Meiman's eldest son of God

Chapter 993 In-depth base camp

Chapter 993 In-depth base camp

Chapter 1012 Going deep into the base camp
If the Zerg in the Andromeda Galaxy were units with zero offense and zero defense.

Those on the earth are fully upgraded, with three offenses and three defenses and a lot of technology!

Although the current technology of the earth is much behind compared to other civilizations in the universe, don't forget that the earth is the base camp of mankind.

Whether it is the reserve of materials or the quality of soldiers, these are all nothing to worry about.

That's why the Zerg defeated the humans steadily and lost most of Europe. This is not without reason.

Otherwise, the commander who commanded the army was self-willed, did not listen to other people's suggestions, and did not understand the situation of the Zerg, which was also the reason.

After the start of the Great Invasion, humans have made up for the Zerg, and have learned most of the situation.

A small number of secrets Mark did not provide, such as the overall composition and its cultural history, Mark felt that this was unnecessary, and did not want to reveal all the secrets to them.

Although the troops on the eastern front went deep underground, they were extremely cautious. How could they not remember what they had learned before?

After going two kilometers underground, I saw a Zerg outpost built at the front.

Masses of creep and spine crawlers protect the surrounding area, thwarting any creatures that try to penetrate further.

There may not seem to be any profit there, but in fact everyone knows that these crafty bugs can hide in the ground, and what they see on the surface is definitely not true.

A two-person tall instrument was pushed to the front of the line.

There is a reason for carrying such a cumbersome machine with you, even deep underground.

Because this machine can detect the Zerg underground, it is a detector completely made by human technology.

Although it is a bit cumbersome, it is indeed very effective. It has helped the team clean up a lot of units along the way.And it is equipped with artificial intelligence itself, so it just moves a little slower, and it doesn't waste much manpower.

After a few seconds of scanning, a large number of red dots appeared on the monitor. These red dots were Zerg units, but so far, human technology has not been able to specifically determine what is hidden under the ground.

However, it can still be judged by simple size.

The largest body is naturally the scariest Thunder Beast, at least according to the current knowledge of human beings, this is the scariest individual unit.

The smallest ones may be springtails, and the others of medium size may be cockroaches or hydralisks.Those slightly bigger than these two are estimated to be infected people or scorpions, which is worth noting.

After careful comparison and confirmation, it was confirmed that there were probably only springtails and cockroaches and hydralisks.

Another team came out from the rear of the team, and they were equipped with ground penetrating bombs, which they used to deal with these units hidden in the ground.

Several grenades were placed on the ground, and the unknown timeline went back to decades ago. Special bombs were placed in the grenades, and a clear spinning sound could be heard in the grenades.

Just hear it all!All the ground penetrating bombs were fired.They spin in the air, and finally land on their heads. The warheads of these bombs are solid drill bits, which are constantly going down. After reaching the right position, they will fix themselves and then prepare to explode.

Bang bang bang!
A few continuous muffled sounds alarmed all the Zerg lurking underground.

They thought that humans had not discovered themselves, but now it seems that humans have discovered them.

These bugs didn't intend to continue hiding underground, they crawled out of the ground one by one, and then charged towards the crowd.

Heavy machine guns and armor-piercing shells have been prepared for a long time. The sound of heavy machine guns echoed in this space, easily penetrating through the bodies of those springtails and hydralisks. , and quickly fell apart.

The Zerg were very smart. During the charge, several spine reptiles all crawled out from the ground and stretched forward.Now they are standing under creeps, so these reptiles can easily "attack" forward, just wait for them to take root and sit down, it will be a nightmare for the human army.

Naturally, it was impossible for the Eastern Front troops to let their tricks succeed, and a small number of people started to intercept the spine crawlers that were about to take root and come down.

However, a new problem arose immediately.

If a part of the firepower is allocated to attack the spine crawler, then the firepower to attack the frontal Zerg will be reduced.

There was no way to effectively suppress the crazy speed of the Zerg. The Zerg rushed to the front at lightning speed. The soldiers used the bayonets on their guns to fight these ferocious beasts.

In this case, if you design randomly or in a panic, you may accidentally injure your teammates.

This is also a choice of last resort.

