Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 330 A Shocking Strike

Chapter 330 A Shocking Blow


The oversized Neptune opened its mouth wide and made a roar similar to that of a train leaving.

Weiwei and the others felt a buzzing in their ears, and hurriedly blocked their ears.After this burst of noise, I only felt a little deaf in my ears.Just a cry can cause such a great influence, one doesn't know what kind of terrible result an attack will have.

She turned her gaze to Chopper. Sea kings are creatures after all, so Chopper should understand the cry it made just now.

"What did it just say?"

Chopper patted his humming ears, and from Weiwei's gaze, he realized that Weiwei was talking to him.

"What did you say?"

Weiwei raised her voice a little bit, "I said what did it just say?"

Chopper understood what she meant, and replied, "It said it was hungry."

"When you're hungry, you have a bigger temper than me."

Walpo picked out his ears, chewed his empty mouth, and was about to pick up a piece of minced meat to stuff his teeth, when the turbulence of the ship caused him to stagger and fall to the ground.

"What happened again?"

"It seems to have retreated." Weiwei said.

She judged it based on the water surface on the bottom of the sea. Because the super sea king retreated, the sea surface returned to its original crimson state again.But according to Chopper, it was hungry, but retreated?No matter how you think about it, it's not normal.So Weiwei was a little unsure when she answered.It soon became clear that her doubts were true, and the sea surface changed again.

The light shines down from above, covering the entire sea, the blue sea water refracts the brilliance, it is as clear as crystal glass, but it is not restricted by the utensils.Blue? Weiwei noticed the abnormality. The crimson represents that the blood of the sea is slowly fading, and the sea is returning to its original color, and they are moving!Moving in the direction where the crimson fades!
Weiwei was startled, and shouted: "Slide back quickly! That sea king is swallowing sea water! If you don't hurry up, we will be swallowed by it!"

But when they picked up the oars, it was already too late, the whole body of the ship seemed to be boosted by a rocket, and it moved forward at a high speed, only the sound of screams remained in the ship.

"Ah ah ah ah.."

It's too late, but it's fast.The ship stopped again, the only thing that changed on the sea was that the crimson had faded, and the Shura field caused by the struggle of the sea kings had disappeared, and the sea was calm.

Weiwei observed the sea surface for a while and breathed a sigh of relief.

"The other party seems to be full and left. It's a blessing. If you are swallowed by that kind of monster, it will really be over."

"that is really good."

With tears in his eyes, Chopper patted his chest and lay down, with his feet on his back, his face showing the joy of a dying prisoner acquitted before execution.

Kalu rattled twice, pretending to be calm and walking beside Weiwei, guarding her side like a gentleman.

Walpo took a few glances, exhaled lightly, and after calming down his emotions, he couldn't help bragging: "It's really impossible for you to panic like this, haha, why do you have such a sudden emotion on your face? I'm panicking, is it because I'm under too much pressure in front of Mr. Walpo?"

Walpo laughed, while Chopper and the others stared at Walpo, or more precisely, his back.

It was a huge Neptune with only half of its head exposed, but even if it only showed half of its head, it was like a peak, making it impossible to see the top.At this moment, its eyes are just staring at the ship. It is a pair of sea-colored eyes. It is the largest sapphire in the world, but there is only one thing that makes people unable to be interested in this sapphire, because it is too big. big!Just one eye is enough for hundreds of people to hold a banquet on it without feeling crowded, and it is several times the size of this ship.

Walpo hadn't noticed the look behind him yet, and he was still talking eloquently.

Karoo used the wings to indicate the direction, secretly reminding Walpo, not for other reasons, but for him not to attract the attention of those eyes.

Instead of understanding the meaning, Walpo felt that the other party was disrespecting him, so he immediately raised his voice to refute.

"What do you mean by this gesture, do you know who you are talking to?"

Weiwei's face became even more serious, this bastard, is he not going to stop until he attracts attention? She said softly, "Your back."

Only then did Walpo understand, and slowly moved his body. The moment he saw the sea king, his whole body froze and he fell backwards.

It seems that everyone's prayers have been fulfilled. This Neptune didn't make any other movements, but became sleepy like a person who just had a full meal and enjoyed life in the sun. It dozed off and blinked its eyes, but this The action has nothing to do with cuteness at all, at least in Weiwei's eyes, it means that they know that there is an evil spirit behind them, and their fate at this moment is determined by this evil spirit.

Fortunately, sleepiness defeated the Neptune and closed its eyelids, which also made Weiwei and the others heave a sigh of relief.But this breath has not been completely let go, and the other breath is held back.

I saw Fang Xing standing floating in the air. If it was normal, Weiwei and the others would not care about how he stood, but now he is standing in front of the eyelids of this sea king, not observing or admiring, but smiling Be ready to make trouble.

"do not want!"

Weiwei, Chopper shouted almost in unison.Even Karoo is quacking, expressing its mood at the moment.The only one who didn't make any sound and only kept an expression of fear was Walpo, who was obviously taught to be afraid.

Their voices did not win Fang Xing to stop, and a loud kick came from it. Fang Xing kicked the sea king's eyelid, making a roaring sound like a missile explosion.

Weiwei and the others almost fell into despair following the sound. With such a heavy blow, there is no doubt that this monster will wake up.What they thought was not wrong. Under this blow, the Neptune uttered a whine, which was a howl of pain.

Chopper also translated in despair, "Ah, it hurts!"

The king of the bottom of the sea woke up from his deep sleep and vented his anger around.

The turbulent sea was choppy, and Chopper and the others clung to the fixtures on the boat to keep their bodies from being thrown.Almost all creatures hid under the sound, and no one dared to challenge the might of the king of the sea.

After the pain was over, the Sea King opened its pupils which were as blue as sea water. At this moment, the surrounding area was covered with blood red, which was caused by Fang Xing's blow just now. This bright red also belonged to the demon king's bright red.The devil, the villain who has taken pleasure in blood since ancient times, means that there is no meaning that the scarlet stain cannot return to its original appearance.The wrath of the king can only be filled with blood.

It quietly stared at the "ant" in front of it, did he hurt it?

(End of this chapter)

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