Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 999 Disagreement

Chapter 999 Disagreement
Chapter 1018 Disagreement

"Master, a large amount of psionic fluctuations have been detected!" Narud reminded.

Mark's face changed slightly, and he looked at Alsace who had lost an arm in front of him.

Mark knew very well that cutting the weeds would not eradicate the roots, and the spring breeze would regenerate the troubles, so he was ready to finish the final blow to Alsace.

He won't learn from those villains or decent people, wasting time talking nonsense here, just as Alsace was about to speak, Mark had already launched a charge.

A large number of insects rushed over from all directions, and then stood in front of Alsace. Of course, Mark could easily kill most of the insects here, but unfortunately, the number of insects here was too much.

Even if he raised and lowered the knife with his own hand, one knife at a time, each time wasting half a second, Mark might not be able to kill until tomorrow.

"Nadu!" Mark shouted at the dark consul beside you.

Nadu immediately used the void power to control most of the bugs.

Although there is no way to directly control these bugs themselves, at least let them stop affecting Mark's advancement in a short period of time.

Tasada, Mark and I have a mutual understanding. I didn't even know that Mark shouted, and he had already launched an energy wave, opening up a safe and fast path for Mark!
Mark feels that in the future, Tassada will definitely become his most capable assistant on the battlefield
Moreover, Tassadar's abilities in all aspects, including those, were not considered weak.

It can be said that he is a natural leader, but it is a pity that the situation at that time could not give him more opportunities.

Now that Mark is facing Tassada, there are still more opportunities and choices. Mark will not let such a talent go for nothing, let alone let him be buried.

If we talk about the young archbishop, Artanis is a more balanced leader in all aspects chosen in times of crisis.

So if Tassadar was still alive at that time, he would definitely ascend to the position of leader.

Mark was getting closer and closer to Alsace, and Mark's heart beat faster every time he got close to him. Just as he was about to get close to Alsace, Mark raised the light blade in his hand.

Mark knew that his action was flawed, but time did not allow him to make adjustments.

At this moment, a large number of tunnel worms rushed towards Mark and Alsace in a violent manner.

The Nydus Worm heavy unit is almost difficult to deal with, unless it is stronger than him, it is difficult for Mark to be unable to resist their attack without transforming.

There is almost no good way to deal with this kind of attack in exchange for injury.

Mark watched Alsace swallowed by the tunnel worm, but there was nothing he could do.

Because he is also doing his best to resist the impact of the tunnel worm.

Nadu went to rescue Mark immediately, but Tassadar didn't. It used its own psionic power to attack the tunnel worm that swallowed Alsace into its stomach.

Tassada did not intercept the tunnel worm, and then left Alsace behind. Unfortunately, the speed of the tunnel worm far exceeded everyone's expectations. Tassada failed to stop the worm, so he could only watch Watching him take Alsace away.

The meat that had already reached his mouth slipped away like this. Mark was also extremely angry after finishing the tunnel.

This kind of opportunity is really rare. I know that I have brought all the heroes with me. Next time Mark will never let the opportunity slip away from him for nothing. Get rid of this scourge.

Although Mark was a little disappointed that Nadu had saved him, he was not angry because of it.

In any case, he was thinking about his own safety.

Even if he assisted, it might not be able to keep that brainless tunnel worm.

Tasada did the most correct thing that Mark expected,
The magma is about to swallow the entire underground space, and it is no longer possible to stay here any longer. Mark, Nadu, and Tassada came to the position where the retreating team was after cleaning up the bugs that had sealed them.

Mark opened the portal alone, while Nadu and Tassadar commanded the team to retreat. The soldiers from the east and west lines entered first, followed by the protoss.

The few German soldiers who were mad on the battlefield were dragged back abruptly by the soldiers on the East and West Fronts.


Mark took off his equipment and entered his tent, but in fact he opened the portal and returned home. Before leaving, his subordinate who was in charge of defense outside said that no one was allowed to enter.

A golden nest and a silver nest are not as good as your own kennel!
This is not a casual word.

But Mark's departure caused others to start arguing.

Especially Nadu and Tassada who disagreed just now.

