Chapter 986
Chapter 1005 Battle of Berlin

The insect swarm is invading this world in an all-round way, and the earth is only one of the targets chosen for the invasion.

The reason Arthas came to the earth himself is because there are human beings on the earth, and there is a person he must kill.

Arthas and Kerrigan can feel each other's existence. Although there is no way to know the exact position of the other party, Arthas knows that Kerrigan is on the earth.

How can you allow others to sleep soundly on the side of the couch.Not to mention that a powerful race will have two kings.

Even if one of the kings no longer wanted to meddle in the internal affairs of the swarm, Arthas would not let her go.

This is why Alsace is so eager to invade the earth.

Unexpectedly, Alsace himself would meet his lifelong enemy, Mark Komnenos, here.

This guy who inherited the ancient surname, Komnene's last legend.

Alsace thought for a moment, but in the end he didn't make up his mind and let the swarm fleet pass through Mark's fleet blockade.

Mark's current fleet is indeed very strong, but only this fleet can protect the earth.

Leaving the earth and going to deep space to chase the swarm, the earth's defense is almost non-existent, so Mark will not let the fleet leave anyway.

This is why Alsace can safely let his swarm fleet expand unscrupulously in the universe. It is very simple for the swarm to find a planet to replenish resources, ranging from small microorganisms to large creatures and mineral veins. Become a target for swarm absorption.


The East Road attacked the coalition forces.

The Eastern European coalition is currently the most popular and the best equipped and supplied force.

Before this, it had always been the case with the Western European troops, but the previous few battles had completely destroyed the Western European troops. Even if they are reorganized now, their overall strength is still not as good as the current Eastern European coalition forces.

Therefore, in terms of advancing speed, the east side far surpassed the west side, advancing all the way and attacking the city of Berlin.

It's a pity that there are a lot of spine crawlers and lurkers lurking underground in the outskirts of Berlin.

According to the latest news, among these lurkers, there are also some special units.

They are very similar to lurkers, but their attack methods are different.

Compared with the multiple attacks of Lurkers, the attacks of these units are aimed at a single target, and can easily pierce the defensive armor of armor and tanks. These things are no different from those made of paper in front of these special lurkers.

Mark soon received the news that with the protection of these piercers, it was almost impossible for the human reloading units to approach Berlin.

These puncturers are the clusters of puncturers that Abathur discovered in Marek Wei Wu. After obtaining the genes of these puncturer clusters, he integrated these genes into the genes of the Hydralisk, and then the Hydralisk Can become a single target impaler.

The most important thing is that these units have this extra bonus damage against heavy armor targets, which can be said to be born against heavy armor.

However, under the cover of the spine crawler, it is not an easy task to attack these piercers hiding behind.Air fighters and bombers are also difficult to enter, the main reason is the position of the swarm.

It seems that they have already realized that humans will launch a counterattack, and the swarm has set up a large number of spine crawlers and spore crawlers around Berlin to ensure the thickness and defense of the position.

Coupled with the ultra-long-range strike units like the Piercer, they really want to get in with minimal losses. So far, humans can only use rockets, missiles and heavy artillery to attack.

Humans have set up a heavy artillery position outside Berlin, and missiles are also launched to attack this position, but the only thing that can hurt them are the spine crawlers and spore crawlers on the ground.

Not to mention that the puncturers are buried deep in the ground, the mobility of these puncturers alone can avoid the impact of human artillery in advance.

The key is that under this blow, humans have no way to attack.

In fact, this time is the best time to attack, because the heavy artillery will shoot the needle crawlers and spore crawlers, opening a gap in the position.

And the piercer who is moving has no way to attack. At this time, the defense is the weakest, but the situation of human fighters is particularly special.

The first is the problem of accidental injury. There is no way to avoid and ignore accidental injury to your own people. The second is morale. If you attack with your own artillery, the morale is high.

The air wave of the explosion alone can make people fall to the ground and fly out, let alone attack.

In just half an hour, humans fired thousands of shells, only to kill some reptiles.

This is not good news for the current Eastern European Allied Forces.

Germany's current land is a piece of fat, and whoever can occupy it will have an advantage.

