Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 182 The Era Ends With Me 1

Chapter 182 The Era Ends With Me Part [-]
Although Yulia's office has been cut off by Fang Xing at the moment, this does not affect her finding a separate room.Taking Fang Xing through the corridor in the base, he came to an empty room and closed the door.

"It's time for you to speak up now."

Ulea nodded silently, speaking neither fast nor slow, neither would people lose interest because they learned too quickly, nor would they become agitated because they were too slow.

"I disclosed the information to the chief of CP9."

"Oh?" Only then did Fang Xing realize that CP9's action was following the orders of the chief. He only considered why CP9 came, and didn't think about who sent it at all, because in the final analysis, it was all sent by the World Government. It's nothing different.

However, Fang Xing could not be convinced by one sentence alone, and he questioned it.

"How are you sure? Or how do you know about this organization?"

He learned that the existence of the organization CP9 also benefited from the memory of his previous life, but what about Uriah?He didn't believe that he was the same as him, there must be some reason to say this word.However, from the name of this organization, one can guess that there must be some connection with it.

"Look at this."

Ulea pointed to the document in his hand that he took out at some point.

"This is the evidence that the other party took out to convince me that he is a member of the world government. The seal on it is CP6. It is easy to see that there is a deviation between the 6 and the font. If it is really a CP6 person Why make a fake? But regarding the seal and the way of contact, the organization of the world government is correct, and then I think that the connection pattern of the seal is not wrong. On this point, I asked the subordinates of the inspection department to appraise it. The number is upside down.

Considering the well-known organizations CP0 to CP8 established by the world government, whether there is a possibility of CP9, the sentence just now is also to test your reaction. "

"...You are very witty. If it weren't for your poor strength, you probably wouldn't be in this position."

Fang Xing said something with feeling, provoking from him before, and this person was able to maintain tolerance in that situation, enough to see its not simple side, but he didn't expect him to think so deeply.

What made Fang Xing even more out of his composure was that he was tricked into saying something, just because his brain was exhausted and he didn't want to think too much.The Pirate World is a living world. When talking with people, no one knows when there will be hidden traps. The navy that can survive in such a troubled world, even if it does not have amazing strength and talent, has extraordinary intelligence. When talking to people, he has to be on his toes all the time.

But the one who took this stupid way of reversing the numbers, if I guessed right, should be Spandam, really, I'm so desperate to provoke him again.

"No, no, what matters in this world is strength in the end, and all schemes are vulnerable to strength." Uriah said modestly.

Fang Xing knew that Ulea was right. It symbolizes the navy that protects justice in the world. Its highest combat power and positions above the major general are all held by powerful people. This is equivalent to a symbol. Weak people cannot protect justice. of.Even Crane, known as the great staff officer, and the wise general Warring States have strengths that cannot be underestimated.

"Why did you suddenly change your decision? Judging from your previous behavior, you should be planning to be my enemy. Is it because of... your strength?"


Ulea did not deny it but admitted it openly, no matter where it is, there is nothing to be ashamed of bowing to strength.

"But what do you mean by revealing information?"

"I disclosed your usual actions to those who want this information, nothing else."

Ulea is not stupid. The Meiji opponent wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone, and he foolishly went up to be the scapegoat. He only helped symbolically, but this kind of thing did not violate any navy discipline.

In the navy, there is a process, and no matter what the arrest is, there is always a reason.

"What an old fox." Fang Xing complained.

Uriah was not annoyed, but smiled instead.

"To me, this is the greatest compliment. Rather than being a beast like Barlow and being subdued by a stronger beast, it's better to be a cunning fox and watch the show from the sidelines."

The Major Barlow that Ulea was referring to was the man who was detained in the cell by Fang Xing. It was obvious that this little colonel wanted to use his authority to facilitate management, and Barlow happened to hit the gun. Blame himself for being stupid.In the navy, there is a process. No matter what you want to arrest, you always need a reason. If it is in a remote sea area, it is hard to say, but the fact that Sanfarud Island is close to Judiciary Island is enough to break all suspense.

The reason why the navy is a navy is because of the bondage of justice.

If Barlow had been honestly arrested at that time, Fang Xing would have released him under pressure later on, and if he chose to resist, it would be tantamount to courting his own death. In this way, his charges would be equivalent to being convicted, and others would also abandon him in order to avoid danger. clear his relationship.He dug his own grave with his own hands.

"I don't like people like you." Fang Xing said carelessly.

"To each other, to each other." Ulea said, he didn't like this kid either, not to mention taking his place as soon as he came, and it was difficult to handle with such resourcefulness.

As soon as Uriah finished speaking, the atmosphere changed.

An indifferent, chilling aura emanated from Fang Xing's petite body.

"If you had told me earlier, maybe I could have guessed the plan of the CP9 chief, and maybe the people on the warship could also be rescued."

Fang Xing used two possibilities in a row because he didn't know if he could really guess or not. After all, implementing a plan and guessing are two different things. Although he has amazing computing power, it only represents his thinking ability and computing power. Far beyond ordinary people, it only shows that he can guess various possibilities in a short time and simulate the most appropriate one in the alarm clock, but it does not mean that he can definitely guess everyone's plan.

Ulea silently accepted Fang Xing's blame, and what he said was right.

"People always have to be selfish, don't they? Especially in this kind of evil age. Putting my life on a child, I can't do it before you show your strength."

Fang Xing didn't interrupt, but listened silently.

"After the advent of the era of great pirates, the Navy Headquarters also arranged for a colonel to come to our base in order to deal with the countless pirates, but this colonel was obviously unqualified, with a stupid way of coping, head-to-head docking, not so much Crusade against pirates is more like sending our navy to die.

In other words, if you can understand it better, before the era of the great pirates started, only a few comrades died, and after that, after the era of the great pirates started, after that stupid colonel came, it was only a dozen years , There are about a hundred or so navies in the same period as me, and now no more than ten survive, with a mortality rate of more than 90%. "

Fang Xing was silent, this statistic was indeed too tragic.

"Selfishness is just for better survival. No one has thought of sending their companions to hell, but it is more reassuring to put your life in your own hands than to put your life in the hands of others. Don't you Do you think so?"

(End of this chapter)

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