Tassadar had already changed back to his original high-ranking templar. He would transform into a consul only when needed. His soul power alone was enough to complete the transformation of a consul.

This is something only a very small number of elites can do, so far, only Tassadar is still alive who can do this.

"Why didn't you choose to save the master just now?" Nadu asked.

"In that case, it is impossible for the master to be injured, and our key task is to kill Alsace, so at that time I chose to attack Alsace instead of saving the master. If you could cooperate with me then, Maybe we can keep Alsace!" Tassada said expressionlessly.

"Then you mean to blame me for your actions?" Nadu's tone was obviously full of gunpowder.

"I'm not blaming you, you're not wrong, you just did what you thought you should do, what you thought was right. I'm not saying you did wrong. But in that case, you should have your own Judgment, not stupid loyalty. Your performance is good and good, but your stupid loyalty deprives you of the opportunity to perform at your best."

"Then I won't be like you who doesn't care about the master's life or death."

"Then there is no point of conversation between the two of us. If you insist on being stubborn, I can't help it. You might as well think about saving a little energy and replenish your energy well to deal with the next battle. "

"Hmph! We're not done with this matter."

"Whatever you want." Tassada didn't plan to argue with him any more.


At home, Mark was lying on his big bed, enjoying the softness of Simmons to his heart's content.

Although Mark can buy better ones if he has money, he still can't get rid of the habit of so many years, and the quality of Simmons is not bad.

"Hurry down and eat!" Yrel said to Mark, unable to make a call.

Mark rushed downstairs without even thinking about it. Although it was really comfortable to lie down just now, there is no better meal cooked by his own wife.

It's hard work, if you don't eat it, it will hurt your heart.

"Honey, why do you think of getting up and cooking for me today?" Mark said the sweet words that people don't want money.

"I should ask you how you know you are back today? This meal is not for you. Wanda is not feeling well recently, and she often retches. I don't know what's going on." Yrel trembled. Said his own dishes.

Mark immediately frowned. Although he and Wanda had some exchanges, it shouldn't be like this...

Mark was still thinking about it, and Yrel gave an affirmative answer.

"Although I have never been pregnant, I know about some pregnancy problems, and I have taken them for examination, which is not what you think."

Embarrassed, Mark scratched his hair. He was fine just now and didn't say anything, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Didn't I guess it? You can make people stop guessing, really. After all, this kind of reaction is really easy to misunderstand."

"Don't you know your own physical condition? You don't know our current physical condition?" Yrel gave Mark a blank look and said.

Mark 06's previous question, his complexion became ugly again, just like what I said before, the physical condition that Mark and the others chose is difficult to reproduce.

Of course, just because it’s difficult doesn’t mean it’s impossible, and if you work harder, it’s not hopeless.

It is not known how many times this will take.

After the chat was over, Mark went upstairs with the prepared lunch, and personally delivered the prepared lunch to Wanda. Wanda herself was a little shy, huddled under the quilt and refused to come out.

Mark didn't force it either, and left directly after putting down his lunch. Mark walked to the door, turned around and said to Wanda who was still hiding under the blanket, "Hurry up, don't get cold, I'll come up and collect it later."

Wanda said softly under the quilt: "Yes!"

After getting the answer, Mark smiled and walked downstairs.

After waiting for Mark to leave, Wanda crawled out of the bed, looked at the lunch on the table, quickly got out of bed, and began to enjoy this sumptuous lunch.

After Mark went downstairs, he looked at Yrel, who was smiling at his aunt, and felt a little abnormal.

"What's the matter? Looking at me with such a smile, isn't it pretty?" Mark said awkwardly.

"What did the two of you not talk about?"

"What do we both have? In such a short time, what are you going to talk about? Besides, young people now..." Mark realized that he had a problem when he said this, and just about to change his words, Yrel I have already rushed over and hugged Mark: "I didn't hear what you said just now, please say it again."

"I said, young people like us now have a slightly different way of thinking, right?"

Although it was barely round, Mark also felt the love from the empress.

Sure enough, what kind of unshakable existence the empress is!

Mark silently wrote down this matter, and warned himself not to make similar mistakes in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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