Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 296 Collision of Rules

Chapter 296 Collision of Rules

Weiwei refused to give up, this was a rare opportunity for her to seize.If she just gave up like this, she would not be willing!
On this great voyage with ups and downs, although there are countless strong men, there are definitely not many who can match and beat Qi Wukai.Otherwise, the emergence of the Qibuhai system would not have caused the sea to fall into peace for a short time.

Because there are really not many people who can beat them.

And this young man in front of him is definitely one that can match. His record, causing damage in the Navy headquarters, and at the same time escaped from the hands of the admiral, is no less than Qiwuhai.In addition, the first reward was 4 million Baileys. No one knew what damage he caused, but everyone knew that the damage was definitely not light.Otherwise, the bounty would not have been raised to 4 million in one fell swoop without announcing the specific reason.This also just shows that its strength is not shallow, and this will be reflected in the bounty.

"Then how can you help me?" Weiwei asked.

"Give up, I have no reason to help you."

"I have investigated many of your previous actions, and many of your actions were based on justice, so isn't helping the people of the Alabasta Kingdom also acting on justice? Judging from those actions, I believe that even if you leave the navy, you will still Justice will still be served."

Weiwei expressed her thoughts vaguely, which is why she dared to make such a decision. She believes that the person who can do those things is by no means a bad person.After all, not so many people are Crocodile, who will carefully show their righteous side and slowly corrupt a country.

Fang Xing sighed, as if he was regretting something.

"People change, or they used to be, but not now."

Weiwei didn't believe what Fang Xing said.

"Then why did you exercise justice before? Why did you give up now? There must be a reason."

"There is no reason."

"How is it possible!" Weiwei's tone was a little stronger.

Fang Xing changed his words, turned his head and looked out the window, "Is the reason important to me?"

Wei Wei was once again gagged by Fang Xing's words.Wanting to argue but unable to argue, indeed, from all perspectives, he didn't need to explain this reason, and the survival of the Kingdom of Alabasta was even more irrelevant to him.Weiwei didn't know what reason to find to convince him.

Weiwei looked at Fang Xing who was leaning against the bed.

The soft and straight white hair drooped down slightly, perhaps because Fang Xing turned his face sideways. Without the hideous wound, that cheek became more delicate, and only then could Wei Wei look at him carefully. Appearance dwarfs any woman.Weiwei stared intently, the more she watched, the more fascinated she became. She raised her arms unconsciously, like a little girl eager to touch something cute and beautiful. Weiwei wanted to touch Fang Xing's hair. good.

It feels like silk cloth, just like touching soft silk objects in the Alabasta palace in the past, Weiwei couldn't help touching it back and forth a few times.

At this time, Fang Xing's words came.

"How is it? Have you touched enough?"


Weiwei hastily withdrew her hand, looking at Fang Xing with a little blushing.The downcast eyes were not because the so-called little girl was shy when she saw her lover, but because her behavior, no matter what the reason was, seemed impolite.

However, Weiwei didn't think about Fang Xing and asked, "How does it feel to touch?"

Icarem stood in front of Weiwei protecting the calf, like a bitch with blond hair protecting her cub, looking at Fang Xing warily. In his opinion, although Fang Xing looked like a girl , but the boy's identity has been stated on the reward list, and the boy at this age is the section with the most flirtatious guts. He only thought that Fang Xing was going to tease Weiwei, and he also forgot the difference in strength. Standing in front of Weiwei, the two People are separated.

Weiwei was also stunned for a moment, she didn't understand Fang Xing's intentions, she looked like an executioner for a while, showing a terrifying sea of ​​blood; for a while, she looked like a young boy, full of youthful breath.

"In terms of feeling, it's very comfortable, slippery, quite enviable, or really enviable, how can it be more skinny than mine?" Weiwei muttered.

"Is it this kind of feeling? I haven't felt it for a long time. Although I don't have the habit of touching myself, it's really annoying to lose the sense of touch."

Fang Xing rubbed his fingers, but he didn't feel any sensation on them.

Weiwei was surprised.

"What's the matter without the sense of touch?"

Fang Xing didn't answer, but gently rolled up the sleeve of his left arm, and said silently, "Look this way."

Weiwei pushed aside Icarem and looked there.

The crystal clear jade hand was just placed in front of Weiwei. Weiwei didn't understand Fang Xing's intention?Could it be to show her the enviable arm?It's just that she is not in the mood to pay attention to these things now.Her country is in misery, how can she still be in the mood to enjoy herself, not to mention that she is not the kind of princess who only wants to enjoy herself.

It's just that soon she has no other thoughts in her mind except what this is.

I saw Fang Xing's originally crystal clear arm grinned open, and blood burst from it, ferocious and terrifying. At the same time, the blood vessels turned over and out, as if it was no longer a human arm.

But this phenomenon was only for a moment, and immediately the scene seemed unreal, and Fang Xing's arm returned to normal.

"What's this?" Weiwei asked after returning to normal.

And Icarem was so horrified that he couldn't speak. This is a real monster. How can such a person survive?

"The collision of rules and rules." Fang Xingdao.

Just like in the same garden city, superpowers belong to "talented people", while magic belongs to "non-talented people". The two belong to different rules. After using magic, superpowers will burst blood vessels.In the world of Pirates, the superpower also cannot accommodate the ability of the devil fruit, and he violated this iron rule, so his body is already riddled with holes.

"Even if I want to help you, do you think I will take the risk to help you with such a body? You must know that I rely on my ability to maintain the normal operation of my body."

Wei Wei is silent, she can understand Fang Xing's approach, after all, people are selfish, she has no reason and no right to ask Fang Xing to risk his life to help her, for anyone, even a righteous person, how many people Can you risk your life to uphold justice?

It's just that this result is unacceptable.It should be said that it is a pity, but a disappointment. It is a rare opportunity to seize it, but it is so wasted. It is not easy to find someone who can counter Crocodile again.

 I'm busy with something recently, sorry for the late update, begging for mercy..
(End of this chapter)

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