Chapter 996
Chapter 1015

Mark's current team can be said to be very strong. The troops from the East and West Fronts have replaced the Protoss as the main force in the battle.

It never occurred to Mark that the commanders on the Eastern and Western Fronts would actually disperse their troops, because they felt that they were not dying fast enough...

If those commanders were here, they would definitely be called Tianqu.

Who is willing to divide the troops if it is possible!
Many worm paths do not know which one leads to the deepest worm path, so a few soldiers can only be assigned to explore the path. Some teams of more than a dozen people explore the path, but they are blocked or enter other worm paths. Can't find the way back.

That's why these squads are in the wormway.

Continuing to go deep underground, there is actually a large amount of magma around. Although Mark had expected it, he did not expect the environment to be so harsh.

Soldiers without power combat uniforms basically have no way to pass through here. Not only is there little oxygen here, but the most important thing is that there are too many toxic gases here. Without power combat uniforms to filter, they can't last long.

"Soldiers without power combat uniforms let them station you here. The two mages stay here. If there is a crisis, open the portal and leave here. Others with power combat uniforms continue to move forward with me." Mark ordered.

The soldiers were divided into two groups, those with powered combat uniforms stood at the front, and those without them began to build fortifications with their military shovels in their hands.

Although it is a channel dug by tunnel worms, there are still a lot of gravel and mud around it, and it is close to magma, so there are many volcanic rocks.

These volcanic rocks cool slowly, so they are still relatively strong, and they are better than nothing as a shelter.

The blazing high temperature distorted the surrounding space. From the serious point of view of those soldiers, they entered hell, and in the tumbling magma around them, there seemed to be life-devouring demons.

Mark knew that even if those bugs had some abilities, they couldn't ignore the temperature of the magma, so his path was relatively safe.

As for those bugs lurking on this road, it’s not that Mark looks down on bugs.If they do go underground, Mark wouldn't mind trying the braised worms.

Mark knew that only hybrids could move freely in the magma.

Mark was taught how to be a man by Emon's hybrid body more than once on the main star of Villidia!
PS: In fact, as long as it is Amon's army, they can swim in the magma. Not attacking is completely for the player's face, so don't expect to use terrain to kill.

Thinking of this, Mark had a crazy idea. If possible, he could wipe out the Zerg almost without any effort.

"Narud help me calculate how many cubic meters of magma there are here, and when I finish exploring, help me calculate how long it will take to guide the magma into the wormhole."

"Okay, master." Narud understood what his master meant, and began to order the detector to calculate the surrounding magma.

And Mark was not idle here, and continued to move forward. Mark had a hunch that he would be able to see the wormhole soon.

Although there is no clear evidence that the hatching of eggs requires sufficient temperature, it should also abide by the habits of organisms.

Going deeper, as Mark expected, within 10 minutes, Mark found the bug's lair.

At the exit of the wormway tens of meters away from the cave floor, Mark carefully observed the situation below.

Because of the distance, the worms did not find Mark et al.

At this time, the bugs were fighting against the incoming Eastern Front troops. Most of the Eastern Front soldiers did not use power combat suits, which meant that they could pass through a road without magma or harmful environment.

"Master, are we supporting now?"

"Wait a moment."

"Nalud, how is the analysis going now, how long will it take to drain the magma?" Mark asked.

Narud had already made the calculations, and said to Mark: "You can dig a tunnel alone, and it will only take 15 minutes at most, but it will take some time if all the magma enters the ground, which means that not everyone It is possible to evacuate the low-lying areas. Moreover, there are too many reserves of magma, and it must continue to rise, so the team with limited mobility is likely to die inside."


Mark connected to the communications of the Eastern Front.

"This is the protoss support force. I am the commander in charge of this operation, Mark Komnene. We will assist you in the assault and rescue the soldiers of the Nova Legion. After 15 minutes, we will have a large amount of magma pouring Into the cave, please be prepared to evacuate."

"Okay! Mr. Komnene, but please hurry up with your support. We don't think we can last long. We have a lot of wounded people who need to be transferred. I hope you have enough mages there."

"no problem!"

