Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 17 Aggrieved Blue Jam

Chapter 17 Aggrieved Blue Jam

"You...you!" Stimulated by Fang Xing, Bruggem burst into anger, exacerbating the injury, blood flowed out from the wound faster, staining the clothes and the ground red.

Bruggem suppressed his anger for the time being, and gave up his plan to continue fighting with Fang Xing and the others. As soon as his body turned around, he ran towards Fang Xing in the forest.


"Captain Bluejem has escaped!"

The news spread in an instant. When the pirates saw that their invincible captain, Blue Gem, was defeated and abandoned them, they panicked and completely lost their fighting spirit. Some pirates in the fight could not escape from the battle. Some chose to raise their weapons and surrender, while others fled directly from the forest behind.

Fang Xing and the others were surprised by Bruggem's behavior of abandoning his subordinates and turning around to run away. They couldn't react at once, but Dadan was experienced and rushed up when Bruggem was running away.

With Bruggem's reputation, he was allowed to return to the waste terminal, and it was entirely possible to pull a group of people to attack, so no matter what, he couldn't be allowed to go back.

Lu Fei and the others followed closely behind, but Fang Xing was not prepared to follow up. Just now, his arm was pressed down by the water pipe, and with his current ability, he could not completely relieve Bruggem's strength. It has been dislocated in one blow, and it is difficult to play any role now.

Moreover, with the injuries on Bruggem's body, even without his support, it would not last long.

Sure enough, Bruggem only struggled for a while, but Dadan seized the opportunity, knocked him to the ground, and was captured, thus declaring Bruggem's failure.

"What are you talking about, the strong and the weak, leaving your companions and running away, you bastard..." Ace said, looking at Bruggem, who was tied up by a rope and knelt on the ground.

Blugem didn't have the slightest sense of being arrested, and there was no fear or panic on his face. He sneered and said, "Leave your partner behind? Don't be joking! There have always been only strong and weak in the world of pirates. Isn't it true that the weak submit to the strong? Is it a matter of course? When I embarked on this road, I had no companions for a long time, and I already had the consciousness of death."

Bruggem believes in the belief that the weak prey on the strong. This is also the most common belief in the pirate group in the era of great pirates. The strong act as the captain and lead his men to plunder others.

Fang Xing was not surprised by Blue Gem's attitude.In the anime, when Bruggem learned that he was deceived by the nobles and was about to be burned to death at the waste terminal, the first thing he thought of was the treasure, not how to escape.

"In the pirate world, there are only the strong and the weak, and only the strong and the cowards survive on the battlefield. Braves like you will face death sooner or later! I will wait for you in hell, hahahaha..."

Dadan stuffed a cloth into Bruggem's mouth, blocked the guy's mouth, and prevented him from continuing to speak. Bruggem, whose laughter was blocked by the rag, blushed and looked a little uncomfortable.

Dadan ignored it and just watched the kid quietly to see what measures they would take next.

"What should we do next, kill this guy?" Sabo asked.If you let this guy go back, it will definitely cause trouble. If you can kill him, it is undoubtedly the best way.

"Killed...!" Ace nodded with a dark expression, and then added, "Sabo, you come."

"Why me?!" Sabo was surprised, thinking that Ace was so solemn that he wanted him to do it.

"Look at Lu Fei's stupidity, Fang Xing is injured, and I have no experience, so you do it."

"Eh...?" Sabo just looked at Ace who threw the blame on him.He murmured in his heart, what does this have to do with experience, saying that he has no experience either.

Sabo bit the bullet, took a knife, and just hung it on the top of Bruggem's head.

Just hanging there...

Bruggem had already closed his eyes and died, but when he opened his eyes, he found that the knife was still hanging above his head, and he couldn't fall down, which kept his heart in a state of tension all the time.

What is this!If you want, come and have a good time!
You must know that the moment before the execution is the moment when the prisoner is most afraid. Even if he is mentally prepared, he still cannot resist the instinctive reaction of the body. This feeling is not as pleasant as the result of a knife.

But Bruggem was unable to make a sound from his gagged mouth, and could only struggle with "hmmmm".

It's okay if he doesn't struggle, but when he struggles, Sabo will be even more reluctant to do so.

"Ace, I really can't do it, come on." Sabo said.

You competed with that movement for a long time, but you said it was no good? Ace said with some contempt: "It's really useless, let me do it."

Sabo obediently handed over the knife and handed it to Ace.As a result, Ace, like Sabo, gesticulated there for a long time, but he couldn't do it in a daze.

The corner of Sabo's mouth twitched and said, "You bastard, you still have the nerve to mock me"

"I'm different from you,...I'm...this is preparation, I'm not ready yet." Ace forcefully explained.

Sabo silently watched Ace take a deep breath to adjust his state and get ready.

Fang Xing was also a little speechless watching from the sidelines. After you got ready, I guess Bruggem had already played badly. He was stuffed with a cloth to prevent him from talking, and he was always facing the knife on his head, unable to get up or down. .

To be honest, Fang Xing felt a little sorry for such a character who was doing his best at the waste terminal and was ready to die, yet he was treated like this.

In the end, Ace was mentally prepared and said: "Well... Sure enough, we should lock him up first. After a while, we will be stronger than him, and there will be no threat if we let him out."

"The psychological preparation you mentioned is this psychological preparation~! Just say such a sentence, what kind of psychological preparation!"

Ace and Sabo ignored Bruggem and quarreled directly in front of him.

Bruggem's eyes were a little gloomy. He was very aggrieved because he was physically and mentally exhausted. Is it so difficult to even want to die?
Dadan saw this situation both gratified and helpless.What is gratifying is that the children are kind-hearted, but what is helpless is that they still cannot understand this cruel world.

After finishing the matter, Dadan said: "Leave Bruggem to us, and you will deal with the rest of the pirates." After finishing speaking, he asked his subordinates to take Bruggem away. There was a look of relief on his face when he was taken away.

Ace and the others were also happy to see Dadan take Bruggem away, otherwise they wouldn't be able to deal with it, and turned their attention to other pirates.

"What are these pirates going to do?" Sabo asked.

"Just ask for some items and let them go." Ace replied. For these pirates, the disposal is much simpler, and they will not pose any threat to them anyway.

Hearing this, Luffy, who wasn't planning to get involved in the topic before, jumped up and said, "Meat!"

The three selectively ignored Luffy, and started discussing instead, and the result was reached after a while.

Fang Xing made the declaration. Among these pirates, Fang Xing undoubtedly has a strong deterrent force, because he was the one who injured Captain Bruggem, who was almost invincible in the eyes of the pirates.

Fang walked to the center of the pirate, with a thin and slender body, almost like a girl's face, but no one dared to underestimate him. The pirate watched him silently, waiting for his next fate.

(End of this chapter)

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