Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 313 Chopper

Chapter 313 Chopper
Through the thin window next to the wooden door, a reindeer is watching the unexpected guests coming to the cabin.Rather than observing, it should be said to be peeking.It's just surprising that the reindeer's body is so openly exposed outside the opened door, it seems that it is deliberately trying to be discovered, but judging from the reindeer's unusually cautious expression, it is not the case.

"What is that civet cat over there doing?" Weiwei asked.

"I'm not a raccoon cat! I'm a reindeer, you see I have horns on my head. Oops, it's exposed!"

Weiwei stared blankly at the contradictory scene in front of her. This creature that claimed to be a reindeer probably wasn't Dr. Kureha.

But Fang Xing is not surprised, this special creature is Chopper.

"Who are you?" Chopper hid behind the door again, with most of his body exposed outside and his head half exposed inside, he said cautiously.

Weiwei turned to Fang Xing, wanting him to answer.After all, he is the person in charge, and Fang Xing has always shown all-round talents, not only in strength but also in wisdom, maybe he can answer better.

"I'm Fang Xing, this is my friend Weiwei, and this is the spare food Kukalu." Fang Xing said.

"Quack quack!" Kalu suddenly expressed dissatisfaction and screamed. At the same time, he puffed up his chest and put on a majestic appearance.

Chopper understood what it meant, and scolded: "Liar! Karu said he was Princess Vivi's bodyguard, not food."

Fang Xing just gently gathered the cold air on Kalu's body again. In an instant, Kalu's aura disappeared, and he became that limp and trembling look again.Duck feathers are not as cold-resistant as reindeer hair. In such weather, Karoo couldn't help shivering.


Chopper repeated its meaning, "Leng Leng...I have principles, I am Princess Weiwei's bodyguard, and I am also a food bank. Ugh! You are actually a food bank!"

At first, Chopper thought that Karoo was really principled, but he didn't expect that after talking, it became a food bank.

After Karu finished that sentence, Nuannuan returned to it again. From a certain point of view, it didn't want to talk about principles except for Princess Weiwei.

"We're done talking, it's time for you to introduce your identity."

Chopper remained alert, "No! I won't tell strangers my name!"

"Since I told you my name and you know me, you shouldn't be considered a stranger." Fang Xingdao.

Chopper thought for a while, with hesitation on his face. It felt that what Fang Xing said made sense, but... can people really believe it?

"I still won't tell you, but what are you doing here?"

"Seek medical attention." Fang Xing said.

"Ask for a doctor? Who is the patient?" Chopper asked anxiously.

Because of the wind and snow, the paleness on Fang Xing's face was covered up, but Qiaoba didn't see anything unusual.Although because of being disgusted, feared, and called a monster, Chopper almost despaired of people and didn't want to get close to them, but the teachings of Dr. Kureha and Dr. Silke made people unable to treat patients. Ignore it.

"Me." Fang Xing replied lightly.

Chopper noticed Fang Xing's complexion. Although the paleness was covered up, if he paid special attention, he could still find a difference. The snow falling from the sky was pure white snow, but Fang Xing's face revealed that it was even ice and snow. They are all jealous.

"The forehead is pale, is it sick?" Chopper murmured in a low voice, still maintaining his vigilance against Fang Xing and the others.

"Is Dr. Kureha here?" Fang Xing asked.

Chopper was startled, and suddenly retreated into the room. After a while, he revealed his body and said slowly, "Who are you?"

The meaning in the words is actually questioning, because some people have looked for Dr. Kuleha some time ago, and the people inside are all guys wearing the same costume and holding terrible weapons.Chopper clearly remembered that the person who wounded him with a terrible weapon was wearing such a costume.

"I came to see her for treatment. I heard that Dr. Kureha on the island is the best medical person, and my body is very serious. Other doctors are helpless, so I have to seek his help."

Seeing Fang Xing say that about Dr. Kureha, Chopper was still very happy, because Dr. Kureha was the one who followed Silke and didn't treat it as a monster, and at the same time adopted it to teach it medical skills.It's just that he wasn't sure if Fang Xing and the others were patients. If they came to harm Dr. Kuleha, wouldn't it become an accomplice if they revealed her news.

"Is your situation urgent?" Chopper asked carefully.

"It's okay, but it's not urgent. After all, it's been a problem that has plagued me for several years, and it hasn't been resolved yet."

"It's a matter of a few years!? That's not okay, how can the disease not be treated in time!" Chopper couldn't help but blurted out. After realizing that he lost his composure, his body turned more outward, and his head turned more inward.

"I've said this, and I've found someone to treat her, but it didn't work."

Chopper was at a loss for words, hesitated for a while, and finally made a decision that surprised even it.

"Let me check your body first."

It doesn't understand why he said such words. He has always been afraid and disgusted by humans. Humans regard themselves as monsters, but as he said, it is indeed a monster. Even his parents abandoned it. In addition, it has not really finished learning its medical skills. Although Dr. Kureha said that he has almost learned it, he has no experience in healing. It has been able to heal only those who occasionally appear in the snow-capped mountains. Injured animals.

However, it was like this, but it took the initiative to say this request, perhaps because it had never seen a trace of disgust in the boy's eyes. The bright red eyes were as bright as the moon, and there was a faint smile in the eyes. There is an inexplicable intimacy.Joba thinks so.

Fang Xing didn't object, and just brought Wei Wei and Karu into the house.

The house is not big, but it is full of books and experimental materials.

Fang Xing glanced around, but he didn't see Dr. Kuleha, and he didn't seem to be in the house.

Chopper settled Karoo, and then looked at Wei Wei with some jerk.

Fang Xing understood what it meant, and said first, "You and Karu can stay in the room as you please."

Seeing that Weiwei was settled, Qiaoba heaved a sigh of relief and led Fang Xing to the table without saying a word.Then put on white clothes, wearing tools for doctor's examination, and then started a series of medical examinations, "open your mouth, stick out your tongue"

Fang Xing complied with Chopper's request, step by step repeating actions that seemed useless to him.

But he once said that he would not do useless things, I don't know what charm there is in it.

After the test was over, Chopper cried out in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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