Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 184 Countermeasures 1

Chapter 184 Countermeasure One
As bright as the sun in the morning.

Unlike the refreshing sunshine, there is a hint of disharmony in the air.

"This is really a rare visitor. I don't know if you don't stay on Judiciary Island to heal your wounds, what are you doing out there?" Fang Xing said coldly.

In front of him was Spandam, whom he hadn't seen for a month. Although the burn on his face had healed at this moment, a new wound appeared on his body, which was why Fang Xing ridiculed him for healing. .

Spandam looked at Fang Xing with a smile while holding the paper document.

Normally Spandam would be annoyed, but this time he wasn't, because the objects in his hands made him feel very happy, and even made him forget about being angry.

"This is a summons from the world government. I hope you can go to the holy land of Mary Joa."

With Spandam's proud face, he knew it was true without guessing.

Fang Xing frowned. If he really went to Marie Gioia, it would be very difficult to get out. It is impossible for the world government to let him who might have the blueprint of Hades out of their supervision, even if that possibility is very small , even less than one percent possibility, the result is the same.

It is better to kill by mistake than to let go.In fact, it refers to this principle.Although Fang Xing can become a good combat power, and even grow to the level of a general in the future, but in comparison, a person who has not yet grown up can't compare with the blueprint of Hades.If Pluto spreads out, the threat to their rule is too great, and this also makes the result doomed.

Even if he expressed a compromise and handed over the blueprint rubbed in his mind to the world government, it might not be able to solve the problem, and Fang Xing didn't mean it.

There are only two choices in front of him, rejecting XOR or accepting, so the answer is not obvious.

"Pardon me for refusing."

"Huh?" Spandam couldn't help making a sound because he was too surprised, "You said you refused? This is a summon from the World Government, refuse?"

It was so funny that it even made people laugh out loud.The world government symbolizes the highest institution in the world, even the navy is under its jurisdiction, not to mention a small colonel in the navy, when he hears such a summons, he shouldn't rush to it, right?
This is also something that has been tried and tested in the past. Whether it is civilians, navy, or nobles, they will unconsciously respect them when they hear that they are connected with the World Government. This is something Spandam has long been used to, but he hit a wall here.

Compared to Spandam's surprise, Fang Xing seemed indifferent. Since there is only one answer, why bother to panic?After shrugging, he replied with a flat look.

"Reject, whoever wants to see me, just let him come and find me by himself."

"That... that's a summon from the world government, you can't refuse, no, it should be said that you have no right to refuse."

Isn't this a matter of course?The world government dominates this world, so the people under its jurisdiction should not go directly when they are summoned by him. What reason is there?
"Don't go."


"Because it's troublesome, why should I be summoned?"

This completely childish speech made Spandam completely helpless, and he remembered that the person in front of him was still a child, not an adult, and it would not work to reason with him, but why did he only act like a man at this time? Kid, it was obvious that it was done on purpose, even if Spandam was stupid enough to see it.

"If you don't go, I will use this document to arrest you."

"Oh... which one?"

"This one!" Spandam pointed to the summons with the seal in his hand, and said to Fang Xing.

"So which one should I say?"

"This! This!..."

Spandam shook the document in his hand, his face tensed, as if he wanted Fang Xing to take a closer look at it, and it seemed that he wanted to show off.However, his face changed in an instant, from high-spirited to blue-faced, and the document in his hand suddenly shattered while shaking.

His first reaction was that he had damaged the document, but only after seeing Fang Xing's unsatisfactory expression did he recall Fang Xing's strange ability that the intelligence said.

He was about to denounce him for destroying the documents of the world government, but before that, Fang Xing said first.

"You actually tore up the documents of the World Government, I really admire you."

"You're talking nonsense, it's obviously you."

Fang Xing spread his hands and put on a look of not knowing what to say.Although it was true that he used his ability to destroy the document, but he put on a realistic expression, and in addition, he only showed his identity as a swordsman in front of the navy, so no matter how you think about it, Spandam cannot be dismissed.

Sure enough, when Spandam said this, the Sanfarud Navy on the side showed a look of disgust.Even if you accidentally damaged the file, you can't frame people like this.

Looking at the contemptuous expressions around him, how could Spandam not feel it? This is a method he has always used. He did not expect it to be his turn today. Even his subordinates did not tell them the reason for Fang Xing's ability. He also showed suspicion.

This feeling made Spandam aggrieved for a while, regardless of the occasion, he shouted: "I won't let you go!"

These words filled the whole room with a tense atmosphere.

At the naval base, Spandam openly said "I won't let you go" to other people's chiefs. No soldier would tolerate it. It was just a matter of business. If there is no room for them to participate, it is now tantamount to declaring war. And it was the officer they loved.

Spandam felt that he had said something wrong, and recalled Fang Xing's strength, so he quickly stopped talking, and took a few steps back.Originally, he thought that with this document, no navy dared to resist, and it should go smoothly, but it actually exceeded his expectations.

Since there are no documents, there is no need for him to stay for long. It is important to ensure his own safety first.

"Well..., that's it for today, I suddenly remembered something."

"Oh, you are very busy. Since you are so busy, I think it is necessary to give you a ride."

"No... no need." Spandam said tremblingly, because he saw the cruel smile on Fang Xing's face that was not like a child, and the bloody eyes that were as bright as death.

"You're welcome." Fang Xing waved his hand to several marines and said, "You guys send Spandam off... from the edge of the Rude coast."

Those marines suddenly showed meaningful smiles, Colonel Fang Xing meant to throw it into the sea from there.When Spandam walked in haughtily, they were not happy with him, not to mention that he had threatened the colonel just now, and they would not let go of the opportunity of open revenge.

Immediately, he dragged the dazed Spandam down.

After Fang Xing was the only one left in the room, Fang Xing put away the rest of his expressions, leaving only a solemn expression.


(End of this chapter)

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