Chapter 129

Seeing his appearance, Huang Yuan couldn't help saying that he had already reminded Zhan Taowan not to be careless, otherwise Zhan Taowan's ability would not be like this.

"It's not embarrassing! It's just some skin trauma, this uncle suffered it on purpose." Zhan Taowan refused to admit defeat, even though his body is covered with scars now, and the trauma he suffered is not light, but he still said so .

"You're alright." Zhan Taowan realized that Huang Yuan was just putting on an appearance at the moment, it didn't look ordinary on the outside, and he was really not injured.

With a smile and a heavy blow on the back, even if the yellow ape turned into an elemental form in time and escaped, it was impossible to escape unscathed.Zefa said such a sentence, "Polusalino, you rely too much on your ability, and you will be harmed by your ability one day." This sentence shows in disguise that in the same level of battle, the body that the yellow ape ignores Exercise will become its fatal injury.

And when Huang Yuan chose to assist Zhan Taowan and resist that blow, he ignored the advantages of his own fruit, even if his fruit development ability was not weaker than anyone else, especially his speed was basically unmatched by anyone, but when he When the physical body has to resist the attack, the weakness is exposed.

Without answering Zhan Taowan's question, Huang Yuan used the original tone to express that he was fine, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!"

Zhan Taowan didn't say much. Although the injury on his body was only a small wound, if it wasn't treated, it might lead to excessive blood loss. He slightly contracted his muscles, and slowed down the speed of blood flow by using his grasp of the body. a bit.

The navy next to it is used as an emergency medical kit to bandage it.

In this regard, Yixiao didn't stop him, but stood beside Fang Xing.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay, I'll treat it myself first."

Yixiao knew what Fang Xing meant by healing, which was to use abilities to treat the body. He was a little surprised when he first learned about it.

At the same moment, Fang Xing was not idle.Two ribs were broken inside the body, which seemed to have pierced the lungs, and the chest felt heavy, and even the breathing became short of breath.The lack of oxygen and pain made his body suddenly weak, and even his mind was a little tired. If he hadn't adapted to the hypoxic environment during training with Zefa before, he would have passed out by now.

First use the ability to adjust the position of the bones, lock them in their original positions, and then mobilize the blood in the body together.

"Ahem..." Accompanied by a light cough, a mass of black and red blood was spit out from his mouth and sprayed on the ground.

The injury in the body was temporarily stabilized, but the injury was still an injury after all, and the fact that the ribs were broken would not change just because they moved to their original positions.And Zhan Taowan had just finished bandaging, so it was not suitable for fighting.The two tacitly stood on the spot to rest and wait for more states to recover before the next battle.

Huang Yuan and Yixiao each took a step forward in tacit understanding and continued to sound the horn of battle.

In this battle, the yellow monkey intentionally evaded the attack, and the attack method changed from the original blade fighting to mobile shooting, emitting beams from the fingers and body, as if this method was deliberately avoiding fierce collisions.

The beams of light emitted from the yellow ape galloped towards Yixiao at a speed far exceeding the speed of sound. An ordinary person would probably be pierced through without even having time to react, but Yixiao dodged regularly, as if he knew the position of the beams in advance.

Blindness in both eyes does not affect his dodge in the slightest. Even when encountering dense light beams that cannot be dodged, he can use a knife to cut a path. No matter how bad he is, he can use the ability of gravity to resist the light beams.

Compared with the previous blade battle, this kind of battle is much easier, and it is in line with his idea of ​​delaying time.

The battle seemed to have passed for a long time, but in reality it had only been more than an hour since they left. This little time could not allow Hawkins and the rescued people to run far, and he needed to continue to buy time to attract the attention of the Navy. Prevent this ship from being noticed.

Although the battle pressure was much easier for the two of them, it was still too intense compared to the navy. Compared to the previous blade battle, this time the yellow ape used his ability to make the battle more gorgeous. They even approached Not even daring, the body retreated towards the rear.

Of course, some people thought about attacking Fang Xing while it was time, but the moment they attacked him again, he fell down strangely.

To this, Fang Xing could only reply "stupid", the reflex is the operation of the body's subconscious mind, even in sleep, or even unconsciousness, it will be activated automatically, not to mention that he is only injured now.

And just when Yixiao and Huang Yuan were fighting fiercely, a tall and beautiful figure stepped in, blocked Yixiao's blade with the golden pila in his hand, blocked it, and then waved a huge sword energy to kill Yixiao. Forced retreat.

This sudden sound and shadow made Fang Xing break out in a cold sweat. That person was Taotu who had taught him rest swordsmanship before.If he had met her before, Fang Xing would have cheered for joy, but in this situation—when he thought of the result, he suddenly felt a chill.

Lieutenant General Momotu, who suddenly appeared on the field, greatly encouraged the navy.

"It's Lieutenant General Momotu! I didn't expect to see her in my lifetime."

In the navy, Taotu is quite famous, and she is the only one in the entire navy who is a beautiful woman with both strength and charm.The original Crane General was counted as one, but under the ravages of time, the current Crane General only has a stern side left.

Seeing Taotu, Huang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but on the surface he said wretchedly, "Ah, it's Lieutenant General Taotu, why are you here?"

"Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin went to the World Government to go through the formalities, and I was waiting on Island 35. If I noticed any movement, I came to check it out." Taotu replied.

Afterwards, her eyes moved to Fang Xing and locked them firmly.It's not a gentle gaze, but the kind of gaze that can kill with a glance, and Fang Xing can sense the deep malice emanating from it.

But Taotu turned his back to Yellow Ape, and Yellow Ape couldn't observe her gaze, otherwise he wouldn't have said such a sentence.

"Lieutenant General Momotu, I'll deal with this guy, that brat is handed over to you for arrest, I managed to wound him..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a scene that shocked all the marines. Momotu kicked the yellow monkey and kicked him away.

The domineering kick kicked the yellow monkey accurately, and the yellow monkey flew a certain distance, and then landed steadily after elementalizing his body in the air. He looked at Taotu strangely, not understanding why she wanted to attack he.

The impetuous Zhan Taowan yelled first, "You bastard! What are you doing, how dare you attack your own people!"

Taotu looked at it silently, and then said domineeringly, "That brat belongs to me, it's—the Navy."

Is it the Navy?My own?What a joke!This is the voice of Zhan Taowan and most of the navy now.Do you know that most of the injuries in the navy are caused by this "insider"!
She ignored Zhan Taowan, who was almost collapsed, walked to Fang Xing and said, "Lieutenant General Tea Dolphin, I told me that his friend Yixiao is a person with a strong sense of justice. You follow him to reassure me, that's all." Law?"

(End of this chapter)

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