Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 356 The Game at the Square Table

Chapter 356 The Game at the Square Table

This title made the atmosphere in the entire casino, which had been noisy because of this incident, suddenly cool down.Those who made trouble did not dare to make trouble, and the onlookers also restrained their smiles a little, and some showed respect.But one thing is clear, that is, no one cares whether this casino will give Fang Xing a bet, because this is the weight contained in this name in this city.

"Of course." Robin nodded to Fang Xing with a smile on his face, "Then please follow me."

Fang Xing didn't say much, and didn't continue to ask for the so-called bargaining chips, and followed.

For this near-farce gambling, although the people around wanted to know the result, they finally dispersed from their own considerations, and the carousel dealer was also relieved and collapsed on the ground, panting, this strange The development was unexpected, but this result was the best for him anyway.

Follow the red carpet and pass through the splendid white passageway inside the Yuyan.

Robin introduced while walking: "This is the place used by the Rain Banquet to entertain VIP customers."

"VIP customers?"

"Well, usually some wealthy businessmen who come here to trade, and some people who conduct arms transactions and intelligence transactions." Robin said bluntly.

"Then I have nothing to do with the word VIP, I'm just a simple gambler."

Robin smiled but didn't answer. If it wasn't for the incredible things she learned from the intelligence and Fang Xing's appalling bounty, she might have thought that Fang Xing It's a stunned young man who comes to the casino to make trouble.

After walking to a door, Robin stopped, looked at Fang Xing and continued, "The boss is waiting for you inside."

Robin pushed open the door and put on a gesture of welcome, Fang Xing walked in without retreating.

Different from the proportion of the door, the inside of the room is a spacious room that can be called a square.Extending downward from the top of the door is a series of steps, on which a red carpet representing celebration is laid.Walking through the stairs, there is a boxy conference table below.At this time, there was already a man sitting on the corner of the square table.The swivel chair was facing the square table, and the man only showed a side face.It was a man who could make people feel gloomy even if only one side was exposed.

Fang Xing ignored it, but jumped onto the escalator, slid down the escalator like this, came to the square table with his body, and then sat up.

At this time, the transfer card slowly moved over, facing the square table, and the man actually revealed his appearance.

This is a man who pays attention to the external image, whether it is the clothes that are not wrinkled or the hair that is neatly done on the head, this can be seen.In addition to this image, there is still a suture mark on the bridge of the nose on his face, all in all, it gives people a feeling of fear at first sight.And he also has a daunting name, Crocodile.

Crocodile just looked at Fang Xing, feeling a little displeased with his rudeness, and said coldly, "Fang Xing is offering a reward?"

As if responding, Fang Xingshun said, "What's your business?"

Crocodile's face stiffened, his mood was as bad as his expression, but he suppressed his temper and said coldly: "I want to make a deal with you."

"What deal?" Fang Xing asked knowingly, and he had already got the answer from the person Crocodile sent to contact him before.

Crocodile looked cold, and the answer was explained by Robin who walked over, "I hope you can provide the blueprint of Hades."

"That kind of thing?" Fang Xing fell into hesitation, but said: "I have it, but what price can you offer? You won't let me provide it to you for nothing, I believe you have done so many business, Don’t let me offer it for nothing.”

Crocodile picked the browless forehead, a little surprised by what Fang Xing said, but not surprised.It is surprising that Fang Xing would speak like this and directly confess that he has blueprints, but it is not surprising that he would not hand it over so easily.

"Of course I won't let you give it for nothing." Crocodile said flatly, but suddenly emphasized his tone, "Then what if I say to exchange your partner's life? A woman, a man, and a civet cat."

"Do you think they are worth Pluto's value?" Fang Xing asked back.

Crocodile was silent for a moment, "It's not worth it, but judging from your actions, it's worth it. So what's your decision?"

Fang Xing looked indifferent, and he replied flatly: "But I don't think you can do anything with them."

"I've already ordered someone to ambush your companions in advance. Just one order will kill them all."

"You mean Kou Sha? That Mr. 2?" Fang Xing crossed his hands and dragged his head, his eyes downcast, as if a student was absent-minded during class.