Mark jumped down with the protoss warriors beside him. This height is indeed dangerous, but with the help of spells, it is not a problem.

Mark really rarely uses white magic. The main reason is that this power does not belong to him completely, so there will be a feeling of shock.

Of course, depending on the environment, it should be used or used.

A large number of protoss units appeared in the worm nest, and the zerg panicked. The worms that were charging forward all began to retreat, changing their attack plan.

"Psionic Storm!" Mark just yelled.

Five psychic storms blew up right in front of the team, and the violent power of the psychic storm destroyed those vulnerable zerglings.

The cockroaches and Hydralisks that followed were more tenacious than the Zerglings, but in the face of the Lightning Five Company, they still couldn't get out of the influence of the spiritual storm.

But the worms on the opposite side were not idle either. A few saboteurs fired corrosive bile from a place that no one noticed. The orange-red high-temperature corrosive bile fell from the sky.

If the templar didn't have the protection of a psionic shield, he would probably have to die on the spot.

The dark templar jumped over the swarm and came to the back of the destroyer. The warblade in his hand aimed at the joint of the destroyer and chopped it down. The corrosive bile has shifted.

The corrosive bile that was supposed to be aimed at the templar was launched into the swarm's own position.

"Those who don't have gas masks or power combat suits should go first! The magma will come later, and you may also be affected by then."

After receiving the news, the commander on the Eastern Front simply replied with a thank you, and then began to evacuate his soldiers.

The Allied Forces on the Eastern Front didn't have many equipped with powered combat uniforms, and because of the many wounded, it was reasonable to take a step ahead.

But there was a small team that refused to leave, and all of them were wounded.

"Sir, our current situation is estimated to be crippled. Why don't we stay here and fight? We don't care if we die, we just want revenge!"

This team was the German soldiers who fled to Poland when Germany collapsed. They were originally looked down upon by soldiers from Poland and other countries, and they were regarded as a group of incompetent deserters who could not even protect their own country.

But in fact, they want to clean up this disgraceful history more than anyone else. In every battle, these subjugated people are the first to rush to the front, and the casualty rate is also the highest.

In any case, these guys are no different from lunatics.

"Look at you now? Can you still fight here?"

"We don't care. It doesn't matter if we die together with the bomb. Berlin is our home. We were very sad when we failed to defend it. Now that the opportunity has come, we will not let it go like this. Sir, I thank you for your support." Our concern, but this is our last wish."

"You...I understand." The commander knew that it would be useless to say more, so he simply didn't say anything.

"This is our last bomb, and this is the last gift I can leave you!" The commander said, pointing to the bomb box in the distance.

They all knew it well, so they slowly dragged their broken bodies over, looked at the bomb left in the box and smiled knowingly.

"Brothers, this is our grave."


Some people cry when they laugh. It is impossible to understand the pain without experiencing it.

Being driven out of my homeland, watching the place where I lived for so many years being destroyed, those people and things I knew were destroyed...

Powerless!A deep sense of powerlessness, because they knew they were incompetent and had to choose to leave, and now they don't want to leave.Even in this dark underground, looking for someone who can be with his hometown and make the final contribution to his hometown.

Now I finally have a chance, and in this case, I can't let the opportunity slip away from my hands.

The heavy machine gun on the ground, the German veteran whose legs could no longer move crawled over and began to reload the heavy machine gun, while the soldier with only one hand on the other side held the handle of the machine gun.

"Can you hold it?"

"No problem, I didn't expect it! Protoss is really strong!"

"Sooner or later, human beings will have this kind of strength. How many years have we spent! Sooner or later, our descendants will not be persecuted by these alien invaders."

"You're right... I kind of want to sing."

"Ob's stuermt oder schneit,"

"Ob die Sonne uns lacht,"

PS: Nothing to do with politics, nothing to do with any beliefs, the song is very good, and there is no evil intention.


The two sang the song of the former armored soldiers.

The other people around who are still preparing to evacuate can't understand why these deserters are still singing happily now. Is it because they are about to leave?

They didn't know that these soldiers were all going to stay and die.

But they probably didn't have the chance to understand what the remaining soldiers were thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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