Chapter 326
"Aren't you afraid of death? Or do you have the confidence to stop me?"

Cold sweat broke out on Dalton's cheeks and the palms holding the weapon. After witnessing that inhuman battle with his own eyes, if he had confidence, it was absolutely unstoppable confidence. .
"I'm afraid, but sometimes people can even abandon their lives for a certain idea, based on your few words, I can't forget the kindness of the old king."

"What a strange persistence." Fang Xing sighed. "Obviously Walpo has abandoned you, but you still persist like this. You are really stupid."

Dalton remained silent, his body reacted autonomously, holding a weapon forward to show his unchangeable heart.

Although judging from Walpo's attitude, what Fang Xing said is mostly true.But after all, Walpo hasn't left yet, and Dalton can't do anything to watch him being taken away by Fang Xing.

Fang Xing stared at Dalton, and finally turned into a sigh. He couldn't hate this kind of stubborn person.

"You can't stop me." Fang Xing mentioned again.

Dalton nodded and said solemnly, "I know."

"I want to take Walpo away, and I gave the castle to Kuleha as my reward after treatment."

Fang Xing was interrupted by Dalton before he finished speaking, "It doesn't matter what the castle is, I just hope you can keep King Walpo."

"Do you still believe that such a person has any hope?" Fang Xing asked.

Dalton shook his head, "I have already despaired of King Walpo, but I have not forgotten the kindness of the old king. I don't believe it is a good thing for a criminal like you to take King Walpo away in this way. "

Dalton has only two inexplicable concepts for Fang Xing's stay, one is inexplicably strong, and the other is inexplicably inexplicable, making people unable to understand what he is going to do at all.

"Also, are you waiting for me?"

Dalton still has self-knowledge. His speed is definitely too slow compared to Fang Xing. If Fang Xing really wants to take Walpo away, he can take it away before he arrives.

"That's right." Fang Xing nodded. "I'm waiting for you."

"What the hell are you going to do?" Dalton said.

It's so inexplicable, Dalton thought to himself.

The behavior of the young man in front of him is really incomprehensible, but this kind of person has power that is hard to reach, just like a lunatic holding a nuclear bomb that can destroy this area.While this kind of unknown made Walpo persist, he was also a little afraid.The inclination of the island seems to have stabilized, but this inclination is not normal no matter what, it has already caused panic on the island, if it is not resolved, who knows what will happen, although he does not know what is going on with the inclination of the island , but he understands that this young man definitely did it, and this is also the purpose of his coming here with the young man.

"Do you know? The World Government is a strange organization. It sticks to the superficial form. It means that as long as Valpo passes the throne to you, you can be the king in a legitimate way, and I don't need to worry about abducting this guy." causing trouble."

"I think you are fully capable of taking away King Walpo silently, but judging from the scene, this doesn't look like something someone who is afraid of trouble will do." Dalton raised his own doubts.

"You don't know that. No matter what kind of king's abdication, there is always a reason. I think these people will find the best reason." Fang Xing replied.

"You think the World Government can't tell lies?" Dalton asked.
"Indeed, the world government has the most proficient intelligence organization in the world. It is impossible not to find out the truth, but in fact, how many people care about the truth? I only know that when Walpo loses his position as king, other people can come from This unreasonable country is separated from it, and the world government is not in the mood to take it into account, no matter which side it is, it is the best outcome."

Walpo pursed his lips a little aggrieved, saying that it was the best ending for either side, but it was obviously not for him.He went from being a high-ranking king to being a prisoner of others. No matter how you think about it, it is not a good ending.

"I don't care about that, I just hope you can get this island back to normal and get out of here."

Fang Xing smiled, and his face revealed a relaxed expression. No matter what Dalton asks for at this moment, the decision-making power is in his hands. This is the right to speak of the world's strong.The weak will prey on the strong, and you will win if you are strong. This is justice—a simple and clear truth.

"I tell you this, not a request or a statement, but an order."

Fang Xing put his palms flat, with the back of his hands up and his palms down, then slowly tilted at a certain angle, and said, "This is the current island."

Dalton stared blankly at Fang Xing, the raised back of his hand meant the peak of the island, and the angle of inclination was exactly the degree of inclination of the island now.At this moment, he already had the guessed answer in his heart, but he didn't say it, but waited for Fang Xing's next appeal.

Fang Xing turned the back of his hand little by little until it reached 180 degrees.

"That's what's happening to the islands now."

Dalton was not surprised, or had expected it, and indeed, if what Fang Xing demonstrated just now happened, Dalton could imagine how serious the consequences would be. All the residents of this island would be buried under the sea.

"What do you want me to do? Your order is." Dalton compromised.

Fang Xing said softly: "It's a very good realization. When I become this king, I will give this castle to Kuleha, and there will be no more after that."

Dalton was taken aback, and said in surprise, "It's that simple?"

"It's that simple." Fang Xingdao.

Once Dalton becomes the king, there is no need for him to do anything, the world government will send people to investigate the situation, and everything will go in the direction he wants.

Dalton was silent for a while. He couldn't understand why the boy wanted him to do such a thing. Would it be of any benefit to the boy to make him king?At least he didn't see it.But more important than his confusion is the safety of the residents on the island.After weighing for a while, he made a decision.

".I see."

Walpo was slightly surprised, watching the rigid and stubborn Dalton compromise with some astonishment, and cursed inwardly.But there was still a foolish look on his face to please Fang Xing.

Fang Xing ignored Walpo and looked at Dalton, "There is one more thing for you to do. After solving this matter, I am going to leave this island."

"whats the matter."

"It's nothing." Fang Xing had a childlike smile on his face, as if trying to play a prank. "I just want to tie someone up."

Dalton was more confused this day than he was in a year, and he replied in a daze: "Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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