Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 219 You will not lie

Chapter 219 You will not lie

In a courtyard decorated in the style of Roman aristocrats, a man is wearing only a pair of shorts, lying on a beach chair in the sun and basking comfortably, beside a triangular table for drinks, and in front of him is a woman in a swimsuit Frolicking in the swimming pool, he looked like a happy nobleman.

However, the man was unintentionally fascinated by the beautiful scenery and the wide-ranging landscape in front of him. Different from the leisurely and relaxed atmosphere, the veins on his forehead were bulging, which showed that his mood was not in a peaceful period.

The playful women sensed the weird atmosphere right away. Although they seemed to be indulging in the play, their attention was always on the man who ruled their destiny.Seeing this, they immediately stopped playing and retreated to the side, not daring to make any unnecessary movements.

"Hehehehehe." A unique laughter came from the man's mouth, full of vicious laughter, as if full of contempt for the world, this unique laughter showed that the man's identity was none other than Doflamingo .

At this moment, he was laughing at the information reported by the phone bug, but the bulging veins showed that this laughter was not joy but anger.

After a while, Doflamingo squeezed out words, "That kid, it's very interesting."

But the words that seem to be compliments, even creatures like phone bugs are sweating.

Virgo on the other end of the phone bug was silent for a while before replying.

"Young master, what are we going to do now? Really follow that kid's idea?"

"Hehehehe, that's why I said that kid is interesting, and he just dug my way out. Originally, even if I found that prisoner, if I really grow to this point, then I will choose to cooperate with him, because even if I kill him, I will die." If you can’t get back what you lost, it’s better to establish the interests of cooperation, but not now. When the two sides have their own thorns, no one can really establish cooperation, even if it’s just a cooperation of interests. Virgo gave you Task, find out who the prisoner is?"

"Yes, what happens after you find out?"

"Don't do anything yet, tell him that kid sold us his information, and at the same time he is a slave!"

Doflamingo especially bit the word slave, because he knew how much the slaves of the Tianlong people hated these two words, and for those who escaped, it was a scar that they didn't want to be discovered until they died .

"Are the peaceful days going to be broken again? Hehehehe."

In the establishment responsible for training naval recruits.

Fang Xing stood aside, yawning lazily.

The mild sunshine and the refreshing sea breeze make people sleepy, and it is boring to stay on the sidelines at the training ground.Since he came back from seeing Virgo that day, he gave him this leisurely job, and did not conduct any special training because of Zefa's previous appearance, as if he had forgotten about it, and Fang Xing was also happy to be idle.

At this time, a navy man trotted over, still panting slightly.

"Colonel Fang Xing, Private First Class Ain and Private First Class Binz are back."

"Understood." Fang Xing replied casually.But the navy man didn't dare to get angry.

That day, when Fang Xing first arrived, everyone was shocked by his status as an officer. As a soldier, he was a bit bloody. How could he easily allow a child to stand on their heads in an instant? Finding fault, teasing the chief is a petty thing.Before they could react, the person who dared to taunt was already lying on the ground, and now he was lying in the ward without knowing his injuries, and he didn't want to be the next one.

"Then do you have any other orders?" Said the navy man, looking like a waiter in a hotel with tips and patient service.

"You are in charge of supervising them, I will go first."

"." The navy man wanted to ask if he could change to another one. He didn't have the strength to convince the crowd, but Fang Xing patted him on the shoulder a few times and made him hold back his words.

Fang Xing left, and soon found Ain and the others.

At this moment, they are maintaining their weapons, and this is the first thing they do every time they come back, because only by taking their weapons seriously, can the weapons respond to them, and only then can they take their lives seriously on the battlefield.

"Why are you here?" Ain and Binz asked in surprise when they saw Fang Xing.They didn't know about Fang Xing's arrival when they went out to perform tasks. They thought it was right for Fang Xing to stay with Teacher Zefa at the moment, but they didn't expect to come here.And this is Virgo's territory, in other words, you can't enter without his permission, unless you are a person with a higher position, you can enter without permission.There are only a few people who are higher than their positions in the Navy Headquarters, and Fang Xing is obviously not one of them.

"If you can come, I can't?" Fang Xing asked back, "And did you come here because of my strange reaction before?"

Binz was stunned, not knowing how to explain.

Seeing his embarrassment, Ai En said, "Binz, you go back first, let me tell him."

Binz nodded, put away his weapons and tools, turned around and left.

"This matter is my idea, and you know that Binz is an honest man."

"Why are you here?"

"Because your reaction shows that there is something wrong with Lieutenant General Virgo, and it is necessary for us to investigate as a member of the Navy." Ain said.

"Then you must have guessed wrong. There is nothing wrong with Virgo. Otherwise, how could the two of you be so obscene that you have not been discovered. The strange reaction I had last time was only because of his reputation."

Fang Xing lied without blushing.Unlike the outside, he is very good at lying.Because he has to lie a lot of times, and he has overcome countless crises with lies so far, and he is also used to using his ability to perfectly control his body and finely control his expression to achieve the purpose of lying.

"You really can't lie." Ai En said softly, looking at Fang Xing like a fool. "Don't you know that when you tell the truth, you can easily fall into a state of embarrassment? Only when you tell a lie can your expression become natural, and now it is obvious that you are telling a lie." To be honest, Ain did not She didn't like the way Fang Xing lied. His expression at that time was not only natural, but also made her feel a little strange and alienated.

She hates feeling like this.

Oh, it turned out to be such a reason.Is it too natural to be unnatural?Fang Xing thought.Maybe this is a bit ironic, but the only one who sees his lies is a little girl. It is often said that children have the skylight of sincerity, through which they can see the simplest truth in the world.Although Ai En's answer was simple, it revealed the flaws in his lies, which made it impossible for him to cover up.

"So tell the truth." Ai En looked at Fang Xing eagerly, hoping to get a real answer from him. "If you don't tell me, Binz and I will continue to investigate. This is our responsibility as a navy."

(End of this chapter)

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