Chapter 277
Aokiji, who left the room, did not open the documents in a hurry, but walked on the road without knowing what to think, and gradually drifted away.

After passing through the towering steel barriers, we came to the low residential area.

At this time, a voice came over, it was a flat but not blunt tone, it was the tone of greeting between acquaintances.

"You came."


"Is it something important? It will make you come here in a hurry."

Although riding a bicycle slowly on the sea, the speed of this method is very slow compared to a warship, but you must know that Aokiji usually stops and stops, and occasionally finds a good place to bask in the sun here Wherever you go, you lie down and bask in the sun; when you find a tourist attraction, you go in and wander around, and occasionally soak in hot springs.Among the three generals, he is the only one who enjoys it the most.

But this time, even the stormy weather still chose to move forward, Fang Xing had to have doubts.

Qingzhi thought for a while before saying: "Well, it's a very important matter, otherwise I wouldn't have notified me a month in advance."

"However, even if you were notified one month in advance, you are still late." Fang Xing added unceremoniously.

Qingzhi's expression was very calm, and there was no embarrassment at all on his face. Instead, he said humorously, "We could have arrived on time, but there was one more person on the bicycle who slowed down the speed."

Theoretically, it will indeed have an impact, but in fact, a child, plus Shangxing's slender body, can weigh at most forty to fifty kilograms. This weight is equivalent to nothing for Aokiji's physique, and it will not affect him at all. .

However, Fang Xing didn't refute what Qingzhi said, and he acquiesced in this matter, and it's not important to him whether it's heavy or light.

"Then do we continue sailing, or do we have other plans?" Fang Xing asked.

"The voyage will be suspended for a while, and there is still work to do. It's a very important job." Aokiji said.

Aokiji, who had been taught by Garp, wanted justice to be practiced freely rather than justice under strict rules.But he also understands the importance of this matter, and he cannot break the peace of the whole world because of one person's emotions.

"Then what am I going to do?" Fang Xing asked again.

Usually, children of this age should ask questions like "Can I play?" It means wanting to be involved.

It's just that he didn't want Fang Xing to participate in this kind of thing so early.

"Aren't you going to see Teacher Zefa?"

"He seemed to have a shadow in his heart because of that incident."

"that matter?"

"When I came back from Grandma He's side, I seemed to be frightened. I just went to the meeting and was turned away by him."

Although Aokiji was very curious about that matter, but compared to this matter, he was more concerned about that nickname, Granny He.This title made Aokiji laugh unconsciously. Garp is Fang Xing's grandfather, so it means that the two were paired up forcibly, but I just don't know what Warring States thinks.

This was the first time he had heard of it, and he asked curiously, "Did you call this name yourself, or was it given by someone else?"

"Teacher Zefa." Fang Xing replied naturally, "Because I went back and forth between the two of them before you came. And Teacher Zefa didn't give up easily, so he thought of many ways to challenge Grandma He in disguise. So I became a tool for the confrontation between the two of them, and this title naturally came out of the confrontation, and I don't mind it."

"Then why did Mr. Zefa's title not change? I don't think Lieutenant He is a magnanimous person." Qingzhi couldn't help blurting out, and after he finished speaking, he was a little scared, and quickly reminded Fang Xing, "Remember, that just now I never said a word."

Fang Xing had never seen Qingzhi like this before, it was a bit strange, but he nodded.

Seeing Fang Xing nodded, Qingzhi also heaved a sigh of relief, and continued: "But you are just at their mercy, and you don't think about resisting? If I do, I will definitely not do it."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, it has no loss or influence on me."

"I really don't know how you said that there is no loss or influence, but how it caused a severe blow to Zefa." Aokiji said silently.

Fang Xing interrupted his thoughts and asked, "You haven't answered my question yet."

Qingzhi decided to change the target, and then said: "About this issue, you need to consult Teacher Zefa before I can make a decision."

This decision was naturally made by him. He heard Fang Xing just said that he refused to let him in. Although he didn't know the reason, it happened to be in line with his ideas.

"Is this what you said?"

At some point, Fang Xing pulled out a note from his pocket, "I thought about what you would say in advance, and I have already made preparations."

"Uh..." Qingzhi looked at Fang Xing in embarrassment, wanted to take back what he said, but couldn't speak, and finally sighed: "Since Mr. Zefa has agreed, then I have no reason to object. But what kind of work is it?" , I’m not sure yet, at least I’ll have to wait a few days before I can give you an answer.”

At least he needs to wait for him to read the documents given to him by the Warring States Period before he can make a decision.

He was just worried for a while, and he dispelled the worry.Qingzhi was not the kind of person who would stay in one thing and get entangled in it.And Fang Xing's strength is definitely not weak, as long as he doesn't meet an opponent of his level, it is not difficult for him to protect himself.

"I'm hungry." Fang Xing said plainly. "eat delicious food."

Qingzhi glanced at him and said: "Let's go then, but before that, tell me about Mr. Zefa's yin and yang. It sounds very interesting."

"No, no, no." Fang Xing quickly shook his head and refused, "I promised Teacher Zefa to help him keep the secret."

"Keep it a secret...? But didn't you just say it?"

"At that time, Teacher Zefa said, 'You must help me keep the content!', I really kept the content, and the only thing that was kept secret was the content."

Aokiji was stunned, "According to what you said, what is the meaning of your nodding just now? Can it be understood that Kuzan didn't say that sentence, but if he thought so before, would he just change his form like this? "

"Maybe." Fang Xing said.

"You are cheating!" Aokiji said with an exaggerated expression.If someone sees his expression, he will definitely be shocked, because although Aokiji usually gives people the feeling of being lazy and peaceful, his abnormal height and strength give people a terrible sense of coercion, and his ability is Ice, the whole body exudes a kind of body cold, which makes people feel even more frightened.

Regarding Qingzhi's reaction, Fang Xing chose to ignore it, walked in one direction, and at the same time said naturally: "A large part of the relationship between people is composed of deceit. This is my understanding of traveling with you." .”

Zefa doesn't say much first, Aokiji is sure that if Garp hears this sentence, even he will suffer accordingly.

(End of this chapter)

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