before seeing him.A piercing laughter came in through the dark door.

Then a tall, but bloated man walked in.His skin was purple and white, his teeth were sharp, and he looked like an ugly humanoid puppet.His stooped waist, towering height, and especially his slender neck made it impossible for him to pass through the door normally.

He is Moonlight Moria, and one of the Seven Martial Seas.

"A rare visitor," he said.

"It seems that you already knew that I was here." Fang Xing said, "I'm curious, how did you know."

If the eyeliner of these zombies on the island is exposed, it will take time for the distance to reach Moonlight Moriah and his arrival. Obviously, Moonlight Moriah stayed in this house early in the morning, waiting for him. arrival.

(End of this chapter)

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