Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 254 Default Rules

Chapter 254 Default Rules

The familiar sound of fighting echoed in the air.
Fang Xing raised his head again with a solemn expression, but there was another scene in front of him, or this scene was not very friendly to him.

At some point, Doflamingo and Marco sensed what happened below and deliberately lowered the battlefield. Their intention was obviously to block Fang Xing's escape route.

Regarding the competition for sugar, it is obvious that Marko, who can move more flexibly in the air, is better.And he who captured the sugar, while restrained by Doflamingo, also set his mind on Fang Xing.Not to mention Doflamingo, for Fang Xing who caused him such a big loss and killed his cadre, he couldn't let him go so easily.The two reached a tacit agreement, moved the battlefield, and deliberately blocked Fang Xing's escape route while fighting.

Fang Xing aimed his eyes at Qiao Zi, and reacted as quickly as possible, evacuating towards the rear.Since the front is blocked by Joz, and there are Marco and Doflamingo above, he should evacuate the head office from the rear.

Stepping lightly, the gravel was splashed. These are not the stones kicked by ordinary children. Under Fang Xing's control, these stones turned into pieces of sharp weapons, attacking Joz at a speed exceeding the speed of sound per second. Go, the impact force on it is equivalent to a train of small cars operating at high speed.Although this attack is very powerful, Fang Xing does not think that these attacks can be effective. Judging from the fact that Joz blocked the plasma just now without any damage, it is even more impossible for these stones to cause damage to him.However, he was using these stones to attack, but to use them to buy time. Ordinary people would choose to defend or dodge in the normal response to a sudden attack.

"Joz stop him!" Marko yelled.

Needless to say, Marco, Joz saw Fang Xing's actions, and his body reacted immediately.The difference from ordinary people is that he didn't choose to dodge, not because he didn't see the abnormal power on the stone, but because he was very confident in defense.However, he didn't dare to underestimate Fang Xing. The blow just now proved that this kid was not ordinary, and it might even break his defense.This statement, if you tell any member of the Whitebeard Pirates, you will definitely laugh. You must know that there are only a few of the entire Whitebeard Pirates who can break through his defenses. Now tell them that there is a child who may be able to break through. No one would believe his defense.

Joz once again showed the diamond treasure that fascinated the world, and his whole body turned into brilliant diamonds, and at the same time rushed over like a rhinoceros.Unlike Fang Xing who deftly advanced through the ruins when he retreated, Joz directly destroyed all the things in between.The result is that the speed is a bit faster than Fang Xing. Even so, it is hard to imagine why such a huge body has such a strange agility.

Almost instantly, he bumped into Fang Xing's side.Fang Xing did not continue to evade, but turned from defense to offense, and reached out to Qiaozi first.

Even if it is a diamond, Joz is still a person after all.Just like Luffy who ate the rubber fruit, although the body is rubber, it still retains a human part, the body still has blood flowing, it will still die if it loses food, and it needs water and oxygen. The devil fruit of the natural system is also unavoidable, the difference is that the body of the natural system can be elementalized, while other fruits of the other systems cannot.

And as long as there is still blood in the enemy's body, the vector operation can affect it.This is also the reason why Fang Xing gave up defense and chose to attack. Compared with passive defense and allowing the opponent to gather more strength, it is better to take the initiative to attack and choose to apply vector operations on its weak points.

Joz also didn't dodge this time, because dodging is not his fighting style, and he couldn't change his fighting style just because of vigilance.For the unknown, for vigilance, the best way to deal with it is to punch back with a stronger punch, attaching the largest rough diamond in history, and swinging towards Fang Xing.

The two collide!
Fang Xing did not weaken the strength of Qiaozi's fist, because he knew that pure ability could not block all the strength.He increased Joz's strength, but at the moment of increasing, he adjusted the angle and moved in a more deflected direction.This ingenious method also led to Joz's diamond body being unable to resist the huge inertia in front of his huge power, just like a "spear" and a "shield", huge power and strong defense interact with each other. Working together, they danced a circle in ballet, and their body turned sharply and moved forward.

Fang Xing, who collided with it, seemed to ignore this inertia, and stepped on the floor violently, leaving a horizontal footprint on the ground, and using the force of the recoil to touch Joz.

At this moment, Fang Xing, who was full of knowledge and arrogance, suddenly stopped his figure and avoided the silk thread falling from the sky, but he couldn't avoid the kick from Marco behind him.

Under this tremendous force, Fang Xing's body was instantly kicked in the direction of Joz.

At this time, Qiaozi also stabilized his figure, looked at Fang Xing who was kicked by Marco, and suddenly caught it with his fist, and slammed it on his abdomen.

Fang Xing was hit back like a rubber ball again, and Joz's huge force suddenly destroyed the defenses around him, and the "reflection" minimized the damage to him. At the same time, the calculation power was also in the brain Running on the ground, slowly releasing its power in the air.This huge force should have knocked Fang Xing hundreds of meters away, but under the influence of the two, Fang Xing was only knocked tens of meters away before slowly descending.

"Don't do it privately, you bastard!" Marco said.

"Obviously you snatched my prey." Doflamingo said not to be outdone.

The two continued to entangle each other and started the next round of fighting.

"Cough cough cough" Fang Xing coughed violently a few times, coughing up the blood in his body.He also couldn't react to the sudden attack of the two people. After all, in terms of strength alone, both of them were stronger than him.However, this sneak attack also told him that the two people who seemed to be fighting inextricably were actually distracting him. Once he had any chance to escape, the two would stop fighting and unite in a short time. Together.This is like the default rule, firmly placed between the two.

Fang Xing stood up slowly, but it was such a simple movement that made the whole body radiate protests and non-stop pain. This is the pain that gushed out from the deep layers of the brain, and it originated from the brain's protection of the body. .

(End of this chapter)

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