Although everyone is saying that this place has become a wasteland, this piece of land still exists in reality, and as long as it still exists, it has value.

Even if it is set as a war zone with Western European countries in the future, it will not be a bad deal.

Anyway, it wasn't his own land that was destroyed.

Moreover, with the current situation in the world, it is basically impossible to expand the territory.

Finding a planet suitable for human habitation, so far, the human government has gained nothing.

I still got some gains from Mark, but Mark will not give them out so easily. It sounds good, but the actual operation of the matter is another matter. There are twists and turns in it, and everyone clear.

The situation on the side of the Western European United Army is not optimistic. Although the stalemate on the eastern battlefield is better, it is not much better.

A large number of insect swarms were scattered, completely falling into the situation of guerrilla warfare.

The mobility of the Zerg far exceeds that of the current human beings. Using a complete network of insect roads, they can reach the area they want to reach in the shortest time.

Not to mention the bugs are still attacking supply lines.

The battle has not yet heated up!Supply lines have been attacked many times, and some supply lines have been smashed.The people above knew that there was an ambush there, so they could only bite the bullet and increase the escort force, and the consumption of various resources doubled.

When encountering a large group of troops escorting them, they simply stopped fighting and looked for small groups of troops.


The British commander punched the table and said angrily: "Mark, you just let your people continue to do this and ignore us? That's what you mean by sincere cooperation and solidarity."

"The sincere cooperation and solidarity I'm talking about is as simple as you can imagine. If I act at this stage, I can indeed take the land on the west side of Berlin quickly, but I want to ask you who will get the bones of Berlin Gnaw? Is it handed over to you or to the Eastern European coalition forces? You have encountered such resistance on the periphery, and after entering the core area, including the underground area, do you think you can handle it?" Mark asked a series of rhetorical questions, so that the British command Guan Wuyu closed his mouth.

There is nothing wrong with what Mark said. Those present are all veterans who have experienced the battlefield for many years. How could they not understand the truth of this, but they are also a little unwilling.

Then they were beaten, and they, who had been leading the world for decades, could no longer experience this feeling.

In just a few years, the world has changed.

Even with the support of alien technology, they find themselves like frogs in a well.

This feeling is really bad, and they desperately hope to transfer to the scientists who are in charge of the research first.

Take out more powerful weapons as soon as possible, but the reality again and again hit them black and blue.

Stark has always been able to develop all kinds of weird things, effective and manageable.

In comparison, those scientists at home are really good enough.

But if you think about it carefully compared with that kind of pervert, even if you fail, it is no big deal. After all, if you can really surpass Tony Stark, then Tony Stark will not develop to the point where he is now.


The British commander looked at the report that came in, and the soldier said with a cold face: "Say!"

"Encountered a frontal raid, the quality of the Zerg formation is very high. At present, it is unstoppable. It is estimated that they will be able to enter our place in half an hour."

Mark raised his head slightly in surprise and looked at the reporter who reported.

Before Mark could speak, the British commander had already scolded: "I'm probably talking alarmist here, so I'll drag you out and kill you!"


"Komnene, are you going to continue to idle around here? The front of the army can no longer withstand the enemy's attack."

"Of course I know, but it's not the time yet. What you see is an unstoppable army, and what I see is the final battle. Why did you start attacking us so crazy? Instead of continuing to choose guerrilla tactics? This It means that the offensive from the east has increased, and the pressure on the east is too great, we must deal with us in the west, so that we can deploy more troops to deal with the people in the east."

"Keep dragging! You can retreat backwards, but try to stick to them as much as possible. Hold back their vitality and create opportunities for the people in the east."

"You are betting our lives!"

"It's been like this since ancient times. You love you now, and there are people in the east who love them the same. If you don't take advantage of this opportunity, you won't have the chance. Think about your current position. , Think about your current opportunities, at your age, after this battle is over, what chance do you have for promotion?"

Mark's words, like the whispers of the devil, successfully seduced the British commander.

This is what we Mark said, one will be the same.

For his own future, for his own future, he made his own choice.

Mark said nothing, patted him on the shoulder and left straight away.

(End of this chapter)

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