But the key problem is that the soldiers of this century are not like the last century. In the last century, they could only use one shot to pull the bolt, so each of them was equipped with a bayonet, and the appropriate skills were very good, but in the Now more people are used to using daggers.

But using a dagger to attack a springtail is definitely a dead end.

The Zergling's attack range is far beyond the attack range of ordinary daggers, and they must be attacked by the Zergling before the two engage in battle.

Moreover, these monsters basically aimed at the vital parts to attack. Once they attacked the fatal position, the soldiers would no longer be able to fight back.

So after so many years, many soldiers picked up the bayonet technique again, but it is a pity that they did not have enough time for them to learn, and their performance was still immature.

A good and good soldier fell to the ground, their bodies torn apart by bugs, or pierced by the spikes of Hydralisks, or the caustic acid of cockroaches.

Although there were a large number of casualties on the front, the commanders on the Eastern Front did not let them retreat.

It was the result of sacrificing so many soldiers to get rid of those spine reptiles with great difficulty.

If they retreat now, it won't be long before the spine crawlers will replenish, and the gap that was finally opened will be blocked again.

This is all the experience they have gained through blood and fire. This is the most common group defense on the Eastern Front.

Compared with the term growth that has been advancing all the way, the difficulty of mid-line growth is not the slightest, it is very difficult and dangerous.

So they would rather continue to send more troops than retreat from here.

Ten minutes later, the battle was over.

There are hundreds of human casualties, and most of them are beyond rescue. They are not on the surface but underground, and the medicine is quite limited.

"The wounded who are unable to be treated will be given a happy life directly, and those who can still move will take the wounded who cannot move back, and a platoon will escort them up."

The escort team of more than 40 people is quite sufficient when it is already safe.

The Allied forces on the Eastern Front continued to go deeper, and when they came to a huge underground cave, they saw a large number of human corpses.

Some human corpses are piled up like rubbish, some are only bones, and some are placed in unknown liquids. Although the soldiers' education level is not high, they can still see that the bugs are using human corpse.

It is a culture in almost all countries that the dead are the greatest and respect the dead.

Blasphemy against the dead is also an act that cannot be tolerated.

After all, no one wants to experience the same result after their death.

"Beast!" A soldier couldn't help cursing, and as he said that, he pulled out the portable incendiary bomb on his waist, pulled out the plug and threw it out.

The human corpses themselves have a lot of grease, and these human corpses have been placed here for so long, a lot of grease has flowed to the ground, not to mention those dried corpses, which are too easy to burn here!

An incendiary bomb was thrown out and the fire spread rapidly, almost igniting all the corpses.

This impulsive behavior also attracted the attention of all the bugs lurking underground.

The space began to vibrate,

Several strange-looking thunder beasts crawled out from the ground. The soldiers had already known these terrifying monsters, but these monsters looked different from usual, which made them have a bad feeling.

More spikes grew near the skulls on the front of these ultralisks, and they all glowed purple.

The whole space is filled with this kind of purple light, and there is also orange fire light. The two kinds of light are mixed together, giving people a feeling of communicating in hell.

The Allied Forces on the Eastern Front, who had already anticipated this situation, used their long-prepared killers. The heavy machinery was pushed to the forefront, and the huge gun barrel began to charge rapidly.

The energy cannons produced by the Russian military factory, these energy cannons are a smaller version of Lei Di's energy cannons, the power is quite terrifying, the only drawback is that it is relatively slow to recharge.

These Thunder Beasts, still glowing with purple light, launched a deadly charge towards the coalition forces. Halfway through the charge, these energy cannons fired a deadly bombardment.

The skull on the front of the Thunder Beast was pierced directly, and the results of the other Thunder Beasts were almost the same. Claws protruded from the bottom of the Ultralisk's corpse, and then completely bound the retailer, a special substance was produced between the several huge claws.Turn the corpse of the original factor into a huge cocoon.

Something is wrong!
The energy cannon was recharged again, but before it could be recharged again, the Thunder Beast broke out of the cocoon again, they roared angrily, and continued to charge.

This is no ordinary thunder beast at all!These are tyrannosaurus beasts (the name is indeed worth complaining about, full of drama)!
(End of this chapter)

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