Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 204 Analysis

Chapter 204 Analysis
If it is said from the mouth of a strong person, there may be several deterrents, but it is ridiculous to say it from the mouth of a child.These words made Nickler and his group stunned for a while, and then burst out laughing.

What did they hear?Threatened by a child.

"Do you know who the boss of Nickel is? That is the pirate who once offered a reward of 500 million."

Only 500 million?Most of the pirates attracted by Pluto are just people with no eyesight and average strength, but even such pirates with tens of millions of ranks are no less than ten fingers, and at this moment those people have become the dead souls under Fang Xing's red hands .So how could Fang Xing pay attention to 500 million pirates.

Fang Xing didn't even talk nonsense, but just thought a little bit, and the group of people who were laughing just now were wiped out of life in an instant.

This almost just happened in a flash. Everyone just blinked their eyes, and the scene in front of them changed completely.

Theodore and Brad saw relatively few killings, and they were secretly terrified when they saw this scene.

Tom is not surprised by this. After following Fang for a year, he has already gotten used to what he does.

And Ain and Binz are also accustomed to this, and now they are not the immature ones a few years ago. In this sea, the relationship between the navy and the pirates is originally hostile, and the kindness to the enemy is only cruelty to oneself. The relationship between Zefa's training has seen too much darkness of pirates, so they chose to acquiesce to Fang Xing's behavior.

It's just that completing the mission is more important than killing them.

"How did you kill them?" Ain frowned. "We should ask for information first, this time the mission is to investigate the cause."

Fang Xing replied indifferently: "Because I already know the reason."

Know why?Instead, Ain and Binz were surprised.They were also present from the beginning to the end, but until now they have not seen the clues at all.It's just that someone is planning to build a ship and hire pirates at the same time.

But what does this have to do with the fact that the world government doesn't provide intelligence, and that navy recruits can't come here to exercise?
"Then what are you talking about?"

"It wouldn't be fun to tell you otherwise."

Fang Xing said something that made Ain angry and made Binz speechless.But he can't really say the reason, because his inference is only an inference after all, and it is still based on the memory of the previous life, he is not going to say it before it is confirmed.

"Oh." Ai En replied softly.

However, compared to the words that seemed indifferent, her actions were not indifferent. At this moment, Ai En stared at Fang Xing from a very close distance, as if trying to pry the words out of his mouth.

It's just that Fang Xing's still tightly closed mouth made Ai En sigh, and then dismissed the idea.Because Ai En knew Fang Xing's temper.Although he often joked, even these jokes were very serious, and he rarely changed his words.

After a short reply, Ain turned around and was about to walk out the door.

Binz asked a little strangely: "Ain, what are you going to do?"

"Please ask someone to investigate." Ain replied.

They came this time, not only a few of them, but a special investigation team.Since Fang Xing is unwilling to say it, I will ask professionals to analyze it. I believe Fang Xing can see it, so these people should be able to gain something.

Before Ain had taken a few steps, Fang Xing said lazily.

"You don't need to go, you will gain something soon."

Ain stopped in his tracks, a little confused.

"Eh? What do you mean by that?"

"Didn't you notice anything unusual on the way we came here?"

Ain looked down in thought.

At this time, Theodore came back to his senses. He could hardly see the killing in the Navy headquarters. He was a little surprised by the scene just now. At the same time, he recalled the rumors he had heard in the Navy before. people.

Brad secretly pulled his friend and asked in a low voice, "Who are the people you brought here? How did you discuss things?" It seemed very serious.

Theodore also replied in a low voice, "Don't look at that child as small, he is also a dignified naval captain after all."

Regarding this, Brad muttered in a low voice, is the captain of the navy so cruel?If there were, the sea would have been peaceful long ago.

After thinking about it for a while, Binz was still in a daze. It was normal for them to walk this way from the boat. Is there anything strange about it?But Ai En found out the clue, frowning and not sure: "You mean people?"

"Yeah, don't you think there's a bit... a lot of people coming to the coast?"

Under normal circumstances, not many people who live on the coast are willing to run towards the coast all day, not only because of living habits, but also because staying on the coast for a long time is harmful to the human body. That's all.

"Is there anything unusual?" Binz asked puzzled.

Fang Xing just smiled at Binz's question.

"If I say this, you don't need to do anything illegal, you just need to take your children on a normal vacation on the coast, and then report who landed on the island today, and I will give you money. Then what is your answer? "

"Agree." Ai En replied softly, but his face was a little stiff.She hadn't found such a deadly place, and their ships had bright naval markings, which meant their whereabouts were exposed.

"Many people came to the coast with their children. At first I thought it was a festival, but after searching, I didn't find any props for the festival. It was just a leisurely behavior. But I didn't draw a conclusion right away. Maybe there are some habits on the island, but the age ratio of walking out is a bit strange, that is, the proportion of old people is too rare, but most of them are young people. If it is really a custom, there will be no such thing This phenomenon appears, but the ratio is roughly balanced. But this unbalanced ratio dispelled my previous two thoughts, which also means that the previous considerations were all wrong, and then pay attention to recall the expressions on their faces and look at us Although plain, it reveals a hint of greed."

Fang Xing's analysis made everyone dumbfounded, even the accustomed Tom slapped his mouth, and then continued to look at Baoshu Adam.

"Theodore, have all the children become smart now?" Brad pulled Theodore's sleeve and asked, he lived on this island so he knew that Fang Xing's words were not wrong, and the residents on the island were indeed bribed Yes, that includes him too.And this matter is hardly rumored, because selling the information of outsiders will have a great impact on the reputation of the island, so it must be Fang Xing's speculation.

"How do I know?" Theodore said impatiently, throwing Brad away.As for Fang Xing's understanding, he still stays at the boy who ruined his nest.Who ever thought so cruel, so wise.

"Then who were they bought by?"

"I don't know." Fang Xing lied, and then continued, "But we don't need to look for them anymore, presumably someone will come to the door if this guy named Nickler doesn't go out for a while, instead of looking for them, It would be more convenient to wait here."

(End of this chapter)

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