Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 223 The Last Snack

Chapter 223 The Last Snack
This is the direction of the port, and it is also one of the many ports of Marine Vandor, the headquarters of the Navy.The port that marks the face of the navy, the muddy ground inlaid with iron blocks, juxtaposed with the giant battleships armed to the teeth, gives a visually spectacular sight.

At this moment, a group of about a hundred young navy men gathered beside a huge battleship, carrying guns on their shoulders, and waiting for the arrival of the chief with a straight posture.But if you look closely, you can find that many people are trembling, their legs are trembling unconsciously, their faces are serious, and some of them are biting their lips.It looks like an examinee who is about to hand in the paper but has no time to finish it.But they are far worse off now than the students who were too late to hand in their exam papers.Because they received orders from the chief to go out to hunt down pirates.

For these people who have just officially become naval recruits, they have not even met the pirates a few times, so it is unavoidable for them to go hunting for pirates with guns like this, which is unavoidable.But the commander's order is absolute, even if they are resisting in their hearts, they can only encourage themselves to stand here.

Standing in the team is not only the recruits, but also some veterans who have participated in several battles. Seeing the appearance of the recruits, before the chief came, he whispered a few words, "Actually, to hunt for pirates, just follow the team carefully. It's okay." Something like that.After listening to some of the recruits, they also breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the heavy weight on their hearts had dropped, and they were much more relaxed.

At this time, a figure came slowly from a distance, with a lazy and tired look, coupled with his short figure and fair skin, he didn't look like a soldier at all, but looked like a weak and sick person. seedlings.

This figure approached slowly, allowing people to see his appearance clearly, it was Fang Xing.Then he found a place and stood in the queue while yawning. Obviously, he was also in the search queue this time.

However, no one in the full team commented on this belated figure.

Is it because of discipline and reluctance to break this tranquility?Or because of rank?No, you must know that the Navy is the most rule-abiding person, and if someone fails to follow the rules, someone will come out to punish them.As for the military rank, a lieutenant general has many subordinates with higher and equal positions than Fang Xing. How could it be because of this? It is because it is a respect for strength.Although Fang Xing and Vigo seemed to have reached an agreement, Vigo did not stop his probing of Fang Xing, not only in terms of opinions, but also in terms of strength.In the normal training, these navies were instigated to fight Fang Xing. It was obvious that this group of recruits were defeated without even being able to touch Fang Xing. Over time, they slowly developed a sense of awe.

"Ain, Binz, morning." Fang Xing greeted Ain and Binz in the queue, without any regard for the surrounding environment, and then took out breakfast on his own, and ate it baz baz.

Binz glanced at Fang Xing, swallowed secretly, wanted to eat but did not dare to open his mouth because of the discipline of the navy, while Ain secretly tugged on Fang Xing's clothes.

"Don't eat when you gather."

Although Ain knew that this time it was Virgo's conspiracy, it had nothing to do with it now, it was just a matter of discipline in the navy.

Under Ain's persuasion, Fang Xing poured food into his mouth carelessly, and said slowly: "What's the matter, let's gather together, and I won't hinder anything from eating. And compared to this, I will wait later Livelier."

"What do you mean by this sentence?" Before Ain could ask, he was gagged by the snack that Fang Xing took out from the snack box.

After finishing this matter, Fang Xing walked away on his own, leaving behind Binz who wanted to chase, but suffered from discipline and did not move. awkwardly in his mouth.

Binz looked at the snacks in Fang Xing's hands, and felt inexplicably hungry.

Fang Xing, who had left, didn't plan to go anywhere else, but just came to the front of the queue, and sat down face to face, watching the navy soldiers standing upright while eating snacks.At this moment, even the soldiers who surrendered to Fang Xing's strength could not help complaining.It has been several hours since the meeting after breakfast in the morning. Under high stress, people can easily fall into hunger.Although the person in front of you is strong, it is too much for him to stand in front of you eating food carelessly despite being late.If there is anyone who will not make them complain, then only their chief, Lieutenant General Virgo.

Just when they were thinking this way, Virgo also walked slowly. Unlike what they expected, Virgo did not prepare the items for this expedition.If you want to ask how they know - from the fresh food at the corner of Weiergo's mouth, it can be seen that Lieutenant General Weiergo just came over after eating, isn't this the same as Colonel Fang Xing in front of him.Although the navy has some opinions, they dare not show it, even if it is full of malice.

When Virgo walked in, the navy immediately came out and reported the situation to him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Virgo, 120 five naval soldiers have assembled."

"En." Virgo replied softly, then looked away, moved to the direction that he had been staring at before walking, walked over, and came to the front of Fang Xing who was sitting beside him eating snacks.

"You really came."

Fang Xing didn't raise his head, but just stared straight ahead quietly, slowly chewing the food in his mouth, "I don't want to come either, but do you think I have other choices?"

Virgo understood the meaning of Fang's jargon, and said calmly: "Of course there are other choices, but you didn't choose."

The naval sergeant who was standing aside and reporting was a little inexplicably listening to this strange conversation, and felt a little incomprehensible, but the general meaning was that Vice Admiral Virgo forced Colonel Fang Xing to do something.However, judging from Lieutenant General Virgo's previous excuses to find fault with Colonel Fang Xing, either Colonel Fang Xing offended him, or Lieutenant General Virgo deliberately tempered Fang Xing.But no matter what, he has no plans to participate.

Fang Xing swallowed the food in his mouth slowly, picked up a piece and threw it at Virgo, and Virgo also followed the trend, looking at Fang Xing with some doubts, wondering what is the significance of his move?Is it just kids simply throwing things to get angry?Virgo doesn't think Fang Xing is such a person.

"Yeah, I have other choices, how do you know that my choice must be the one you think, and there will be a good show soon. Eat, maybe this is the last time you eat such a snack. Well, what about my name-naming talent for the sweet last snack."

Virgo's face changed drastically, and he instantly understood what Fang Xing meant.

(End of this chapter)

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