"." Crocodile fell silent, Fang Xing's words made him realize that his plan had been revealed before it was implemented, and his eyes were as gloomy as a storm was coming.

Robin on the side also showed a dazed look, no wonder Crocodile had to hide something about the previous things, because he already had his own plan.First let Mr.2 use the fruit ability to pretend to be Vivi to attack Koza, and then let him disguise as the injured Koza and hide in the camp.The reason for concealing her is probably because of distrust.In Robin's view, Crocodile is a true individualist, he will not trust anyone, and what he hates most is cheating.

"But things may be more interesting than you think." Fang Xing said pointedly, he looked at Crocodile, and spit out words like sharp knives, "I'm afraid the order you gave to Mr. 2 Come to this city and start after I leave."

Crocodile's face was gloomy, and he spit out a cold tone that was different from this weather, "Mr. 2 betrayed me?"

"Who knows." Fang Xing shook his head, then jumped off the table, walked to the side table with fruits on his own, picked up the plate containing the fruits, and then slowly walked back.

Crocodile is not a person who is good at waiting. He is anxious about everything, and this time is no exception. He couldn't wait to ask, "What does that mean."

"I tried it"

Fang Xing said something that made Crocodile puzzled, and sat down calmly. He tasted the fruit and the fruit wine that he didn't know where he came from, and murmured, "If there is It goes even better with BBQ.”


"cough cough"

The slight coughing alarmed Weiwei in the room, making her aware of the man's waking up.

She walked to the head of the bed and looked at the man who gradually opened his eyes.The moment the man woke up, he focused his attention on Li Ying beside him, and said with trembling lips, "Princess Weiwei?"

"Well, Kosha. How is your body?" Weiwei asked with concern while letting out a sigh of relief.

"The body is fine except for being a little weak." Kou Sha said. After speaking, he turned his neck to look at the unfamiliar environment around him, and asked, "Where is this?"

"This is a small hotel in the rain." Weiwei said bluntly without concealment, while the other side asked: "What happened?"

Kosha raised his hand to sit up, but Weiwei stretched out his hand to help him. At this time, Qiaoba, who was leaning over, helped him up first. At the same time, before Weiwei could speak, he confessed: "You are a patient. You can't act casually in your current situation, you have to lie down and rest."

However, when Chopper replied, he was out of breath.

Weiwei put Chopper down, looked at it, and asked, "Chopper, you took care of Kosha all the way, didn't I tell you to rest? Why did you start those exercises instead?"

Chopper replied with an embarrassing and reluctant reason: "I am dissipating heat, this is the reindeer's way of dissipating heat!"

Weiwei looked confused, and Kosha was also confused. He asked strangely: "Weiwei, is this your civet cat pet?"

Chopper jumped up, "Didn't I say it was a reindeer? And I'm not a pet!"

Weiwei smiled, comforted Chopper a few words, and at the same time explained to Koza, "This is Chopper, the doctor who cured you. His medical skills are very good. Thanks to him, your injury did not worsen." .”

"Is that so? Thank you very much." Kosha said gratefully.

"Asshole! Even if you praise me, I won't be happy." Chopper first showed a happy look as usual, and then started exercising uncharacteristically.

"What is it?" Koza asked.

"Uh..." Weiwei also couldn't understand Chopper's uncharacteristic behavior, so she could only follow what Chopper said just now: "Its cooling method, and who caused your injury?"

As if recalled, Kosha felt a sharp pain in his abdomen. He gritted his teeth in pain, and said slowly, "You attacked me." Before Weiwei could react, Kosha said a series of words , "But I know it's not you!"

Vivi showed a shocked expression, she attacked him?

"Can you explain the situation in detail?"

"You suddenly visited my camp, asked for a private meeting, and then attacked me." Kosha briefly explained the incident in three sentences.

"But I"

Weiwei wanted to explain but was interrupted by Kosha.

"I know, you didn't do this. It's impossible for you who cherish your friendship so much, to do such a thing." Kosha said with emotion.

"...It seems that someone is framing it to make the rebel army and the king's army fight!" Weiwei said firmly.

"Who is that? Who would do such a thing?" Kosha asked in confusion.

"Baroque Work Club." Weiwei said.

