Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 198 Investigation

Chapter 198 Investigation
If things continue to develop, it will be difficult.

At this moment, Zefa's strength has indeed declined with age, but it is still not simple.And following the historical trajectory, when Zefa encountered Edward Weibull, the situation he encountered was that the students were killed and only Ain and Binz were left, and his arm was cut off.No matter how Edward Weibull did it, at least one thing is clear, that is, he did it.

Just like the saying that is often said in competitions, competition comes second and friendship comes first.However, the actual situation is the opposite, basically the first place in the competition.As for Edward Weibull who defeated Zefa, no matter how he defeated him, he did it.

This is enough for Fang Xing to pay attention to.

"I've changed my mind." Fang Xing said.

"Why did you suddenly change your mind? Are you going to help me plan how to conduct this naval training?" Zefa asked strangely.

It was because he was familiar with this student that he felt weird. In his impression, Fang Xing was not the kind of person who likes to cause troubles. His style is to get rid of troubles.

As for asking him for help, I didn't take it to heart, I just followed the advice of the Warring States Period and asked appropriately.Originally, he planned to continue training this time no matter whether he succeeded or not, so he seemed indifferent when Fang Xing refused.

"When I say change your mind, I don't mean to help you plan how to conduct this naval training. If you want to conduct this training, what you should solve is not on your side, but through the world government."

"But you said just now that you can't help because of the relationship with the World Government. Why do you have to go to the World Government again?" Now, Zefa was even more stunned. Fang Xing just refused because of the World Government Why did he go out of his way to provoke him again?This made him feel like Fang Xing was taking him off.

No matter what he thought, he still couldn't understand Fang Xing's approach.

It is perfectly legal for the navy to arrest pirates for training.Rather than dealing with the thankless world government, it is better to focus on how to better train the navy. It is impossible to be unclear about Fang Xing's ingenuity, so when Fang Xing changed his mind, he took it for granted. He was going to do something to help him in training.Moreover, it was just training for new recruits anyway, so I believed that with his strength, he would be able to deal with emergencies even if he didn't have enough information.

Zefa didn't know that Fang Xing changed his mind just because of his idea.

"It's not impossible to change what you say. To change your mind, you only need to change your mood."

Fang Xing said it in a casual manner, making people unable to feel the truth of this sentence.At least Zefa didn't hear whether this sentence was true or not.

But that's not the point.

"What are you going to do?"

Zefa made up his mind that if Fang Xing's behavior was dangerous, as a teacher, he would object no matter what.

"Investigate first."

"What do you mean?"

"The meaning of the sentence, no matter how the world government conceals it, the real reason is definitely not because of the relationship between Qiwuhai, this is inevitable. If it is really because of the relationship between Qiwuhai, you only need to provide the pirates from Qiwuhai Intelligence, without any worries. Then what is the reason for this concern, you are not curious, what makes the world government hide it. "

The great route is incomparably wide, except for Sand Crocodile, Doflamingo, Boya Hancock, and Moonlight Moria in the Shichibu Sea, these four have spheres of influence, Bear, Hawkeye, Jinbe, and There is no sphere of influence.With all the plans, judging from the sphere of influence of one person and one country, it is impossible to prevent this recruit training.

So the so-called balance of the Qiwuhai system is just a scam by the world government.

Presumably there must be other reasons.

So what is the reason? Fang Xing was not interested in this at first, but he had already said it before, but he couldn't face it when he changed his mind, so he had to pretend to be interested.

"You mean to say, first investigate the motives of the world government this time, and then think about countermeasures." Zefa said with a straight face.It can be seen from the world government's ban on this naval operation and the relationship between the ban in the Warring States Period that this matter is not a trivial matter.Fang Xing's investigation is bound to have an impact on him, and this may lead to danger.

"But I think it's better for you not to intervene in this matter, and where you can't exercise, you can even arrange with the people in the city and arrange a simulation training."

Fang Xing suddenly closed his eyes.Then, he opened his eyes again.The voice was slightly raised, with a little bit of fun.

"That's what's interesting, isn't it?"


Zefa stared at Fang Xing closely, as if he wanted to see something else from this sentence, but shook his head for a moment, the eyes, the figure, did not change.

During Fang Xing's training period, Zefa had already corrected his casual attitude and habit of talking nonsense, but for some reason Fang Xing always liked to say strange things.

It was the same this time, Zefa saw Fang Xing's original intention, that he wanted to help them, and it was fine to admit that it was to help, and he insisted on taking things out of his own curiosity.

"You kid, are you arrogant?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Fang Xing coughed violently, startled by Zefa's words.When did his words become so sharp.Is that still the Zefa who I know, who speaks a bit rigidly?

Judging from the conversation just now, it seems that there is indeed a bit of arrogance, but in order to conceal his real purpose, Fang Xing changed the topic. He can't say that he actually doesn't want things to develop like this.

Edward Weibull has never really shown his strength in the anime. Fang Xing doesn't know his strength, but he can tell from his defeat of Zefa and his description of his youthful strength with a white beard.Instead of letting Zefa face him, it is better to try to change and stir up the track of history.

Fang Xing changed the subject.

"Where is the established assessment location, the surrounding sea area, and what happened recently. You should have this information, I don't believe you haven't investigated it beforehand."

Zefa was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Stinky boy, you are really convincing. The information is sometimes different, but it is rare and common, and there is no special case."

"I'm stupid. If you don't see anything, just say it. You have to turn a corner and say there is no exception." Fang Xing said with a sneer.

Zefa resisted the urge to beat someone. It should be said that he is the grandson of the old man Karp, who can irritate people just like him. He suppressed his anger and managed to utter such a sentence.

"...It seems that besides Polusalino, I have another you."

"Don't associate me with the wretched monkey, I'm not the same as him."

"Fortunately, Polusalino didn't hear it, otherwise I can't guarantee that he won't be in a hurry with you. But after hearing what you said, I feel much better."

Zefa also has the mood of gloating.Seeing that Huang Yuan was ridiculed more seriously than he was, he felt much better, so he went to look for the documents after saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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