Pirate Control Vector

Chapter 116 So What?

Chapter 116 So What?

Startled by the sudden smile, St. Charles Rose staggered back and managed to stabilize himself.The host was also intimidated by the appearance of Yixiao, and he froze for a while and didn't dare to speak out.The audience in the auditorium was at a loss, thinking it was some special program, they naturally couldn't believe that someone dared to resist the Tianlong people.

Fang Xing looked at Yixiao who disappeared on the seat, and said lightly: "It's really Yixiao's style."

Hawkins played with the straw figure that appeared in his palm at some point, and said in a magical tone again: "The gears of fate are starting to turn."

Fang Xing has the urge to flatter Hawkins. Recently, he has become more and more fond of showing off, and often only speaks in half, or just talking about this kind of nonsense that fate is running and fate has no effect.

Sometimes Fang Xing would think in a bad manner, whether Hawkins could not come out of divination, so he said this on purpose. After all, his divination does not always produce results, so if he said this, he could Say this kind of ambiguous nonsense, save face for yourself, so as to retain the aura of a magic stick.

If Hawkins knew Fang Xing's thoughts at this moment, he would probably turn into a "figure of subjugating the devil", that is, a huge scarecrow, attacking and cursing with the five-inch nail in his hand.

Eli stared blankly at Yixiao above the stage, with a big mouth. He witnessed Yixiao destroying the entire island with his own eyes, and he didn't know what would happen next.

St. Charles Rose sniffed his nose, looked at him with a smile and said with an unkind expression, "Why did you, a pariah, appear in front of my eyes? What's going on here?"

Yixiao didn't respond to Richard Ross, but squatted down and asked Brenda, who was lying on the ground, "Are you okay?"

Brenda had already closed her eyes tightly, waiting to receive the kick from St. Charles Rose, but she didn't wait for a long time. She opened her eyes slowly, and slowly raised her lowered head. She looked at the person in front of her. .

It's not the stupid Tianlong man as expected, but an uncle with a scar on his face, but he doesn't look scared, but kind.

Under such a face, she temporarily forgot about the dangerous situation, and asked in confusion, "Who are you?"

"I'm a...laugh."

"Didn't you hear what I said?"

When Yixiao said his name, Tianlongren's shouts were mixed in, causing a gap in the middle of the introduction, and the girl could only hear it vaguely.

She wanted to ask, was it a smile?But the stern voice of the Tianlongren just now reminded him that she is still in the auction, and she was bought by the Tianlongren.

Now she didn't have the courage to resist the Celestial Dragon, and lowered her head in mourning.

With a smile, he turned his head and looked at St. Charles Rose.

St. Charles Rose selectively ignored the scar on his face with a smile, "You bastard! Why are you looking at me with your eyes closed? You know it's a rare gift for you pariahs to see us!"

This inexplicable arrogance made Fang Xing feel a little sympathetic to St. Charles Ross. Whether he lacked common sense or was stupid enough to dare to provoke such an unknown person in front of him, if the Tianlong people did not have the protection of the World Government, I'm afraid it no longer exists.

But can the name of the world government really suppress a smile?I'm afraid not. Yixiao is a paranoid person who will not change what he thinks is right.The scene in front of him seems to be a small account in the early stage of the game provoking an account that has been at the peak level of the game server for a long time.

"Sorry, my eyes can't see."

"Really? So that's the case, this is really... making people angry! In front of such a great me, you can't see it, I will kill you!"

The behavior of St. Charles Rose, St. Roswald and his sister Charlelia Palace chose to watch. If it is a normal father who sees a child acting like this at this age, he will definitely be angry, but St. Roswald But he didn't blame him in the slightest, instead he nodded in approval of this behavior.

St. Charles Rose took out a pistol made of pure gold from his robe.

This is a specially made pistol, not only on the pistol but also on the bullets. The speed of the bullets fired by the pistol is twice as fast as that of ordinary pistols, and the power of the bullets can penetrate the steel plate. The end of death.

Saint Charlos pointed his gun at it with a smile, and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

In the sound of gunfire, a bullet cut across the air like a streak of light, hitting towards Yixiao at a speed exceeding the speed of sound.

However, when the bullet came to Yixiao, it seemed to have encountered an obstacle and stopped in the air.

Seeing this, Saint Charles Rose fired indiscriminately.

"Bang! Bang!..."

However, the bullets stopped in the air one by one, like planets dotting the starry sky.

It was only then that St. Charles Rose realized that the man in front of him was an opponent he couldn't contend with. He stepped back, and at the same time, he still yelled, "You untouchables, come to me! Stop him! Stop him!"

Compared with Charles Rose St., Roswald St. reacted a little faster. He had already taken out the phone bug and wanted to contact the Navy for rescue.A smile didn't satisfy him, and the moment he took out the phone bug, he was already crushed to the ground.

"Father." St. Charles Rose and Shalulia Palace shouted together.

There was an uproar!

Avoiding the Tianlong people's attack is two completely different concepts from attacking the Tianlong people.

After offending the Tianlong people, avoiding the Tianlong people's attack will only attract part of the navy's pursuit at most.But once the Tianlong people are attacked, the generals will come to all the navy on the island, plus the general who sits in the navy headquarters.

How long has it been since no one has dared to attack the Draconians?This is also the reason why Tianlong people are so arrogant and dare to be so arrogant.But today this bondage was broken, and one can imagine how much shock it would cause.

"Hurry up! Defeat this blind man!" said Charles Rose.

"What are you still doing in a daze, quickly defeat this guy and save my father." Xia Lulia said.

"The guards are dispatched!"

Soldiers pouring in from all around the venue, as well as bodyguards in black, frantically ran towards the stage. Even the staff in the auction venue took urgent action to rescue St. Rozwald.

The sudden commotion caused the people in the venue to be in a mess, rushing to rush out.

But Yixiao didn't intend to let anyone escape from here, and used the field of gravity to completely control the venue. Except for Fang Xing and the three of them, everyone else was lying on the ground tightly, and had a close hug, including Char Rose St. and Shalelia Palace.

The reason why Yixiao didn't let these people leave was that if they were allowed to escape before the liberation efforts were made, it might cause trouble, and instead harm these slaves.

Therefore, before dealing with the slaves, everyone in the venue must be suppressed first.

Among the bodyguards responsible for protecting the three Celestial Dragons, there are many elite experts. Although they cannot move freely under this heavy pressure, they can still speak.

"Do you know how big a mistake you made? You dared to attack St. Roswald, St. Charros and Shalulia Palace. Do you know how big the crime of attacking the Tianlong people is?!"

"So what, Tianlong people? I just stick to my beliefs." He said with a loud smile.

(End of this chapter)

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