Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 145 Meaning of 5

Chapter 145 The Meaning of Five

Fang Xing spit out "very good suggestion." from his young body, as if bowing his head.

It was not beyond Franklin's expectations. From Fang Xing's actions, it can be seen that he is not an ordinary child. He has a mind far beyond this age group. It is normal to have this answer. If it weren't for this answer, he would be I look up to him.

Franklin just wanted to say, "Then we have a happy cooperation." But Fang Xing's last sentence choked him back, and his expression changed again and again until he couldn't change.

"It's not enough, I think it's better to arrest you once and for all."

In the end, they still have to be arrested!
Since he was too weak and could not be beaten by force, Franklin turned to threaten: "I hope you think about it carefully, this is San Pobla, not far from Judiciary Island, even if you are a colonel in the navy, you are still under the jurisdiction of the world government. Once we are arrested, you will be arrested by Judiciary Island."

Franklin believes that as long as he is not a brainless person, the decision made will not be an arrest. Openly opposing the Judiciary Island is not what a normal navy would do.

Ke Fangxing refreshed his lower limit again.He almost didn't think about it, so he refused directly, turning a blind eye to Franklin's threat.

"I thought about it very clearly. The answer is still the same. Arrest you."

Fang Xing didn't continue to talk nonsense with him. After saying this sentence, a strange force shrouded everyone in the venue. Almost at the same moment, everyone seemed to be carrying a heavy load, and they couldn't breathe for a moment. The pressure forced them to drop to the ground.

Under the huge disparity in strength, they were so pampered that they couldn't even struggle. They just cried for help like helpless people over there.

Franklin was also crushed to the ground, once again deeply aware of the gap in strength, the previous threat seemed so ridiculous.The bloated face was pressed against the cold floor. The floor was made of precious ore, which naturally gave off a cold air. It was originally his favorite item, and basically every room would use this expensive ore to pave the floor.

But now, a chill invaded his head along his cheeks, causing him to shudder several times. He vowed to tear down all the floorboards when he returned.

The situation is stronger than others, and Franklin begged for mercy: "I have something to discuss..." But his round stomach was propped on the floor, and his chest seemed to be separated from the ground, which made him dull for a while, and even speaking seemed to be struggling a lot .

Fang Xing sneered, begging for mercy?It really is the style of this group of people, but it is estimated that even if he agrees to his request this time, he will not come as he wants after a while.Desire is always the original sin. This time they learned the lesson and learned it, but in the face of sufficient interests, they don't mind forgetting the lesson.

As if agreeing with Franklin's words, the pressure on everyone suddenly disappeared.The merchants finally struggled to get up one by one. The sudden change just now had a great impact on them. Compared with everyone else, Franklin was more embarrassed, and the burden caused by his round belly was not at 01:30.

It took a lot of effort to roll left and right, and then he stood up with the support of the table next to him, and then adjusted his clothes, but no matter how he adjusted the folds of the clothes, he couldn't get rid of them, and the gloomy expression on his face was no longer the same as before.

Franklin didn't keep Fang Xing waiting for a long time, tidied up slightly and said with a smirk: "There is something to discuss, something to discuss..."

"Since you said to negotiate, how are you going to negotiate?"

Talk to you, ask me instead, don't even give me a chance to check the bottom line, boy, you are a businessman, right?Franklin cursed in his heart.

"The price has been reduced by [-]%?"

Fang Xing didn't respond.

"Prices have been reduced by [-]%!?"

Fang Xing still didn't respond.

Franklin was distressed, could it be that his direction was wrong from the beginning?The price has been reduced by [-]%, and it is almost equal to the original price. If it is for the price, it should be stopped.

He tentatively rubbed his thumbs, index fingers and middle fingers together, meaning Bailey.

Fang Xing smiled at this and responded.

Franklin was surprised but also speechless for a while, feeling quite emotional.Are kids of this age so greedy for money?Is he out of date, or the times are advancing too fast?
At that age, he was dreaming of being a hero and grew up listening to the stories of heroes. This is why when he first heard Fang Xing talking about raising the price, he thought Fang Xing was here to ask for orders for the people.

I didn't expect that, like the old navy fritters whose roots have been immersed in decades, they came to ask for bonuses.

Originally, it was supposed to give a bonus to the navy in charge, but this time Colonel Fang Xing was a child and didn't know his preferences. Considering that the child has a strong sense of justice and doesn't have much affection for Bailey, so this No, but most of the other navies have taken care of it, but I didn't expect this to be the result.

There was a burst of contempt in Franklin's heart, but he still greeted him with a smile on his face: "It's easy to say, I don't know if this counts?"

He opened his palm first, and then raised two fingers to make a two, which means five followed by two zeros, which means 500 million.This is a common way of communication. Since Fang Xing understands the bonus, he should also understand the code.

After the hand-to-hand competition in Franklin, Fang Xing frowned, looking distressed, "Is it too much? You can take so much just under threat. I feel worthy of it."

Too much?Sure enough, it was a child.Franklin covered his mouth with his hands and suppressed a smile.What Fang Xing said made him find the pleasure of beating people with money again, as if he had regained his dominant position.

Although 500 million Baileys is indeed a lot for ordinary people, it is still affordable for them, not to mention that there are so many businessmen in the party, each of them can make up a little.

Just... happy not long.

"Should I make more threats to get the value up to this amount?" Fang Xing said.

These words made Franklin's only remaining smile disappear for a moment, he didn't want to taste the floor a few more times, he shook his head from side to side, "No, not much at all, it's just right for you. "

Fang Xing put on a look of reluctance, "Oh, since you said that, then I will be disrespectful, and even gave me [-]% of the benefits, you are really too generous."

When Fang Xing spoke, he didn't cover up his voice. Instead, his voice was a little louder on purpose, and it spread throughout the venue in an instant, and the originally silent venue suddenly rioted.

They didn't know what Franklin talked about, but they knew what Fang Xing said just now.

"Franklin! You can't represent us. How did you talk about it to make it happen!"

"Franklin, are you teaming up with him to steal our money?"

Fortunately, the people who rioted still retained some sense of reason and never dared to cross that deep ridge. Otherwise, with their current emotions, once they approached him, they would definitely die.

"What did you say just now? [-]% interest! When did I say that I gave you [-]% interest?"

Fang Xing replied with a ignorant expression: "Didn't you compare it to five just now, that is [-]% of the profit, and then compare it to two, which means that you will give it to me twice a year."

(End of this chapter)

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