Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 269 The Hesitant Zefa

Chapter 269 The Hesitant Zefa

After leaving Dr. Kokoilo, two figures, one big and one small, walked lightly on the road.

This is a trail, and there are only the two of them on it.

Zefa stopped, stared at Fang Xing's back, and said, "You did it on purpose just now."

"You mean deliberately exposing the problems in the materials." Fang Xing also stopped and turned back. "It was on purpose."

This answer did not surprise Zefa.

"Last time, you also pointed out the mistakes after you went back, but this time you said it inside, why?"

Fang Xing turned his head and continued to walk forward, while Zefa followed behind.

Fang Xing said as he walked, "Because I saw what he was hiding, and what he was hiding was related to treatment, so I deliberately forced him to say something."

"But what if he doesn't say it?" Zefa asked.

"No, it can be seen from his behavior that he is a shrewd person, so he can only tell the concealed news without any proposal." Fang Xing said plainly, but in his plain tone there was Brings a burst of confidence.

"Yuan, so it is like this." Zefa said. "But you are not very resistant to inspection, because you are worried about changing back to the original. That is equivalent to the disappearance of your current person, but why are you actively cooperating with me?"

"Because... I don't know, all my actions are judged by the simple purpose of living, but I don't know why I want to live, but I think it might be better to die. I don't know the meaning of existence without emotion. What, but I was created because I wanted to live, so I think maybe he knows why." Fang Xingdao.

His young body is as rational as he was born, and he is still ignorant of this world, but he is thinking about death just like this.Death is a frightening word. There are many people who call themselves warriors. They show their courage in front of others, but they start to shrink back when facing death. However, Zefa can feel that Fang Xing in this state in front of him, It's downright plain, without the slightest fear of death.That kind of plainness, that kind of indifference, seemingly not caring about anything, but it gives people a feeling of loneliness and sadness.

Zefa even had such an idea, birth is reasonable, let him continue.

Fang Xing continued: "Compared to me, don't you think you are weirder?"

"Me? What's strange about me."

Fang Xing stopped, turned his head, glanced over sharply, and said directly, "Are you afraid of cranes?"

"Ahem... what are you talking about? Why am I afraid of cranes?"

"Sure enough." Fang Xing said a few words, then turned his head back.

From just now, Zefa always said something unimportant as if nothing happened, and it seemed more like he was hesitating than anything else, and the reason for hesitating was no different from the news he got just now.

"Tell me why you're afraid."

"Cough" A series of fierce coughs came over, and Zefa pursed his face, "Why am I afraid of cranes? Besides, aren't you emotionless, why do you care about such things?"

"I tried to find the emotion again. Based on the information I got before, I would definitely say that if it was the original one, so I learned to say it. But if you don't say it, I can probably guess the reason."

When Zefa joined the army, he showed a proper middle school temperament, that is, he dreamed of becoming a hero.Crane is a cold and strategic soldier. No doubt the two are at odds, but they happen to be in the navy of the same period.And Zefa doesn't have Karp's heartless thick skin. Although he has a deep relationship with Crane, he feels a little scared.What's more, Fang Xing can be regarded as a student of He, but because of the relationship he found, it caused anomalies. To be honest, the last thing Zefa wants to go to is He's place.

It would be nice if Crane went out to perform missions, but things are so unfortunate that when he learned that Crane's ability can still be used in this way, Crane was staying at the Navy headquarters just because of the mission.

Zefa sighed, and said with some sighs: "It's better not to imitate him. Your character was originally very bad, and then this kind of accident happened. When I see the crane, I will blame both of them. That would be bad."

Fang Xing nodded indifferently. If it was him in the past, he would have nodded falsely and tried to kill him when he got to the crane, but he didn't have this idea at the moment. — because it's boring.

at the port.

After inquiring, they came to the warship where the crane was.

There is no difference between a warship and other warships. If you insist on telling the difference, the crane character in the middle of the flag is the biggest difference.

After seeing the warship, Fang Xing, who should have no emotion, felt a sense of familiarity.

"Is this emotion?" Fang Xing murmured.

"What did you say?" Zefer asked.

"It's nothing."

"The above is the warship where the crane is, you should remember it."

Fang Xing nodded in response to Zefa.

"Then you must not talk nonsense, that guy He is very difficult to deal with, if you are not careful, you might even get involved with me."

In Zefa's perception, Crane is not the kind of person who will be merciful to others. He doesn't want to be hanged on the clothesline by Crane in his old age. You must know that this is the navy, so he was hung like this But it's embarrassing.

"I see." Fang Xing responded again.

"Remember, definitely remember." After several instructions, Zefa led Fang to walk over, and walked onto the warship from the ship's plank.

Not long after stepping on the boat, there were screams one after another.

"Isn't that Xiao Fang?"


"It's Xiao Fangxing. It's been a long time since I saw her and she's cute again."

Under Fang Xing's cute appearance, the female navy in the ship instantly became pregnant.

Fang Xing greeted lightly and replied, "Hello."

"The indifferent look is also so cute."

"It gives people a light and cool feeling. I really hope that children in the future can look like this."

"." Zefa stood aside silently, his size was naturally ignored, under normal circumstances, shouldn't he be asked why he came here first?Women really are strange creatures.

"Cough cough..." Zefa coughed a few times, the number of times he coughed this day was more than the total of the previous year.

"Teacher Zefa?" A woman exclaimed.

Finally noticed that Zefa sighed silently.The students he teaches are not only boys, but also girls. Among Crane's subordinates, there are many former students of his. It is not surprising to know him.

"I'm here to find Lieutenant General Crane," Zefa said.

"Don't look for it, I'm out."

Crane came out of the cabin step by step, and after he came out, the originally noisy environment also instantly quieted down.

"I know the reason why you came to me. It's really not worrying for a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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