"What is Baroque Works?" Kosha's eyes reveal a strangeness.

Weiwei pondered for a moment, "This is an organization hidden under the kingdom of Alabasta. It is the root of the chaos in Alabasta these years. Even the dancing fan incident where my father was framed was arranged by these people. And these people The boss behind the scenes, that is, the root of all evil is Shichibukai, Crocodile!"

After saying this sentence, Kosha's expression obviously changed again and again.

"What! You said that the boss of Baroque Works is Crocodile?"

"Yes, it's hard to believe, isn't it? In fact, I didn't believe it when I found out some clues, until that person gave me a positive answer." He thought that Crocodile was the patron saint of this country and would expel the pirates who came to this country, but things were so unexpected that he was the one who really caused damage to this country.

"I need you to help me explain this to the deluded people," Vivi begged Koza.

But Kou Sha shook his head, "I can't do it, and I suggest you to leave this country too, this country is hopeless."

Weiwei's complexion changed drastically, and she shouted: "What do you mean! This is Alabasta, the country we live in! Chief!"

This was the first time she yelled the word of the leader after meeting, and her memory seemed to return to the past, the Kosha who guarded him and loved this country at the same time.

"That's Shichibukai! It's a group independent of the navy." Kosha said slowly, "And this country has been almost eroded by the Baroque Works, and it's only a moment away from destruction."

"How do you know?" Weiwei finally realized what the problem was, she stepped back suddenly to distance herself, and asked vigilantly, "Who the hell are you?"

"Have you found it yet?" Kou Sha sighed, and his handsome face instantly transformed into a man's face with makeup, to be precise, it was a face of a shemale.After the transformation was completed, the man introduced: "I am Mr. 2, to be precise, Von Clay."

Mr. 2?

Weiwei's complexion changed drastically, and she was in the baroque work agency, the meaning of the word "natural".It's a senior agent!So what is his purpose here, and how he hides as Koza.

Weiwei thought of the abnormal Chopper, but when she looked back, she found that Chopper had stood beside her at some point, and her body had changed from a child to a human form.

"Chopper, you already knew?" Weiwei asked.

Chopper nodded, "I know, Fang Xing has already told me in advance, and I'm not good at hiding things, so he let me keep using my body so that nothing will be exposed."

The two watched Mr.2 vigilantly.

"Since Fang Xing has seen it, he must be prepared." Weiwei said.

Chopper shook his head, "That's all he explained, telling me not to expose, nothing else."

"And what about Walpo?" Vivi asked.

"It seems that I have gone out to find food too." Chopper said.

Wei Wei looked at Mr. 2 with vigilance. She didn't think that Chopper and her alone would be able to defeat Mr. 2, a top agent even in the Baroque Work Agency.

But at this time, Feng and Clay said: "Don't be nervous. Although my mission is to kill you, I am not ready to carry out the mission."

"Huh?" Weiwei understands the importance of the tasks in the Baroque Work Agency. How could this be said by an agent who is almost at the top? Did she hear it wrong?Or is it the other party's preparation to let him relax his vigilance.

"Your friendship to Kosha touched me, and the bond between you is simply wonderful. And my injury is real, and you have saved me. Although I am not a good person, I am not that kind of person." The kind of person who forgets kindness." Von Clay explained.

Chopper nodded at this moment, "His injury is indeed real."

Weiwei was a little surprised at this inexplicable development, but she still didn't want to believe it.

"Let's go, the boss has not only arranged for me to be a killer."


Before Fang Xing could eat the fruit in his mouth, a sandstorm had already penetrated the square table and swept straight over.However, the moment the wind and sand touched Fang Xing, it was bounced back, and Fang Xing swallowed the fruit in his mouth smoothly, showing a very happy expression.

"Your plan is indeed perfect. Even I didn't expect you to be so insidious, but you didn't count people's hearts." Fang Xing said looking at Crocodile with a livid expression.

Crocodile's face darkened, "People's hearts? That kind of thing is the darkest thing in the world. According to you, Mr. 2 will betray me, but so what, I never believed him in the first place."

"Did you arrange a backup?" Fang Xing showed a clever expression, "Me too."

(End of this chapter)

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