Chapter 173
Justice and evil are both opposites and compatible.Just like the world government concealed the truth about the lead mine in Perfance and let the people of Frevance continue to mine it. At the same time, when the disease broke out, in order to cover up the truth of the crime, it was declared to other countries that the outbreak of Frevance was an infection. disease, a policy of blockade was imposed on it.

In the eyes of residents of other countries, this is quite normal. Infectious diseases that cannot be treated can only reduce losses, right?The world government just chose to get through the difficulty with the least loss, which is a just act!At least it saved their lives.

Or, in order to protect the justice of the present, the archaeologists who investigate history are supervised, and the investigation of historical texts is prohibited at the same time.For the behavior of touching historical texts in the holy place of archaeology "O'Hara", the "killing demon order" is implemented to make an example of chickens and monkeys.

So Fang Xing will say this again.

Tom, who was listening on the sidelines, nodded silently. He undoubtedly empathized with this point. Roger, the evil pirate king evaluated by the world government, was just a man who loved his partner and was a little bit free and uninhibited. Behavior, on the contrary, is despicable, whether it is planting or a single trial.

But for Lu Qi, who has long been brainwashed by justice, this is undoubtedly a crooked way and an incorrect idea.

Lu Qi frowned tightly, his face darkened, and the veins at the temples on his forehead were a little protruding.He couldn't forgive the guy who connected what he thought was good with evil.

"You are not right, justice is pure justice!"

"Whether it's correct or not, you'll know if you ask yourself." Fang Xing asked slightly jokingly.

Although it is a question, it is actually a question. How many things Lu Qi has done against justice over the years, I am afraid he has already noticed it, but the brainwashing education has prevented him from admitting it.

"As I said before, there is no way out for evil in this world. It is meaningless for you to argue like this, because only the justice of the world government is the pure justice, and it has absolutely nothing to do with evil. This is correct. Justice, and victory will be on the side of justice."

Fang Xing smiled, and recalled a sentence that Doflamingo once said in the anime, which is a perfect reply at this moment.

"Justice will win? Of course, only the victor is justice."

Good and evil are defined by the winner, and only the winner has the right to speak. As the saying goes, history is rewritten by the winner, and no one can know what happened before.

"It seems that there is nothing to talk about. I will personally escort you to the stage of justice."

"A stage of justice?"

"Aniès Hall"

Enies Hall refers to Judicial Island, which is another name for it.And Judicial Island is an island dedicated to judging criminals, in other words, it is also a stage for criminals.

Just because of his remarks, should he be convicted?Fang Xing smacked his lips, looking unhappy.

"This is really... justice."

Lu Qi didn't plan to waste any more words with Fang Xing, and his body slightly put on a fighting posture. Fang Xing also took out the wooden knife and concentrated on it.Lu Qi is not an ordinary opponent. Even if he has not reached his peak strength now, he is definitely not weak in the entire pirate world.

A chilling atmosphere suddenly appeared in the air, and Tom at the side also made a gesture, ready to help at any time.

And at this time, Gabra, who followed closely behind, also rushed here, and attacked Fang Xing, breaking the stalemate immediately.

In wolf form, Gabra's palms turned into sharp wolf claws, and the sharp claws rubbed against the air to make a shuttle sound, and slashed toward Fang Xing's face unceremoniously.

Fang Xing raised his wooden blade to meet him.

Although Gabra saw that it was a wooden blade, he didn't care in the slightest. This is the habit of wolves. They will go all out when facing any opponent and will not leave them a chance.It's just that his face was completely the opposite, showing a secretly happy expression, which was deliberately sold to Fang Xing.

Fang Xing didn't respond to this, his body had already given the most correct instructions, and the wooden blade swung out at the right time, hitting Gabra's paw.

Gabra only felt a huge force coming, and the attack was blocked immediately, and the palm of his hand was even more painful.I really don't know how such a thin body can accommodate such a great strength,

Before he could think about it, Fang Xing hadn't let go of his old strength, but new strength had been born.There is no movement of swaying, but a powerful force is also conveyed from the wooden blade.The palm of the hand tried hard to block it, but found that the strength still couldn't move it to one place.

The wooden blade that Fang Xing swung broke free from Gabra's palm, hit him hard, and flew backward, just like hitting a baseball.

Under this huge force, Gabra's body was already unable to reverse its posture, so he could only bend slightly in the air to change the range of his body as much as possible to reduce the damage caused by the impact as much as possible.

Fortunately, his remaining thoughts seemed to have moved the heavens, and he hit the sofa when he was knocked into the air, and then hit the wall with the sofa, greatly reducing the damage, and the body did not suffer much damage.

Gabra shook his head to wake him up, and then he noticed Bruno and his twisted legs out of the corner of his eyes.Gabra glanced at his wound with lingering fear, and then shouted at Lu Qi.

"Be careful, Lu Qi, this kid is not a good stubble."

"I know." Lu Qi replied.

After saying this, his body swelled, his clothes were squeezed apart, leopard-like spots appeared on his body, his face and body changed accordingly, and sharp nails grew on his palms.

It is in the leopard form of the cat and cat fruit. Seeing Gabra in the wolf form was knocked into the air, Lu Qi did not dare to be careless about this enemy, so he directly entered the leopard form, improving his strength as much as possible, and using the strongest state challenge.

"Mr. Tom, I will give you the puppy."

"Who's a puppy! Pump boy."

"Okay." Tom nodded silently, giving the space to Fang Xing, and he chose to deal with Gabra.

Rob Lucci's body instantly disappeared in place. This is faster than the naked eye can see. Compared with other CP9 members, it is at least one to two times faster. Even Fang Xing relied on calculation power to predict and experience Only by the perception of color can he perceive his position, and he cannot be seen directly with the naked eye like before.

The body also uses shaving as a response, instead of escaping, it goes straight. When encountering a narrow road, the brave wins. In the case of using shaving, the room is also narrow. It is better to face the battle than to escape.

The bodies of the two left their original positions in an instant and collided in the middle.

Lu Qi blocked Fang Xing's wooden blade with his arm, but Fang Xing also used this to slowly transform his defensive power into offensive power, which was also used when Gabra was knocked into the air just now.If Lu Qi didn't respond, his strength would be useless after a long time.

However, Lu Qi, who was in control of his body, quickly discovered this. He slammed on the ground, stepping out a crack in the ground, and relying on the reaction force, he directly backed away and moved his body upwards.

"Finger the gun, pull it out!"

The attack of the air bomb popped out from Lu Qi's fingernail, and it sprayed towards the position just now. At this time, Fang Xing had already avoided the original position, and the air bomb sprayed the ground and shot it through with a rattling sound.

(End of this chapter)

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