Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 27 Lesson 1

Chapter 27 The First Lesson
Seeing Fang Xing thinking, Ai En thought that his enlightenment was effective, showing the little girl's proud face, and then said: "You should also be curious, why the teacher who is the captain would come to teach children like us."

Theoretically speaking, this kind of enlightenment education similar to children, even if it is the elite class of the Navy Headquarters, it is enough to send some sergeants and corporals.In this era of great pirates, when the navy is needed for maintenance everywhere, it is too strange to send a captain who can lead a ship to teach children.

Fang Xing nodded, he was really curious, "Why?"

"He proposed it himself, because he felt that his strength could no longer be improved, and the powerlessness in the face of the death of his family always entangled him. So he put his hope on the next generation, so he proposed to be a famous teacher."

This also corresponds to what he said before that "people without talent can't catch up with others even if they work hard". He is not wrong in this way of thinking. In the world of One Piece, how many people grow up with talent? Without Devil Fruits, the vast majority of people would not be able to catch up with talented people even if they tried hard.

The training methods of the Navy Headquarters are all life-threatening exercise methods.

Connect the houses with ropes, and then let the soldiers climb the ropes back and forth. Once ordinary soldiers fall, they will definitely suffer serious injuries.

For those who run two hundred laps and cannot complete the run within an hour, an extra hundred laps will be added.

Contact the battle and can't stop until you faint.

But even with such a arduous training method, in the top battle, ordinary soldiers of the Navy Headquarters still seemed very weak, and even said that the effect it played was nothing more than hindering the speed of others' progress.

Poor but pathetic.

It can be said that the world of One Piece is an era that relies on talent, and people with talent need to work hard to have a chance to become stronger.

"What are you thinking?" Ai En put his hand in front of Fang Xing's eyes, shook it slightly, and asked when Fang Xing didn't respond.

"It's nothing." Fang Xing said it smoothly, but he was about to change his words but it was too late.

"It's a lie! ... But forget it, you can't blame Mr. Alves anyway, understand?" Ai En said.

"Understood." Fang Xing returned.

"It's good to understand, after all, it was the pirates who were wrong." Ain also showed a satisfied smile, and then walked out of the classroom.

Pirates at fault?
No, Fang Xing doesn't think so, in fact, being weak...is the original sin!
If Alves is strong enough, he can save his family and protect the justice in his heart, instead of pinning his hopes on the next generation here.

Fang Xing got up and walked straight out of the school gate.

Some of the students in the class just started exercising in the training ground, but Fang Xing didn't plan to join in.

Since the teacher has announced that get out of class is over, why should he stay here to train with the children, this kind of exercise method will not help him at all.

It's better to go home directly, exercise your computing power, and lie down and rest directly when you are mentally tired.

next day
Fang Xing came to the classroom early, and the school has strong requirements for work and rest, which can be seen from Binz who was punished yesterday.Unlike yesterday, only Ai En arrived in the classroom early, the students who arrived early in the morning accounted for the vast majority, and of course there were many who were close to him.

Fang Xing was not going to talk to them, the reason was simple, he was confessed by one of the young men.It was as if an invisible knife had pierced his heart, causing a blow of [-] tons, so he simply lay down on the table and ignored them.

"Hello, this is my place."

Feeling a slight touch from his body, Fang Xing raised his head and looked over.What came into view was the strangely dressed man from yesterday, Binz.

The people around seemed to be a little afraid of Binz. After Binz approached, they all avoided it, as if they saw some monster.

Seeing that Fang Xing didn't respond, Binz said again: "This is my place."

Because this guy was punished for not entering the classroom yesterday, Fang Xing didn't know that there was someone in this position, and thought that someone else would give it to him after seeing him occupying the dove's nest, but he didn't expect it to be this person's position.

"Oh." He replied, and was about to get up, but heard Binz say.

"It's nothing, I'll give you this position, can you be my friend?"

"Yes." Fang Xing replied bluntly.

"Hmm..." Binz blushed and replied shyly.

What a reaction! ?Does this guy also think that this uncle is a woman?
"Beforehand, I'm a man."

"Ah?" Binz's face clearly showed disappointment, but he quickly calmed down and said, "Although you are a man, thank you for being my friend."

It's just that the corners of Fang Xing's face twitched a little when he heard these words, what do you mean, even though you are a man, it's as if I'm a man and I'm sorry for you.

Binz didn't stay for long, but walked towards the empty space behind.

When it was time for class, Alves walked in after the bell rang.

What made Fang Xing a little strange was that the curriculum was about naval history, so there should be textbooks, but Alves' hands were really empty.

Alves said in a straight and thick voice: "Today's class is naval history, I hope students will watch it carefully."

watch?The more Fang Xing listened, the more confused he became.

Alves took out a snail from his clothes room, prepared to say it was a phone bug, and said, "This is a battle I experienced, I hope you will gain some insight after reading it."

It turned out to be a phone bug..
Although phone bugs are rare, the navy has a special breeding organization, basically every ship is equipped with more than one, and it is normal for Captain Alves to have his own phone bug.However, there are also different types of phone bugs. Common phone bugs are naturally less rare, and phone bugs like this image are not cheap.

Alves put the phone bug on the podium, casually took out some feed from his pocket, and fed it.

After the phone bug ate the feed, he projected the image on the blackboard.

It was evening, this was a village that had been invaded by pirates, and Alves' mission was to rescue the villagers.But when they stepped into the village, there were already corpses all over the ground.

There are men, women, old people, and children of all ages, and their expressions are clearly reflected in the images, which are ferocious and painful.


At the end of the battle, the blood on the ground flowed turbidly together, and less than half of the navy that was ready to go was left, and none of the villagers who were the objects of mission protection survived.

Before the battle, the pirates had slaughtered once, and after discovering the navy, they even used these ordinary people as shields, so that they all died.

But even such serious casualties could not prevent the pirates from escaping, and let a small half of the pirates escape.

There is no better explanation than a video. After watching this video, everyone fell into silence, and many immature students felt even more frightened.

Alves silently put away the phone bug, and said to the students who were deeply impressed: "Justice is not so easy to protect. Pirates are the embodiment of evil in this era. To defeat them, you need to work hard for it. "

These words made Fang Xing escape from the state of sinking into the video just now.

I thought he already knew about pirates, but the war was far more cruel than he imagined, and pirates were also much crueler than he imagined, which also strengthened Fang Xing's belief in safeguarding justice.

It's just that he doesn't think that all pirates are evil because of this, at least Luffy and the others are not.

"It's no wonder that so many navies have such extreme thinking. It turns out that it has something to do with their childhood experiences and learning."

If relatives have experienced these things, or grew up in this environment, how many people are not extreme?There is nothing wrong with it, the image that most pirates bring to the world is cruel and violent.

 National Day plus more..
(End of this chapter)

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