Chapter 274
In the year 1514 in the lunar calendar of the sea, early spring, the unnamed port of a certain island on the great sea route.

This is a simple port dug out by hand, and it is simply built with wood.Like the simple port, the towns here are not developed, and most of them are just dilapidated houses.It is just a small dot in the navy's chart. Compared with the bustling islands around, this is an unusually small island, which makes people ignore it for granted.

At this moment, on the small island where winter has just passed, the sky is dark and dark, and the snow has not completely melted. There are half-melted and half-opened snow everywhere, which brings a frost-like feeling to the air.

Even in this weather, there is still a young man standing in the harbor.

The young man carried an old-style rifle on his shoulders, and was wearing a thin sweater. Although it was thickened all around, and there were scarves made of animal fur on both sides of his neck, he still couldn't withstand the bitter cold wind. The man couldn't help but He rubbed his palms together to seek some warmth.The exposed skull on the back of his hand further indicates that he is a pirate.

The man didn't intend to stay here, but he was doing the work of guarding.Even free-moving pirates do not mean freedom. Only the captain can truly move freely in name, and they are simply following the captain.

This time they ransacked a small island, because the island didn't attract much attention, their ransacking went smoothly, with the long-time pirates and some team builders enjoying the fruits of victory, but he obviously didn't His own team has no contacts in this pirate ship, so he was sent out to watch out of course.

Although in his opinion, there will be no navy to search for this kind of ghost weather, but he dare not disobey the captain's order, because disobeying the captain's order among pirates has only one end, and that is death, and he doesn't want to die.So no matter how cold the weather is, he can only choose to endure, at least cold is better than death.

The young pirate took out a bottle of low-quality wine from the sloppy white trousers pocket. This was a trophy given to them by the captain. He also had it, but not much, and it was almost bottomed out from last night's saving to drink. , This will drink a starting point to warm up the body is also good.Baz Baz sipped a few wines, and at the same time cast his eyes on the sea not far away. This was the only advantage of being on guard, and he could enjoy a short period of peace.

The tranquility didn't last long, the wind picked up, and the cold air rushed towards him, making the young pirate tighten his body.In the sky, dark clouds like ink swept in, splashing the originally dark sky with black ink, and the young pirate immediately noticed this.

These years, the young pirates who have sailed on the sea know that this is a harbinger of a storm.It is necessary for him to inform the situation and prepare the other pirates. If the ship is washed away, they will not be able to leave here for a long time.And he was also worried about the boats built by those rough and careless companions. Maybe the boat would suddenly sink at any time.In this vast sea, a shipwreck means death.

But he noticed that there were black spots on the sea not far away, and they were slowly approaching here.

A cyclist?

Cycling in this horrible weather?No, more importantly, riding a bicycle on the sea, what kind of logical joke is this, it seems that he has not woken up from a dream, or just fell asleep.

It was only when the bicycle was approaching that it was gradually able to see and hear the ringtone of the bicycle clearly, that the young pirate was sure of the scene in front of him.

Without extra thought, he first sounded the alarm.

When the unnamed situation happened, all he had to do was to gather his companions first.

When the alarm sounded, a group of pirates rushed to the port within minutes.The reason why they arrived so quickly was because they chose this place close to the coast to have fun.They are pirates, they are outlaws, alarm means danger, means fighting, even means death.So when the warning sounded, everyone stopped what they were doing and rushed over.

To fight, or to flee?Then look at the situation afterwards.

The young pirate retreated to the rear and gathered with the other pirates.

This place is separated from the port by a huge boulder, but the port cannot see this place. It is a natural place to avoid people's eyes and ears at sea, and it is also a road leading directly to the harbor of the pirate ship.

The young pirate briefly reported the situation to a significantly more dignified figure among the pirates, the captain.

"You mean, someone is riding a bicycle on the sea?" The pirate captain repeated, and then covered it with a slap.

The young pirate suddenly felt dizzy, and his face was even hotter.

"You guy, do you think I'm stupid, or do you think we're all stupid." The captain said angrily. "When I enjoyed half of it, I killed that woman."

This is what most pirates do. In order to prevent the navy from chasing them, they will stop enjoying themselves and kill nearby residents when the alarm sounds.On the one hand, this is to prevent the residents from disclosing their news. On the other hand, it is also to deter the navy and put psychological pressure on the navy. Faced with vicious pirates, anyone will be afraid, even if it is the navy, the vast majority of people are not no fear.

The young pirate secretly regretted the figure of the dead woman, and explained, "It's true."

But before he finished explaining, someone reported back: "Captain, captain! Someone is riding a bicycle on the sea."

More than one person reported the situation, and the pirate captain finally believed the statement. He tore off his clothes, took out his gun, and rushed out, "immediately send someone to pull the anchor and raise the canvas."

"But, there's going to be a storm, isn't it too dangerous to set sail now?" someone asked.

A look of caution flashed across the captain's face. The person who can ride a bicycle on the sea is by no means an ordinary person. It is more likely to be a rumored secret treasure, a devil fruit user.People are more dangerous than storms.

"It's just to make preparations in advance. If nothing happens, we won't set off." The captain said.

Seeing what he said, no one dared to object due to the coercion of the past.

After the captain stepped forward, his subordinates also followed a group of people out.

At this time, the person riding a bicycle slowly came to the port, leaving behind him a trail of snow-white ice and snow, crystal clear ice marks, this alone marked his difficulty.

And when the pirate captain saw this figure, he also made a choice in his mind in an instant - escape.

Because he recognized the person who came, the navy who symbolized absolute justice, and one of the generals who symbolized the absolute force of the navy, Aokiji!
(End of this chapter)

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