Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 24 Daoli

Chapter 24 Daoli
Under the coercion of the Warring States Period, Karp returned to work again.

The Warring States sent Fang Xing away in a dejected manner, and explained to his subordinates how to arrange the next process.

Although the Warring States Period also wanted to keep Fang Xing by his side to exercise, so that Garp could see his skills, but due to the busy position of Admiral of the Navy, he didn't have so much time, and the main reason was because Fang Xing was a refused.

The reason for Fang Xing's refusal is very simple. You must know that the Warring States period raised a sheep, although the reason was because of the information he accidentally leaked, which led to the death of his disciple Kela Song, so the sheep was raised to destroy important information.But who knows if he will have the attribute of liking cuteness, and then raise him as a girl.

Because I always feel that his eyes are a bit weird, we must always be careful and guard against them...

In a town led by a navy to the island near the fortress, since the family of General Zefa was killed, the navy government has paid special attention to the issue of family members.

A town was specially opened up on Marin Vanduo to accommodate the families of the navy to ensure their safety.However, not all family members of the navy can live on this island. Only a navy with a certain position can have a residence on it. After all, the space in the town is limited.

The remaining family members of the navy will also be resettled on nearby islands, so that rescue can be dispatched in time in case of danger.

Under the leadership of the young navy, Fang Xing was brought to a house.

"Tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, I will take you to class, so please have a good rest." A young navy said, because he was told that Fang Xing was Karp's grandson and he also had a good impression of Fang Xing, so his tone was very gentle.

He opened the door and walked in.

The house is not big, with only a few tens of feet of space. Compared with Garp's status, it should be said to be small, but considering Garp's character, it is probably what he requested.

There is only a bed, a table and some simple daily necessities in the room.Although Garp is not here as an adult, he is exceptionally clean, and it seems that someone is cleaning it regularly.

Fang Xing lay straight on the bed, the softness from the bed should have made people sleepy, but he couldn't fall asleep. "I don't know how they are." He played and slept soundly with Luffy and the others, and got used to their existence unconsciously. There was Garp and the navy on the ship who could communicate, but he didn't notice it.

In the alone room, the small space makes people feel a little empty.

I closed my eyes, let go of my wild thoughts, and lay down on the bed to rest.

the next day...

Fang Xing woke up early in the morning, and the unfamiliar environment kept him from falling asleep. Without drowsiness, he directly started to exercise his brain's computing power.

It wasn't until the appointed time, when the wall clock in the room showed eight o'clock, that the knock on the door rang on time.

The young navy took him through the retro streets, and stopped at a place. The location was a bit remote, which made Fang Xing feel strange.

The school is in such a remote alley?Looking at the young navy with questioning eyes.

Seeming to see Fang Xing's confusion, the young navy explained gently: "You need to take a test before entering school, you just walk in."

He took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Fang Xing, then said: "I also drew the route, if you forget the way, you can follow this route back home, even if this is a naval base, a little girl alone People should pay attention to safety when walking on the road, so I will take my leave first.”

"Eh..." Fang Xing just wanted to explain that he was a man, but found that he had already run away.

Looking at the map in his hand, it can be regarded as a kindness from others, and he received it in his arms, although he recorded the route in his mind when he came, even the road to the fortress yesterday.With the continuous exercise of his brain's computing power, he found that his quick thinking and memory were much better than before.

"Navy?" These three words were whispered in his mouth.

After walking into this fortress, he found that there were not a few young men like the one in front of him, which also explained why the navy was called the navy.

The reason why the navy is a navy is because the vast majority of navies take justice as their mission, so giving people an external image is justice.

The reason why pirates are pirates is because the vast majority of pirates are ferocious and violent, so when people hear about pirates, their first impression is fear and terror.

It's just that how many generals in the navy are lost by power, hatred, and extreme thoughts, I'm afraid it's countless, and this has also led to the birth of false justice.

Walking into the door, a middle-aged man stood at the front desk, dressed in black casual clothes, with his back against the wall, his hands in his pockets, and his feet slightly bent to maintain a comfortable posture. The whole appearance gave people a casual feeling.

It's just that he was the only one in the room, and the huge space seemed empty.

"It should be because the start time of the school was staggered." Fang Xing thought.

Looking at Fang Xing who walked in alone, the man said, "Come over here to test the strength value." Then he walked aside and opened the door of the small room.

"Test power value?"

Fang Xing remembers that the power value is the value of CP9 to measure combat power, but he did not expect that this value is also used as a test value in the navy.

"Children who have just entered school need to take this test to assign them to the class they will join. The better the score, the better the class they will be assigned to, so please use your full strength during the test, after all, it is related to your future fate. "The middle-aged man just said this, and then moved away to make room for Fang Xing's attack.

"Kick this black sphere with all your might."

Fang Xing just wanted to use his ability to kick, but found a sense of mental exhaustion coming from his brain.

"Did you exercise too much in the morning?" Fang Xing thought. "It's just entering the school, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, then let's see how much physical ability you have now." Using his own strength, he kicked the black sphere with all his strength, and a slight sound came from his foot. Numb feeling.

Looking at the black sphere, but found nothing displayed.

"Huh?" asked the middle-aged man in a slightly questioning tone.

The man said calmly, "The measurement range of this sphere is from 0 to 999. The data will be displayed in a while. Please wait patiently."

When the black sphere flashed light, the middle-aged man said: "The result is out, what is the power value...?"

"... 0?"

Only zero power value?
Fang Xing also lowered his head shyly. The power value of ordinary navy soldiers can reach 10, and the navy in the headquarters is generally above 20 or even 30.

A younger kid like him should have a number around two, but his result was zero, not even one.

"Hmm..." The middle-aged man coughed slightly to cover up his surprise.

"Report your family and position." The middle-aged man took a pen and wrote on the paper a value of 0, and asked at the same time.

"Report the position?" Fang Xing asked, not knowing why he still asked this.

"In addition to the child's potential, the class will be arranged according to the family's position and contribution." The middle-aged man said flatly.

After listening, Fang Xiang showed his original expression, even in the so-called just navy, competition is everywhere.In addition to the amazing potential of children, if they want to give children a better environment, the navy can only make greater contributions through its own efforts to create a better environment.

"Grandpa, Garp, Lieutenant General." Since he brought him forcibly, the title is not for nothing.

"Karp?" The middle-aged man was surprised, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground.

"En." Fang Xing nodded.

Picking up the pen, he wrote down Grandpa Garp on the information, then handed him a map and an ID card and said, "Just report here at two o'clock in the afternoon. Here is a map and your ID card."

Fang Xing nodded and took it from his hand.

The middle-aged man just looked at him silently, then walked out, and Fang Xing also walked towards home.

(End of this chapter)

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